Monday, September 30, 2019
Business books have changed Essay
One of the more concrete evidences that businesses have changed is the way business books were written. Authors of books update themselves on current business trends, and often include new knowledge that can help the businessmen improve their craft and industries. The latest addition to business books by the turn of the 20th century is the wide discussion of technology and technological innovations. This aimed at educating then-businessmen about the digital revolution who, chances are, have not been formally trained yet on the new innovations. (Craiger JP 2006). This change in business books directly affects the way in which business people served their workplaces. They were refreshed and fed with new information that helped them go a step higher into their management. In turn, they helped move up the companies which they serve. The generation of new information enforced an equally new generation of managers, employees, and business movers that changed the face of businesses. Cost-efficiency paved the way for technology Another change in organizations brought about by technology is in the financial aspect. Businesses started to adopt newer technology and bought sophisticated machines because it lowered production costs. Computers, for one, are so effective and efficient that it allowed computation, clerical work, bookkeeping, and other functions to be done by one personâ€â€the computer operatorâ€â€which proved to be more cost-effective rather than hiring three or more persons to manually do the work separately. (Craiger JP 2006) This is true even if in fact computers, when the digital revolution is just starting, costs thousands or even hundreds of thousands for companies to invest on. Companies were thinking long-term. Comparisons between paying different people for different jobs or paying one person to operate a machine which can do different jobs proved that the latter will benefit the organizations more. Despite the high costs the promise of productivity, accuracy, and efficiency was too hard for capitalists to resist, plus the fact that the use of technology brings prestige to the company. Thus, technology and business became an inseparable pair. More sensitivity to customers Different organizations receive and use technology differently. For news organizations such as the CNN, technology is widely of the essence than anything else. But the use of technology in CNN is not a corporate decision alone. As successful media outfits would say, it is still consumer-dependent after all. Because consumers want to get services conveniently, in a way that is readily accessible to them, organizations like CNN subscribe to technological innovations that answer these consumer calls. There is the technology of television, radio, print materials, internet, and even podcasting. These embrace to technology for an industry as old as news is not surprising. The news world, just like any other organizations, is growing more competitive, and companies will need to leverage on these new forms of getting in touch and connecting with the customers, or they will simply lose them. (D’Agostino D, 2006) The interactivity of organizations also gave convenience to customers, and allowed companies to get to know their clients more. Feedback has never been easier. Today, a company can give a telephone number, a toll-free number, an email address, or a fax number to encourage customers to tell them what they think about their product or service. More so, companies can accept orders for their products or inquiries for their services through these innovations as well. The convenience that this brought about is far from the snail-mail feedback system that companies used to have in the pre-digital revolution era. This shows one character change in organizations. Today, companies are more sensitive to the needs and wants of consumers than ever before. With the fast pace in which customers are keeping up with technology, businesses are also on the run to match the speed and not be left behind. In turn, technology also helped company respond to consumer needs and wants more easily. If customers wanted the convenience of getting news from their palm pilots RSS is right at their service. Similarly, when they want information from a product, service, or company without leaving the house, an internet connection is all they need; and when an organization can deliver to this convenience issue they can assure themselves that they are on the right track. Convenience through connectivity Technology is not only for the profit organizations. Even charitable organizations are being benefited by the advent of modern tools and know-how, albeit in simpler ways than their bigger counterparts. Computers and other simple technology allowed charitable institutions to monitor donors, donations, receipt issuances, and find support communities and common causes because of the connectivity that technology brings. (United Press International, 2005) Connectivity also changed the way in which companies and employees communicate. While the isolation of computers and computer operators posed a problem at the onset of technology in companies, the advent of networking allowed for people to get connected and work as teams more easily. Local area networking and internet connectivity allowed for more convenient sharing of information, files, and discussion of projects regardless of their location and time. (Craiger JP 2006) Computer-based trainings also allowed trainers and trainees to undergo sessions without time or geographical constraints. By use of technology in trainings, employees old and new alike are also encouraged subliminally to devote time for learning technological skills to be more productive in their work. (Craiger JP 2006) Another convenience brought about by technology to organizations is the possibility of telecommuting. Thanks to computers and the internet, one can now work from home or from a different location. This also allowed telecommuting employees to go about their other tasks while performing work-related duties, without the time and geographical constraints that normal office work can entail. Work teams One important change that technology brought about is the highlight given on work teams. The connectivity caused by technology allowed employees to exchange and merge ideas, bringing in better ideas that are products of brainstorming. Apart from the benefit it brings to the company, teamwork also encourages goodwill and camaraderie among employees, encouraging them to set themselves into a single goal and work together to achieve this goal for the organization. (Craiger JP 2006) As technology allowed work teams it also allowed for a check and balance in the output of workers. Because employees can give access to their work for others, the time-consuming and money-wasting overlapping and repetitions in jobs done were lessened and even eliminated, saving more resources for employees to devote to other tasks. As an example, in a workplace where there is no technological connectivity one employee-member of a team may have started encoding a document only to find out that another member has already encoded it. This scenario becomes rather unlikely when a company has a structured network where employees can check with files and other employees about work that needs to be done, and those that has already been done. This, in turn, benefited the company more than anything else. The highlight given by technology to the importance of teamwork created a realization for many employees. When on the onset of introducing technology in business the problem was the isolation of the relatively few people who can operate the machines and the isolation of the files in separately stationed machines, networking opened a new frontier where ease of work and interpersonal communication became possible.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
The Return: Nightfall Chapter 37
As she fell, it all rushed through her mind. The first time she had seen Stefan†¦she had been a different person then. Ice-cold outside, manic inside – or was it the other way around? Still numb from the death of her parents so long ago. Jaded by the world and by anything to do with boys†¦A princess in an icy tower†¦with a lust only for conquest, for power†¦until she'd seenhim . Believe. Then the world of the vampires†¦and Damon. And all the wicked wildness she'd found inside herself, all the passion. Stefan was her lynchpin, but Damon was the fiery breath beneath her wings. However far she went, Damon seemed to lure her on just a little farther. And she knew that one day it would be too far†¦for both of them. But for now, all she had to do was simple. Believe. And Meredith, and Bonnie, and Matt. She had changed relations with them, oh, most definitely. At first, not knowing what she had done to deserve friends like these three, she hadn't even bothered to treat them as they deserved. Yet they had all stuck by her. And now shedid know how to appreciate them – knew that if it came to that, she would die for them. Below, Bonnie's eyes had followed her dive. The audience on the widow's walk looked, too, but it was Bonnie's face that she stared into: Bonnie startled and terrified and disbelieving and about to scream and realizing at the same time that no screaming would save Elena from a headlong dive to her death. Bonnie, believe in me. I'll save you. I remember how to fly.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A Comparative Look At Russia And China History Essay
A Comparative Look At Russia And China History Essay Both China and Russia have had very similar beginnings. Both countries have dealt or continue to deal with communism, poverty, unstable governments, and economic troubles. China has the largest population in the world with over 1.3 billion inhabitants; it ranks first in exports and has a GDP of $8.7 trillion. In contrast, Russia is the largest country in the world with a vast majority of resources and a population that is ranked sixth in the world. Because of their similar beginnings and economic potential, it is essential to understand the similarities between these countries and the direction in which they are headed. Some of the problems that plague Russia today date back to Russia’s beginnings. Under an absolute monarch, Russia was predominantly dominated by the Orthodox Church, causing the country to miss out on â€Å"most of the transformations that reshaped Western Europe from the 1500s onward†(Charles Hauss). For Russia, the scientific revolution, the idea of individualism and other innovative trends had little to no impact, leaving a country that was once one of Europe’s great powers into a state of â€Å"backwardness†. During Peter the Great’s reign, a series of attempts to reform the country were implemented through the introduction of western technology and ideas. These reforms did little to improve the country’s situation and in fact, there introduction created a class of elites that till this day control many of Russia’s industries. The set of reforms were disrupted by the Slavophiles who believed that â€Å"Russian traditions were superior to anything in the West†(Charles Hauss). It was not until Russia was defeated by Britain and France in the Crimean War that it truly understood how far it lagged behind other European Powers. After the Crimean War, Alexander II attempted to pass another set of belated reforms which would grant the liberation of serfs, relax censorship, and introduce a c onstitution that would allow five percent of the male population the ability to vote. Unfortunately, the assassination of the tsar left Alexander III in power which put a halt to the reformations. Unlike Russia, the Chinese population is not only more homogenous but also the largest in the world. For many years, China was under imperial rule with an established system of examinations where the imperial bureaucracy was in charge of enforcing the laws and collecting taxes. During the eighteenth century, China’s last imperial dynasty, the Quing Dynasty, began to decline as the production of agriculture was unable to sustain the growing population. Like the Russian Slavophiles, the Manchus viewed â€Å"Chinese traditions as superior†and choose to â€Å"ignore the industrial revolution and the other trends that were transforming the West†(Charles Hauss). After the Chinese defeat by the British during the Opium War, the Europeans took control of the Chinese coast an d implemented the principle of extraterritoriality, â€Å"which meant that their law, not China’s, applied to the activities of the Europeans†(Charles Hauss). The Europeans not only implemented their own laws, but they also brought their merchants and religion. The country that had developed the first centralized state was now under the control of the Europeans and completely humiliated at the lack of authority that they possessed in their own country. Like in Russia it took a war for the Chinese to realize that they needed to embrace modernization. The Chinese viewed Japan as a second-rate power, but because Japan launched successful programs towards modernization, when the two went to war, Japan resulted as the victor. The lack of modernization cost China not only Taiwan and Korea but Japan also gained concessions to China.
Friday, September 27, 2019
GENETIC VARIATION IN B-TYPE NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE PATHWAY AFFECTS BNP LEVEL in the diagnosis of Heart failure - Research Proposal Example To help establish the outcomes, the study will be embedded on extracting DNA samples from 80 patients undergoing elective cardiac catheterization and analyzing with exclusion done on patients with elevated troponin. This will be driven by a detailed data collection including laboratory, standard demographic, catheterization and echocardiographic data. The Genotype will be evaluated at 19 loci on five BNP’s pathway relevant genes (Knowles, Erickson, Guy et al, 2003). To access the incremental influence of the genetic variants, the researcher will employ the Multivariate linear regression of logBNP model adjusted for clinical variables. The proposal will thus try to help properly incorporate the use of NPs to improve the levels of accuracy with respect to decisions made in an emergency setting to curb the missed incidence of diagnostic failures for HF. This will be measured by reduced cases of fatigue, dyspnea, and fluid retention that are all predisposing factors to HF based on cardiac dysfunction hence presenting difficulties in diagnosing HF. The missed incidence are hence strongly correlate to highly significant mortality increases, presenting the need for designing effective diagnostic tools with higher degrees of specification and sensitivity that if employed, can help weed out the increased cases of HF missed diagnose s and particularly, in the busy Heart failure is characterized by its typical but non-specific symptoms like fatigue, dyspnea and fluid retention caused by dysfunction of cardiac which present daunting challenges for diagnosis of HF culminating into increased missed incidence hence higher mortality rates. For this reason, the topic has captured the attention of various researchers to help design effective mechanism and approaches that can be used during diagnosis to detect this catastrophic cardiovascular disease quickly and accurately. For instance, to gauge the potentiality of NPs in augmenting the clinical judgment and/or standard
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Texan Foods Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Texan Foods - Case Study Example Benefits derived from the collaborative sharing of information through the system are numerous. Businesses attain less stock-outs, more accurate and better forecasts, more powerful visibility of stocks, increased sales, a lower on-hand inventory, and a decrease in the costs of goods sold. The above mentioned benefits motivated the employees of Texan Foods and Valley Backers to aid a hand to ensure the success of the pivot study conducted. Despite the increase in the sales of some of the commodities offered by Texan Foods, there were various problems that needed to be addressed. The forecasts had been out-spaced by the inventory holdings of some category of stock such as backed goods. Moreover, the supply metrics for these commodities did not meet their mark. In addition to these, there was an unexpected rise in the stock-outs at the Distribution Centers from 5% to 7%. The percentage was steadily rising to 10%. Valley Backers, one of the suppliers was also expressing their concerns regarding the inconsistencies in the stock orders. The implementation of the system faced very many challenges. Preliminary agreements between the firm and Valley Backers were drafted. The type of product to be piloted and the level of collaboration required were agreed upon. However, both companies had different expectations on the methodology of carrying out the pilot study. We wanted to start at a slow rate, sharing only a small range of data on pricing and sales, while Valley Backers wanted complete access to all the databases including competitors’ products and pricing data. We did not agree on the number of products to be tested and the duration of the pilot study. Moreover, employees who had shown much enthusiasm for the system lost their morale as the time elapsed. However, some employees who were hesitant at the beginning became more willing to take up the task and assist in its
Challenges of Mid-level Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Challenges of Mid-level Management - Essay Example All decisions made by administrators must be weighed carefully. This is to provide a lasting positive impact on the organization’s revenue, its staff, and patients. This is a tough duty, but one that must be carried to completion, without fail (Wheatley, 2006). One of the core issues that affect health care administrators is the conflict of interest. Here, administrators are brought or weighed down by the fact that; their relationship with financial institutions may force them to make decisions that do not cater to their patients’ desires and wants (Ransom, Maulik & Nash, 2005). This is often seen with the insurance policies that cover patients once they are in for severe cases that warrant medical attention. It is also a common occurrence to see physicians and professional doctors getting into pacts with these financial institutions, which coerce them into getting capital for their institution through patients (Wheatley, 2006). This is sometimes seen through continuous tests and procedures that are unnecessary, and prove costly to the individuals involved. It is up to the healthcare administrators to restrain and warn physicians from entering into pacts with these financial institutions. This is with a rise in the ethical dilemmas the administration is being put through and the challenge that faces mid-level management in the healthcare field, in the 21st century. Another frightening task that comes up is the need to provide appropriate medical care, over the cost of management.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Movie Review Example The movie, which has a historical setting notably the Second World War, shares the same ideology as the events that took place between 1942 and 1943 when constructing Burma Railway. In the movie, British prisoners set out to serve their sentence at a camp that was controlled by Japanese soldiers. Upon arrival, however, the commander in charge of the camp brings to their attention that all the prisoners are to take part in the construction of the bridge along river Kwai. The Colonel in charge of the British soldiers however does not support this ideology. Colonel Nicholson holds the opinion that the Geneva Convention prohibits his team of British prisoners from taking part in such activities and orders his team not to take part in such activities. The ideological differences held by the leaders of the two camps leads to a lot of rivalry within the camp, with both the British prisoners and Nicholson their Lieutenant being punished by Commander Shears. Nicholson is locked up while his troops are forced to withstand the strong heat brought about by the prevailing harsh weather conditions. In a sudden change of events . Nevertheless, Commander Shears pardons Nicholson. Motivated by the spirit of getting it right, Lieutenant Nicholson orders his troops to restart the construction of the bridge along river Kwai as portion of the work that had been done is not worth. Soon after the construction work has been completed, the Major Warden and Lieutenant Joyce plot a ploy to destroy the bridge. To help them in accomplishing their task they plot explosives and several wires under the bridge. Luck does not however go their way as the water levels reduce exposing the explosives under the bridge. Lieutenant Nicholson and Colonel Saito join hands, and amidst the prevailing circumstances, they manage to prevent Lieutenant Joyce from reaching the explosives. While going through the movie,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Term Enlightenment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
The Term Enlightenment - Essay Example Spiritual enlightenment is a very thorough process in which a human being’s soul is uplifted towards the divine light and thus brightening his whole personality. Thus it can be said that spiritual enlightenment is the ultimate end of human life and need the deeper awakening of the spirit or the soul. The enlightenment process occurred in the writing â€Å"The library card†is essentially different from that which Plato has described. Plato in his writing is talking about the spiritual enlightenment which leads to salvation. It is about a divine awakening in a person which changes his perception and view of the whole world and himself. When the idea of a human being change due to the enhancement of his knowledge cannot be completely categorized as spiritual enlightenment rather it is just a revolution in his thoughts and outlook about him and the world.The author of the essay explains the way in which he had an opportunity to experience the sense of awakening with the he lp of different books and novel.He is a black man had very little knowledge about the real living style and thoughts of white men. He lived in a time when blacks were oppressed and considered nothing more than slaves. Nevertheless, he had a hidden passion for reading but found no access to books due to the situation he was living in. Even then he managed to get access to books and this was a turning point in his life. He had the chance of reading the predicaments of a white revolutionist who denounced the western customs and practices.He also became aware of certain names he never knew before which the book mentioned. Slowly he was progressing towards more of reading which was changing his attitude and perception towards the white dominant society. He has been gaining enlightenment with the assistance of the books and novels he was reading.
Monday, September 23, 2019
New Market Expansion Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
New Market Expansion - Term Paper Example The company holds approximately 40,000 acres of rare-earth elements in various parts of the U.S including Colorado and Montana. The rare-earth minerals have been an important resource used in most advanced technologies, particularly clean-energy technology such as that used in energy-efficient cars as well as hi-tech products such as mobile phones, hard disk drives, digital music devices as well as the telecommunication sector including fiber-optic technology (U.S. Rare Earths, Inc., 2013). Additionally, these minerals have been used as in water purification treatments as well as radar devices and global navigation (U.S. Rare Earths, Inc., 2013). Therefore, this industry is highly valuable in terms of the usage of these minerals, and therefore, is highly rewarding as well. As noted by researchers, China is currently the single source that is enriched with these minerals and supplies 90% of the world’s supply of rare earths (Bloomberg News, 2013). As per China’s policy, exports of rare earths have been decreased with government plans to hoard up critical minerals. The Government of China seems to be taking active interest in this booming industry with the intention of developing particular types of â€Å"permanent magnets (Zhang, 2011)†. ... On the other hand, China’s recent move to cut exports critical to Western technologies seems to signal the government’s intention to give priority to the locals. This could threaten our ability to secure contract with the Chinese firm Xinhua which has been established for over 15 years in the field. Nevertheless, this industry provides the opportunity for lucrative profits as international prices of rare earth minerals are expected to rise (Market Watch: The Wall Street Journal, 2013). These prices are expected to increase for another two years or so. This demonstrates strong economic activity boosted by technological advancements and industrial demand. Owing to the critical political significance of this sector, the Chinese government is taking active interest in this industry by dictating policies for the exploitation of these rare minerals. The mounting political significance of this sector has led the government to maintain a great deal of ‘secrecy’ reg arding recent developments in this sector and, therefore, gaining the trust of the government as well as Xinhua will be a challenge. Despite various challenges, there is strong basis for entering into the Chinese market. In light of this, a joint venture arrangement shall be held with a local Chinese Rare Earth firm Xinhua. Considering that the company is dominantly Western in nature, this expansion shall mark a dramatic cultural shift in terms of the work practices and management style. For this purpose, it is useful to analyze the Chinese culture using the â€Å"high context†and â€Å"low context†classification. High context cultures have been typically defined as those whereby individuals use non-verbal
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Development of Management Essay Example for Free
The Development of Management Essay Q.1 (a) What are the functions of management? In your opinion which function is more important and why? Management has been described as a social process involving responsibility for economical and effective planning regulation of operation of an enterprise in the fulfillment of given purposes. It is a dynamic process consisting of various elements and activities. These activities are different from operative functions like marketing, finance, purchase etc. Rather these activities are common to each and every manger irrespective of his level or status. Planning It is the basic function of management. It deals with chalking out a future course of action deciding in advance the most appropriate course of actions for achievement of pre-determined goals. According to KOONTZ, â€Å"Planning is deciding in advance what to do, when to do how to do. It bridges the gap from where we are where we want to be†. A plan is a future course of actions. It is an exercise in problem solving decision making. Planning is determination of courses of action to achieve desired goals. Thus, planning is a systematic thinking about ways means for accomplishment of pre-determined goals. Planning is necessary to ensure proper utilization of human non-human resources. It is all pervasive, it is an intellectual activity and it also helps in avoiding confusion, uncertainties, risks, wastages etc. Organizing It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and developing productive relationship amongst them for achievement of organizational goals. According to Henry Fayol, â€Å"To organize a business is to provide it with everything useful or its functioning i.e. raw material, tools, capital and personnel’s†. To organize a business involves determining providing human and non-human resources to the organizational structure. Staffing It is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it manned. Staffing has assumed greater importance in the recent years due to advancement of technology, increase in size of business, complexity of human behavior etc. The main purpose o staffing is to put right man on right job i.e. square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round holes. According to Kootz O’Donell, â€Å"Managerial function of staffing involves manning the organization structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal development of personnel to fill the roles designed un the structure†. Directing It is that part of managerial function which actuates the organizational methods to work efficiently for achievement of organizational purposes. It is considered life-spark of the enterprise which sets it in motion the action of people because planning, organizing and staffing are the mere preparations for doing the work. Direction is that inert-personnel aspect of management which deals directly with influencing, guiding, supervising, motivating sub-ordinate for the achievement of organizational goals. Controlling It implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction of deviation if any to ensure achievement of organizational goals. The purpose of controlling is to ensure that everything occurs in conformities with the standards. An efficient system of control helps to predict deviations before they actually occur. According to Theo Haimann, â€Å"Controlling is the process of checking whether or not proper progress is being made towards the objectives and goals and acting if necessary, to correct any deviation†. According to Koontz O’Donell â€Å"Controlling is the measurement correction of performance activities of subordinates in order to make sure that the enterprise objectives and plans desired to obtain them as being accomplished. Planning is more important because, The first function of the Manager is planning. It is also the foremost and the essential function. Planning equips the Manager mentally to meet his tasks. To plan for the organization the Manager should first understand the culture and creed of the Organization, what it stands for what are its objectives. The Manager should study the resources available within the organization, as also the strength and weakness of the Organization. n the next phase the Manager should perceive the environment outside the organization and assess correctly the opportunities it provides and the challenges it poses. Planning involves selecting missions and objectives and the actions to achieve them. It also consists of policies, procedures, methods, budgets, strategy and programmes that are needed to achieve the goals set. Decision-making is the most important and integral part of planning
Friday, September 20, 2019
Examining The Crimes Of The Powerful Offenders Criminology Essay
Examining The Crimes Of The Powerful Offenders Criminology Essay Corporate crimes have 3 problems according to Muncie and McLaughlin, there is the problem of definition where if crime would to expand to cover corporate offences then the definition of crime itself could be totally different, Sunderland researched this by committing false advertising and food adulteration which were not covered by law at the time, he argued that they were just as serious as other crimes but was attacked by criminologists for researching acts which were not or should be crimes. secondly there is problem of social context which asks what is the relationship between white collar crimes and market forces/profit motive, and lastly is the problem of regulation which asks if corporate crime could be controlled by informal mechanisms or be enforced by criminal sanctions, many offences are not controlled by the police and instead of being punished the offender/offenders will be either forced to comply with regulations or be put in an educational program for advice, prosecution is a last resort, as Hazel Croall [3] points out A different language surrounds these regulatory offences (e.g.) regulation rather than policing, wrongdoing rather than crime and sanctions rather than punishment. The main problem of white collar crime is that although some involve what would be called typical crimes such as fraud and insider dealing, corporate crime can include breaches of health and safety which can endanger human lives, in this aspect; corporate entrepreneurs may be s ued for damages and subjected to various financial sanctions (and) are unlikely to face criminal prosecutions no matter how serious the consequences of their actions [4] This why white collar crime is on the margins of criminological inquiry, because most of the time they never actually break the law, the crime itself is almost always classed as an accident Even though Corporate crimes are more dangerous, expensive and violent than regular crimes i.e. theft, assault, murders etc. According to William J Chambliss in his book Power, Politics and Crime written in 2001, the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S Congress estimated that $4 Billion was lost from street crimes while $200 billion was lost by corporate crime, 50 times more, although there is huge uncertainty in to white collar crime, the extent of the crimes have to be estimated, Levi [5] estimated in 1985 that fraud alone was worth  £2,133 million Another reason for corporate crime being in the margins is the separation of ownership of the company especially with a large amount of shareholders, it is almost impossible for one person to take control of a business dealings, with different levels of hierarchy, departments and regulating bodies, this can tempt corrupt executives to commit crime by offering big rewards with very little risk: large corporate crime i.e. crimes by large companies which effects many can affect many people such as employers, consumers, the environment etc., large scale criminal corporations I.e. fraud, money laundering etc., small scale criminal firms i.e. pretty crimes by small business such as dealers and tradesmen, occupational crime I.e. an employer committing crime, the important the employee the bigger the crime and finally other white collar crime which is individuals committing crime outside of the work place such as tax evasion. However as Croall points out, the attention seems to be on the off enders rather than the crime they commit, she asks How can the rather vague terms high status and respectable by defined and operationalized?are only some to be counted as white collar offenders?. These types of crimes have many characteristics: Offences are invisible, they are very hard to detect, this also makes them hard to be prosecuted , offenders are often legitimately present at the scene of the crime and mostly the victims are slow to realise wrongdoing has been caused, the crimes are carried out under the cover of a legitimate company; the crimes are very technical and complicated, many offenders may be involved and it is very hard to pinpoint who caused the offence; a diffusion of responsibility (in a large group, responsibility is not assigned) is rife in these cases, employees can blame employers for not preventing incidents and not setting regulations while the employers cab blame the employees for ignoring instructions etc.; also, victimisation can be diffused, in some cases there is no relationship between the offender and the victim i.e. an employers failure to check the safety of the safety of apparatus and causes and injury. All these categories result in the ambiguous criminal status [6] of white collar crimes. There are many problems in researching white collar crime, as Edwin Sunderland found out first hand, he could not publish the names of the companies in his studies in fear of being prosecuted himself for libel, there is the argument for this reason, it cannot be defined as crime seeing as criminologists cannot research it properly and efficiently. Statistics are very hard to find, seeing as most go undetected and do not fit legal offences, also victim surveys are almost non existent. As Croall points out, because there are so many offences hidden, it is very hard to get a sample of offenders for research, a large knowledge of the market and legal terms, the easiest way to conduct research is through individual case studies, investigative journalism, court observation and reports, cases reported in the mass media and interviews with enforcers. All the above is a huge contributing factor in why the crimes of the powerful are in the margins of criminological inquiry, if a criminologist cannot conduct and valid, reliable study then these types of crimes will always stay outside of criminological inquiry. However, as mentioned earlier, white collar crime is very diverse, and is, in many cases, extremely destructive and serious and should be in the centre of criminological inquiry. To begin with is offences against employees by employers, according to Muncie and McLaughlin, many employers will breach health and safety regulations for the employees just to meet deadlines and increase profits, 400 people a year in Britain die as a result of and accident in the workplace, in 1992 alone 28,000 people suffered serious accidents and 140,000 suffered minor ones. According to Croall two-thirds of fatal accidents involved some management violation of the Health and Safety at Work Act and three quarters were blamed on management, yet less than 40 per cent of workplace deaths resulted in prosecution This is a heft amount of deaths, and with such little amount of prosecutions, it does seems that business; can get away with wrongdoings. The main example for this is a string of disasters on oil rigs , in 1965 13 people died on the Sea Gem rig, followed by the Alexander Kielland rig which killed 123, yet lessons were never learnt from these and in 1988 168 people died aboard the Piper Alpha oil rig which was owned by Occidental Oil. It was put down to failure of safety regulations and their enforcement In November 1990 Lord Cullens criticised the safety features, after a civil action over insurance payments in 1997 two workers who had died were found to be negligent. Next is offences against consumers, these can range from fraudulent advertising to inferior design of products and defying regulations surrounding the products. The main example of this is the Zeebrugge disasters in 1987 involving the capsize of the ferry Herald of Free Enterprise which killed 154 passengers and 38 crew members. The owners P O Ferries international were blamed for not applying a safe operating system and for letting a deckhand fall asleep on the job. The families of those who suffered pressed the Director of Public Prosecutions to charge them with corporate manslaughter but it never happened. An investigation found that it was the companies fault for not giving clear instructions about safety procedures. After a second disaster involving the Estonia which killed 850 people, new safety measures were brought in 1997. New safety measures were finally brought into effect in 1999 following a second ferry disaster. The Estonia sank in 1994 with the loss of 850 lives. Offences against the public is a very serious category, with the huge rise in industrial development such as the use of coal, gas, oil and nuclear power, the risk of damage to the public and the environment has increased. The main example of this is the Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal in 1984 where a huge gas leak in a chemical plant let to approximately 15,000 deaths although the government claim 3,787 deaths, this is considered to be the worst industrial disaster in the world and possibly the worst corporate crime to date. The company who owned it, Union Carbide, were blamed for poor design of the plant, its placement near a shanty town housing thousands of people, its faulty safety devices and its awful condition generally. Pearce and Tombs conclude that Union Carbide created or allowed to develop the conditions whereby and accident was possibleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (The company) had not taken the steps necessary to migrate the effects of the accident to this day thousands of families have not received compensation, in 1991, the Indian government charged the CEO of union Carbide Warren Anderson with manslaughter. He never faced trial and evaded an international arrest warrant while Union Carbide was charged with homicide, yet these charges never followed through. Another type of corporate crime is offences against other firms where one company will try to sabotage another company to maximise profits, and example of this is the case of Guinness takeover of Distillers in 1986. Guinness bid was contested by a bid from the Argyll group, to strengthen its bid, Guinness spent  £25 million on letting friends and associates by its own shares to increase its share price, they also bought a huge share in Distillers at an inflated price which it could honour its shareholders. The chief executive at the time Ernest Saunders and two other associates where found in breach of the Stock Exchange regulations and of criminal law and were prosecuted. Finally are offences against the state, this can include corporate tax invasion or bribery. An example is a scandal that the surrounded the sales of engineering equipment from the British company Matrix Churchill to Iraq that could have been used by Britain just before the Gulf war in 1990. Ministers secretly encouraged them to do so while they used official secrecy regulations to avoid being punished. These are all relevant examples to why criminology should focus more on white collar crime as a real crime, the examples given are huge crimes on a wide scale, they cannot compare to a petty theft at a newsagent, but there are worse cases, some companies main objective will be for crime, such as fraud, using the company as a disguise. The main example of this so-called mega fraud is the case of The Bank of Credit and Commerce international (BCCI) which was closed down in 1991 with  £10 billion worth of debts and 300,000 creditors world wide. The bank itself had very close links to Abu Dhabi. The bank would use the money deposited to estimate the stock markets and make loans to people, often fake, who lacked collateral to back them, and the losses were then concealed by taking out fake loans and raised $600 million. According to the media they were involved with tales of drug-money laundering, bankrolling of Middle East terrorists, underwriting of Saddam Husseins quest for a nuclear bomb, etc. Yet there is such thing as petty frauds, which can occur outside the work place and outside the big corporations, this can include the sale of defective goods and providing unsatisfactory services e.g. illegal street traders selling counterfeit DVDs. Another is occupational crime where an individual takes advantage of his/her position as an employer, the greater the responsibility borne by any particular employee, particularly in handling the money, the greater the scope of negligence or criminality (McLaughlin and Muncie 1996; 240). Finally is middle class crime where crime is committed outside of employment, notably tax evasion or insurance fraud conclusion, the main reason that white collar crime is on the margins of criminological inquiry is because society does not expect powerful respectable people to criminals, even though it occurs frequently the fact that it is so undetectable can make it hard for criminologists to even class it as a crime. The main reason this occurs is because of market forces and the desire for profit, something that does not affect average criminals. The difficulty of differentiating between the pursuit of legitimate commercial advantage and rule-breaking profiteering goes some way towards explaining the differential response of the authorities and public opinion towards white-collar and ordinary crime (McLaughlin and Muncie 1996;262) added to the trouble in regulating the crime and its inclination to use sanctions rather than punishment, white collar crime at present cannot be central in criminological inquiry, perhaps in the future the justice system will realise this, most probably after a big disaster has occurred.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
How to take a picture. :: essays research papers
     In this report I will tell you how to take a good picture. The things you will need are a camera, a tripod, a light meter, a remote shutter control, computer, printer, printer paper, digital level and a good location.      The first thing you will need to do is decide what you want to take a picture of. Take your camera, tripod, light meter, remote shutter control, and digital level with you.           The second thing you will need to do it set your camera up on your tripod. To do this you will need to take your camera and find the hole on the bottom. Next set the camera on the tripod. There should be a bolt on the tripod. Screw the bolt into the camera.      Once you have that done you will need to set up the tripods legs. You will need your Digital Level for this. Extend the tripod legs, and use your Digital Level to get your camera nice and level.      Now that your camera is level you need to set up your remote shutter control. To do this, attach it to you camera’s shutter button. This will allow you to take a picture without bumping the camera.      Next you want to use your light meter to see what you want your aperture to be at. It depends on what your light is. If it’s really bright out, like if you were taking a picture of a sunset, you want a small aperture. But if it’s at night you want a big aperture.      Next decide the shutter speed. You can have many different effects based on how you set your shutter speed and aperture.      Now you can take you picture. What you want to do is focus on the object you are taking a picture of. This is very important to do RIGHT. If you don’t, your picture will come out blurry. So take your time while doing this.      The next step is to connect you camera to your computer. All you have to do is plug your USB cable into the camera. Once you’ve done that, a little window should pop up and ask you what you want to do. You should click on the button that says. â€Å"Download Pictures to PC†Once you do that they should download.      The next step is cropping and printing your pictures.
Genetic Screening Essay -- Genetic Engineering Essays
Genetics has provided knowledge that is changing humanity's view of itself and its relation to the rest of the universe. This has brought changes of our current philosophies and religions. For instance, the catholic church has accepted the evolution theory (1). Genetic, cytogenetic and molecular studies show that we are related to every living thing on the planet, including plants, fungi and bacterium (6) An important area in which current genetic knowledge is causing revolution is anthropological science (14). DNA of the human specie carries more or less the same set of DNA, but small variations in the DNA contributes to human variations. So, genomic variations of the human specie are being studied, through analysis of DNA from populations, families, and individuals worldwide. Ancient DNA is used for to do studies of evolution. Many genetic diseases may be detected early Medicine is a very important area in which genetics is a powerful tool. Indeed, a large proportion of human health has a genetic basis. Inherited genetic diseases are caused by abnormal forms of a single or a group of genes that are passed on from one generation to the next. Some single genes responsible for inherited genetic diseases, such as the ones responsible for familial Alzheimer's disease, familial breast cancer and cystic fibrosis (6) are being isolated and characterized at molecular level. More complex human hereditary disorders, those which are caused by the interaction of several genes, also interacting with the environment, such as heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, various forms of cancer and infections, are also being investigated using a molecular approach (13). HGP and HGDP a great international effort Many countries are... ...Human Evolution. Science, 272: 1363 The Genetic Confidentiality and Nondiscrimination Act of 1996 (Summary). Obtained from the WWW: Tranoy, K. E. Ethical Principles in Public Health Care in Scandanavia: With a remark about relativism and the cultural foundations of health care ethics. Obtained from the WWW: UNESCO Revised Outline of a Declaration on the Human Genome and its Protection in Relation to Human Dignity and Human Rights. Obtained from the WWW: Declan Buter, 1996, French Scientis rally against racist claim. Obtained from Nature in WWW: ELSI Working Group Responds to The Bell Curve. Obtained from WWW: Genetic Screening Essay -- Genetic Engineering Essays Genetics has provided knowledge that is changing humanity's view of itself and its relation to the rest of the universe. This has brought changes of our current philosophies and religions. For instance, the catholic church has accepted the evolution theory (1). Genetic, cytogenetic and molecular studies show that we are related to every living thing on the planet, including plants, fungi and bacterium (6) An important area in which current genetic knowledge is causing revolution is anthropological science (14). DNA of the human specie carries more or less the same set of DNA, but small variations in the DNA contributes to human variations. So, genomic variations of the human specie are being studied, through analysis of DNA from populations, families, and individuals worldwide. Ancient DNA is used for to do studies of evolution. Many genetic diseases may be detected early Medicine is a very important area in which genetics is a powerful tool. Indeed, a large proportion of human health has a genetic basis. Inherited genetic diseases are caused by abnormal forms of a single or a group of genes that are passed on from one generation to the next. Some single genes responsible for inherited genetic diseases, such as the ones responsible for familial Alzheimer's disease, familial breast cancer and cystic fibrosis (6) are being isolated and characterized at molecular level. More complex human hereditary disorders, those which are caused by the interaction of several genes, also interacting with the environment, such as heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, various forms of cancer and infections, are also being investigated using a molecular approach (13). HGP and HGDP a great international effort Many countries are... ...Human Evolution. Science, 272: 1363 The Genetic Confidentiality and Nondiscrimination Act of 1996 (Summary). Obtained from the WWW: Tranoy, K. E. Ethical Principles in Public Health Care in Scandanavia: With a remark about relativism and the cultural foundations of health care ethics. Obtained from the WWW: UNESCO Revised Outline of a Declaration on the Human Genome and its Protection in Relation to Human Dignity and Human Rights. Obtained from the WWW: Declan Buter, 1996, French Scientis rally against racist claim. Obtained from Nature in WWW: ELSI Working Group Responds to The Bell Curve. Obtained from WWW:
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Deconstruction of Thank You, Ma’am :: Thank You, Ma’am
Deconstruction of Thank You, Ma’am  There are a million acts of kindness each day. Some young man gives a stranger a compliment, or a teacher brightens a students morning. But, in the world we live in today, these acts are rare to come by. In this short story Thank You, Ma’am, the boy, out of mysterious luck, gets taken in by the woman whom he was trying to steal a purse from. Her actions, following the incident towards the boy, may have seemed very kind and understanding, but the boy needs a more solid way of punishment. He requires discipline that will show him that as complicated as life is, there will not always be someone for you to lean and depend on.    The first and most foremost thing that would come to mind when reading this story is how caring Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones was, that she took in the boy and nurtured him; she tried to teach him between right and wrong. She gave him food, a nice conversation, and even a chance of escape, which he chose not to take, but these methods are still an immoral way of handling the situation. If a boy were to come up to an everyday woman on the streets, that victim would not be as sensitive as Mrs. Jones was to the boy she caught. To teach a young man that if you steal and you are going to get special treatment is not an effective method of punishment.    First of all, the boy told Mrs. Jones that he tried to steal her purse for one reason, to buy blue suede shoes for himself. She then replies, â€Å"Well you didn’t have to snatch my pocketbook to get some blue suede shoes... You could have just asked me.† There are many faulty choices of judgments made in this comment, mainly because the outcome of the situation would almost never happen in the real world. The boy will now, after being told he should just ask for the shoes, believe that anything he ever wants will come to his possession if would just ask. To â€Å"trick†a child into being convinced that if you just ask a woman for money or anything that she will give it to you is morally wrong, and it is not fair for the boy to go through life having and accepting this state of mind.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Perfect Competition
Perfect Competition In economic theory, perfect competition describes markets such that no participants are large enough to have the market power to set the price of a homogeneous product. Because the conditions for perfect competition are strict, there are few if any perfectly competitive markets. Still, buyers and sellers in some auction-type markets, say for commodities or some financial assets, may approximate the concept. Perfect competition serves as a benchmark against which to measure real-life and imperfectly competitive markets.Generally, a perfectly competitive market exists when every participant is a â€Å"price taker†, and no participant influences the price of the product it buys or sells. Specific characteristics may include: * Infinite buyers and sellers – An infinite number of consumers with the willingness and ability to buy the product at a certain price, and infinite producers with the willingness and ability to supp ly the product at a certain price. * Zero entry and exit barriers – A lack of entry and exit barriers makes it extremely easy to enter or exit a perfectly competitive market. Perfect factor mobility – In the long run factors of production are perfectly mobile, allowing free long term adjustments to changing market conditions. * Perfect information – All consumers and producers are assumed to have perfect knowledge of price, utility, quality and production methods of products. * Zero transaction costs – Buyers and sellers do not incur costs in making an exchange of goods in a perfectly competitive market. * Profit maximization – Firms are assumed to sell where marginal costs meet marginal revenue, where the most profit is generated. Homogenous products – The qualities and characteristics of a market good or service do not vary between different suppliers. * Non-increasing returns to scale – The lack of increa sing returns to scale (or economies of scale) ensures that there will always be a sufficient number of firms in the industry. * Property rights – Well defined property rights determine what may be sold, as well as what rights are conferred on the buyer. In the short run, perfectly-competitive markets are not productively efficient as output will not occur where marginal cost is equal to average cost (MC=AC).They are allocatively efficient, as output will always occur where marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue(MC=MR). In the long run, perfectly competitive markets are both allocatively and productively efficient. In perfect competition, any profit-maximizing producer faces a market price equal to its marginal cost (P=MC). This implies that a factor's price equals the factor's marginal revenue product. It allows for derivation of the supply curve on which the neoclassical approach is based. This is also the reason why â€Å"a monopoly doe s not have a supply curve†.The abandonment of price taking creates considerable difficulties for the demonstration of a general equilibrium except under other, very specific conditions such as that of monopolistic competition. By definition a perfectly competitive market is one in which no single firm has to influence either the equilibrium price of the market or the the total quantity supplied in the market. Thus, a firm operating in a competitive market has no incentive to supply at a price lower than market equilibrium price, as it can sell all it wants to supply at equilibrium.At the same time, the firm cannot sell at price higher than the market price, because it will be able find no buyers at that price, and its sales volume will drop down to zero. Thus, a firm operating in perfectly competitive market has to accept whatever is the market equilibrium price, and therefore it is called a price taker. In contrast, a monopoly firm is the only supplier in the market and there fore has full control over the market prices and total market supplies.Therefore, a firm operating in a monopoly market fixes its price in such a way that for the quantity demanded by customers at that market price the marginal revenue of the firm is equal to its marginal costs. In this way way it decides the market price as well as the total quantity if a commodity supplied in the market, and therefore it is called a price maker. Imperfect Competition In economic theory, imperfect competition is the competitive situation in any market where the sellers in the market sell different/dissimilar of goods, (haterogenous) that does not meet the conditions of perfect competition.Forms of imperfect competition include: * Monopoly, in which there is only one seller of a good. * Oligopoly, in which there are few sellers of a good. * Monopolistic competition, in which there are many sellers producing highly differentiated goods. * Monopsony, in which there is only one buyer of a good . * Oligopsony, in which there are few buyers of a good. * Information asymmetry when one competitor has the advantage of more or better information. There may also be imperfect competition due to a time lag in a market. An example is the â€Å"jobless recovery†.There are many growth opportunities available after a recession, but it takes time for employers to react, leading to high unemployment. High unemployment decreases wages, which makes hiring more attractive, but it takes time for new jobs to be created. A type of market that does not operate under the rigid rules of perfect competition. Perfect competition implies an industry or market in which no one supplier can influence prices, barriers to entry and exit are small, all suppliers offer the same goods, there are a large number of suppliers and buyers, and information on pricing and process is readily available.Forms of imperfect competition include monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, monopson y and oligopsony. Pure Competition Pure Competition is a market situation where there is a large number of independent sellers offering identical products. Pure competition is a term for an industry where competition isstagnant and relatively non competitive. Companies within the pure competition category have little control of price or distribution of product. Advertising, market research, and product development play a very little role in these companies/industries.A market characterized by a large number of independent sellers of standardized products, free flow of information, and free entry and exit. Each seller is a â€Å"price taker†rather than a â€Å"price maker†. Also sometimes referred to as perfect competition, pure competition is a situation in which the market for a product is populated with so many consumers and producers that no one entity has the ability to influence the price of the product sufficien tly to cause a fluctuation.Within this type of market setting, sellers are considered to be price takers, indicating that they are not in a position to set the price for their products outside a certain range, given the fact that so many other producers are active within the market. At the same time, consumers have little influence over the prices offered by the producers, since there is no singular group of consumers that dominates the demand. In reality, pure competition is more theory than actual fact.While there are rare situations in which a marketplace functions with pure competition for a short period of time, the situation normally shifts as various factors change the stalemate created by a multiplicity of sellers and buyers. This is often due to the somewhat stringent set of factors that must be present in order for the competition to be considered perfect or pure. There are several essential characteristics that define pure competitio n. One has to do with the balance of buyers to sellers.When there is an infinite number of buyers who are willing to purchase the products offered for sale by an infinite number of producers, at a certain price, the opportunity for anyone to take actions that shift the market price is extremely limited. The price remains more or less the same, and the same number of buyers purchase the products from the same range of producers. With pure competition, sellers can easily exit or enter the marketplace, without creating any undue influence on the price. Consumers continue to make purchases at the same rate, even if two companies leave the market and only one new one enters.The collective producers who are still in the market simply continue to produce enough products to meet consumer demand, without a shift in market price. Businesses engaged in a pure competition market usually structure production so that they incur marginal costs at a level where they can earn the most profit. When the product line is homogeneous, this means the products produced are essentially the same as the product line produced by other suppliers in the marketplace. Assuming the costs are in line withmarginal revenue, the business can generate a consistent profit for as long as the condition of pure competition is present in the market.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Persuasive Paper Essay
Toilet paper is a material item that most people use. This paper has a big impact on our society. Not many people pay attention to how they put their paper on they just sort of throw it all together in a matter of seconds. One day I noticed that my paper was harder to get than normal, then I noticed that the beginning of the paper was hanging from the back of the roll instead of laying on it or hanging over the front. This startled me, I did not realize until then that you can put your toilet paper either the front or the back. I said to myself â€Å"This can not be, my paper is all wrong it should not be this way! (I made gestures).†So I have come to decide that having your toilet paper is better in the front of the roll compared to the back. When most people go to sit down on their toilet they expect their paper to be there. Well what if your paper was there and a good full amount was present but when you go to reach for it, it seems a little bit farther away, well this is because your paper may have been placed wrong. Lets think about this in a conservative way. If you have a small child then you will know what I mean, Little kids like to play with toilet paper, some even like to eat it! Well if you have your paper in the front it will make it harder for the child to pull more of the roll from its original state, as opposed to if you had your paper in the back, the kid could pull it so hard, tons of it will roll because of the downward motion, and this may cause the tug to be to powerful and may rip the toilet paper, Then you would not be able to roll the paper back to its original rolling position. Having the paper in the front is also very convenient for easier toilet paper rolling. If the paper was in the back, you have to reach under or around the roll to get your paper, and then pull it in a downward motion, If you pull it straight towards you, it is liable to break! I have asked around to find if anyone likes there paper in the back position, I found out some people do! I asked those people why on earth they could like the paper in the back. They said: †Because if you pull it from the back, you can have a faster speed of rolling paper†I replied, â€Å"But a lot of the time the paper breaks and then you have bits and pieces†he said, †Bits and pieces are not always bad. You can just add them to your handful of toilet paper that you’re going to use.†I just shook my head nicely and thought to myself of an old saying an old man said to me once: †It’s quality not quantity.†In conclusion, I have decided after hearing both sides that having you paper in front is indeed better than in the back. So the next time you are putting your roll of toilet paper on, you just remember that if you have a kid, think about your toilet paper placement. Think about your arm and hand energy when you go to grab a few sheets. Think about the quality of your handful and not the quantity!
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Herbal Products for personal casre Essay
Aromatherapy is complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) technique in which various essential oils (including essences and extracts) derived from plants, flowers, fruits, leaves, herbs, stems, shrubs or trees are utilized to promote healing of the body, mind and the spirit, and to encourage health and well-being of the individual. Aromatic oils have been utilized in healthcare since ancient times by the Egyptian civilization and the Arabs. Modern aromatherapy was given special interest in France. The French found that oils had several anti-septic properties and hence could be utilized to reduce infections. Some of the physicians in France administer essential oils. Certain guidelines mentioned in the ‘aromatogram’ help the physician to decide which essential oil has to be utilized. The patient’s sample of tissues or body fluids is cultured in the laboratory. Different essential oils are added to the growing cultures. The specific essential oil that inhibits growth of the microorganisms is identified and utilized. Essential oils are substances similar to hormones (or chemical messengers) present in the body, that play an important role between cells. It contains about 200 to 3000 different compounds. Studies suggest that they can play a role against cancer, and have other effects such as stimulation (lime), calming (lavender), analgesic (clove), anti-spasmodic and cough suppressant (lavender). On the skin, it seems to have an antiseptic (tea tree), astringent (lemon grass), protectants (sandal wood), stimulant (rose) and cooling (Chamomile) effect. Aromatherapy can be administered in several forms such as skin or external applications (including cosmetic use and applications over the hair), inhalation, and internal consumption. External applications of essential oils involve applying the agents on the skin through baths, massages, friction, compresses, cosmetic use (in the form of creams, masks, compresses, lotions, ointments, etc), hair applications, etc. Such applications help in relaxation, stimulating the skin and make the individual feel more energetic and lively. Several toxic substances and metabolic wastes present on the skin are inactivated and destroyed. It also helps to reduce body aches and reduce swellings. Rarely (5% of the cases), the individual may develop inflammatory disorders of the skin (such as dermatitis), and experience symptoms such as irritation, rashes, pruritis, etc. In such circumstances, the treatment should be discontinued. Internal consumption of essential oils may be required to treat several disorders involving the internal organs (such as the digestive tract). However, some of these oils may damage the liver. Hence, they have to be administered strictly by a physician, and the patient’s condition should be monitored. The essential oil can also be administered utilizing a diffuser or nebulizer (through inhalation). The oils can be utilized to treat several breathing or lung disorders, and to improve mood. The molecules of the essential oils can enter the body through the nose, gain access through the lungs, from where it can diffuse into the bloodstream. It can remain in the blood for 30 minutes to several days. Sprays are also available which provide effect for a short period. Aromatherapy has emerged as a separate branch of science and profession because of the huge benefits. Lavender may increase brain wave functions related with relaxation and stress-release (Balac, 1992). Chronic smokers felt a reduced urge to consume tobacco with aromatherapy (Rose & Behm, 1994). The quality of life in individuals with cancer and anxiety improved after being administered Chamomile (Wilkinson, 1995). Stevenson (1994) demonstrated that heart patients requiring surgery felt better when their feet were being massaged with neroli oil. Post-operative patients had reduced nausea and needed fewer painkillers after inhaling peppermint oil (Tate, 1997). In fact aromatherapy can be utilized to treat several conditions such as infections (such as Herpes Zoster Virus, Herpes Simplex Infections, etc), arthritis, skin disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, sleeplessness, anxiety, distress, anticancer therapy problems, anorexia, body aches, etc. Any individual can learn about aromatherapy by reading books, attending seminars or going to school that train in aromatherapy. The National Association of Holistic Aroma-therapists (NAHA) is setting up standards for giving licenses and administering training. The individual who wants to become an aroma-therapist should have a good knowledge and practice of chemistry, botany, human physiology, etc. The aroma-therapist is responsible for administering treatment sessions on the patients such as massages. During the patient’s first session, he/she will ask the questions to get a detailed outlook of the past and present medical history. According to the patient’s complaint and the diagnosis of the condition, he/she will prepare essential oils using different individual components. The massages are similar to the Swedish and the Sports methods. The aroma-therapist also gives complete details of the procedure to the patient, advices about any precautionary measures to be taken and educates the patient about the benefits and risks of the procedure.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Actual families Essay
The views of actual families and perceived families on inner city family values are different in the sense that reality hits actual families. Our minds can perceive what should be done but if we check reality, poverty is a serious problem that should be dealt with fervor. Teaching family values is the foundation of all solutions to these problems. Why is that so? If children learn family values at home and the parents show them good example in practicing these values, children will most likely emulate the parents (Learning Family, 1999, p. 1). Then there will be no existence of violent crimes since people practice compassion. There will be no extreme poverty since people practice being industrious. All these could be perceived in the mind but can be transformed into reality. Finally, it is not true that inner societies should believe that poverty is part and parcel of the society they belong. Poverty can be eradicated by all means if cooperation of the people concerned can be given. However, there are people who become poor because of the things that they do not have control of. And other people experience poverty because they are too indolent to work hard. The former cause of poverty deserves to be treated as recoverable and can be solved. See more: Beowulf essay essay And there is nothing we can do for people who become poor due to idleness and slothfulness. Thus, family values of industry and integrity must be upheld in both actual and perceived families on inner cities. References Ashman, K. & Hull, G. 1999. Understanding Generalist Practice. USA: Nelson-Hall, Inc. International Herald Tribune. 2008. Global Food Shortage; America’s light still shines; moving too fast. Retrieved September 30, 2008, from http://www. iht. com /articles/2008/03/13/opinion/edlet. php. Learning Family. 1999. Learning Family Values. Retrieved September 30, 2008, from http://www. learningfamily. net/about/values. htm. News 24 Website. 2008 August 25. Poverty, parenting cause crime. Retrieved October 1, 2008, from http://www. news24. com/News24/South_Africa/News/0,,2-7-1442_2382088,00. html. Overpopulation Website. 2008 September 7. Impacts. Retrieved September 30, 2008, from http://www. overpopulation. org/impact. html. Vogel, S. 2008 August 24. Gazette Extra. Does Poverty Equal Crime? Scholars disagree. Retrieved October 1, 2008, from http://gazettextra. com/news/2008/aug/24/does-poverty-crime-scholars-disagree/. Wattenberg, M. , Edwards III, G. & Lineberry, R. 2003. Government of America. USA: Addison- Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc.
Friday, September 13, 2019
English Composition II Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
English Composition II Assignment - Essay Example 2. Adler explains that there are three definitions when it comes to describing a person who owns a book. These persons are described as: The first has all the standard sets and bestsellers -- unread, untouched. (This deluded individual owns woodpulp and ink, not books. ) The second has a great many books, a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. (This person would probably like to make books his own, but is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.) The third has a few books or many -- every one of them dog eared and dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back. (This man owns books.) (â€Å"Active Reading Assignments†82) I would like to consider myself an avid reader in this case because I find myself in agreement with Adler regarding his definition of book owners. I would consider my book owning rights to fall under the third type, that of the dog eared and dilapidated book reader because my collection of books stems all the way from my childhood. The books obvioisly changing color within their pages and little â€Å"ex libris†notes and the like scribbled around it in my hand writing. Normally my notes refers to little things that I want to remember from the book I am reading such as words of wisdom and the like. So yes, I would have to agree with Adler in this case. A true book owner is one who can glean knowledge from the pages he reads and then makes an effort to remember this words or pages in one way or another for future reference. 3. It is my belief that the literacy event that Douglass refers to in his essay is that of his mistress opening his mind to the wonders of reading by teaching him the alphabet. This act of help on the part of his once fair and just mistress allowed him the opportunity to become a literate slave even though she did her best to confine the growth of his mind and his con sciousness about the state of his life within a controllable parameter. 4. The revelation that Douglass has within the essay is that his lot in life was something that was not if his own choosing but rather a situation that was thrust upon him because of the way that his people were stolen from Africa and forced into servitude as slaves to the White Man. It made his hate the White Man for the way they were being treated and made Douglass yearn for a life of freedom and equality with the White Man. His thoughts turned to the abolition of slavery and the what if's in life that he could experience from such a move. 5. Reading Adler's essay helped me better understand that Douglass was not a pretend book owner but rather a true book owner who had â€Å"dogged ears and dilapidated pages†within the books (â€Å"Active Reading†83) that he managed to hide away from his masters and read while he was â€Å"running errands and having lessons with the White children†(â⠂¬Å"Active Reading 89). Douglass took the little opportunities that he had to read and learn as a chance to further his intellect by taking note of certain key words and phrases in the book â€Å"The Orator†, the piece of literary work that helped open up his mind to the plight of the people who were then termed as Negro. He took serious consideration of the discussions being presented and used other resource materials in order to find out the meaning of other key words such as â€Å"abolition†and he took great pains to understand the meaning
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Intercultural managerial communications Term Paper
Intercultural managerial communications - Term Paper Example The study at hand discusses the topic of intercultural managerial communications. In order to elaborate upon the subject, it will include discussions on intercultural myths, how people differ culturally, language and non-verbal sensitivity. It sets out to demonstrate the importance of managers gaining knowledge of various business cultures around the world so they can manage from a global perspective. Without knowing the culture of a place, it would be hard for one to engage in meaningful ventures. Language is a tool for people to communicate their thoughts and non-verbal sensitivity specifically how people decode or perceive the behavior of others, be it with those they have specific relationships with or not. Various cultures have different modes of communication even within their own subculture. It is of utmost importance for business professionals to be sensitive to the different cultures within the regions they operate to successfully communicate in other cultures. Intercultural Managerial Communications The communication in an organization or workplace is described as the conveying of messages with the help of a proper channel and medium to the desired receiver. According to the social constructionist approach, the communication in an organization pertains to the manner in which the use of language establishes various types of social structures, which may include teams, relationships, and networks. Managerial communication also refers to the related aspects of the organizational communication. It is an activity which assists the managers in communicating with the employees as well as amongst each other in the organization. The Managerial Communication facilitates in providing an even flow of information amongst them which directs them towards a mutual goal. Culture Culture is an amassed system of values, rules, norms, experiences and concrete behavior which man adapts from descending generations and aims at passing forward to ascending generations (Nakaya ma and Halualani 2011). In organizations, the word culture reflects on the business practices and the way of doing things. Business professionals have to learn the different business cultures before doing business in various markets so they can minimize the risk of business failure. Obtaining knowledge about different styles of communication, forms of body language, dressing, greetings, negotiation techniques and meeting approaches is vital in gaining successful business relations with like-minded people. Successful leadership engages the subject of intercultural managerial communication through discussing the branches of culture, intercultural myths, how people’s perceptions differ, language, and non-verbal sensitivities. People differ culturally in various ways such as voice pitch, words used, accents and nonverbal communication i.e. body language. In addition, within the cultures, there is a contrast in how people communicate. Certain actions may be acceptable within some cultures and not applicable in others. There are things that one can do in their culture and if they did the same in other cultures, they may be perceived as being undisciplined or offensive. There are also things that one can omit in some cultures and, therefore be perceived as rude in other cultures. For example, people must be sensitive to the different forms of greetings as they travel from one culture to another. Thus, many business profession
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
To What extent was the Cold War global Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
To What extent was the Cold War global - Essay Example Proxy wars, economic confrontation, spy networks, alliance formation, arms race and technological competition were at their peak during this time. Russia found itself isolated in the world after the revolution of 1917 as most other nations did not concur with the ideological change that had occurred there. The revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin asserted that Russia was encompassed by a ‘hostile capitalist encirclement’ (Gaddis, 1997). This laid the groundwork for what was to follow, i.e. years of hostility and isolation between differing ideological camps. The arms race that supplemented the cold war resulted in dire consequences for several nations after the dissemination of the USSR. The weapons are still used by terrorist and rebel movements all across the world as both the USA and USSR aim to liquidate their excess artillery in the search of economic returns. Globalization of the War:- The arms race between the Soviet Union and the United States resulted in a stockp ile of nuclear and non nuclear weapons at both ends which cost both parties significant portion of their economy (McNeill and Unger, 2010). Throughout the years of the cold war, both camps continued to pursue alliances with states all across the world. ... Americans and Soviets funded, trained, armed and fought alongside local militaries and forces against others in regional and civil wars that spread across several states including Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Guatemala and Angola. What led to Cold War’s Globalization:- Both camps saw themselves as the embodiments of progress and modernity. The United States had a history of intervention into the affairs of non white people (Westad, 2005). By the eve of World War I, the United States had become a protector and balancer of a capitalist world system, by virtue of its economic might. This meant that it considered intervention its responsibility when it saw the laws of capitalism being ‘violated’. Similarly, the Soviet Union continued to pursue its ideology of expansion of the Russian empire and the modernizing and universalistic claims of Marxism. Soviet leaders sought to spread communism into the third world as a means to successfully confront the United States. (Gud erzo and Bagnato, 2010). Both sides saw themselves as the torchbearers of a global progression and ideological revolution. This is one of the reasons why the intensity of conflict between the two countries was so high (Westad, 2005). Decolonization of the world also provided both sides room for manipulation with newly independent states. These new states saw the cold war as an opportunity to gauge money for their own country to pursue development plans. They also saw economic and ideological models which they could follow (Guderzo and Bagnato, 2010). Both countries tried extensively to align countries towards their respective ideologies however, by remaining non aligned
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Sharing your Results Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sharing your Results - Assignment Example The methodology used in the research entailed a practical approach whereby raw results were used to formulate the hypothesis. In addition, evaluation of the companies’ profits in view of their production capacity indicated the need for companies to develop an effective marketing plan that will be able to capture either the entire market or a specific niche of customers. The research indicated that the two companies used marketing as a means to capture the target population for their products and services. It was also established that initial market research would provide the best alternative for the companies to obtain an in depth understanding of the market and buying trends. Another important aspect in controlling consumer behavior included the need to attract new customers and to retain them. Given that the companies sell similar products such as coffee, it is important for them to have an effective marketing plan that will create a diversified customer base. Starbucks is a coffeehouse chain and a global coffee company located in Seattle, Washington. The company was started in 1971 as a coffee bean roster and retailer and has grown rapidly over the time. It is one of the largest coffee companies in the world, with 13,049 in the USA while in other countries as China, Canada, Japan and the UK there are 1,909, 1,555, 1,089, and 927 stores respectively. Overseas stores constitute up to one third of the entire company indicating its wider geographical range to potential customers (Michelli, 2007). The company serves both hot and cold beverages including Whole-bean coffee, full-leaf teas, micro-ground instant coffee, pastries and snacks. Also, their evening locations offer a wide variety of beers, appetizers and wines after 4 pm. On the other hand, Costa Coffee is a multinational coffeehouse company based in Dunstable, United Kingdom. It is also a worldwide
Monday, September 9, 2019
(Dual Relationship) discuss the statment that in examing dual Essay
(Dual Relationship) discuss the statment that in examing dual relationships the most important issue is exploitation not duality - Essay Example Dual relationship in psychotherapy can be focused on the fact that the therapist has other existing or subsequent relationship to the patient. This relationship can either be in terms of the social aspect, financial aspect or even profession aspect. When the term dual is attributed it does not limit the issue on the concurrent relationships. Based on the opinions of the professionals the, it is important to prevent dual relationships due to the effects that can be brought about in the treatment of the patients. Basically, the relationship between therapists and patients should remain purely professional due to the probability that the medical treatments and interventions can be affected by the dual relationships that occur between the therapists and the patients. The optimum level of health care that can be given cannot be achieved if the main concern of the therapist can be affected by other issues due to the other relationship with the patient. In this case, the professionalism and the ethical issues are often considered and needed as guidelines. There are other issues that are needed to be co... But is important to consider that the cases wherein blood ties are considered as the connection between the therapist and the patient, it is still considered as a situation that is below the optimum expected. Another issue is related to the ethical considerations that can be attached to such relationships (Pope and Vetter, 1992). A. Types of Dual Relationships The main types of dual relationships are considered to be able to determine the proper actions that can be undertaken. These types are considered as the major ones which include the double roles, the double professions, the double financial relationships and the unavoidable dual relationships. The double roles can be defined as the type wherein the client or the therapist is connected in other ways. An example is the therapist may be a former student of the client. The said relationship can still be considered to have certain effects on the performance of the procedure. The relationship can be considered as relevant since it is one of the most common categories (Borys and Pope, 1989). Double professions on the other hand deals with the people that are into different professions and lines of work simultaneously. This is one of the reasons that these professionals meet people that may get their professional service. For example the therapist can at the same time be into the academe, thus students can also be clients (Borys and Pope, 1989). There are also cases of dual relationships that can be considered as inevitable and at some point a necessity. This can occur in cases such as the military wherein the officers may at the same time be therapists and medical professionals, thus are licensed to
Spirituality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Spirituality - Essay Example The first is a moral code of conduct and justification that will guide health care providers to tend to patients in a manner that is in alignment with religion. Such as the fact that they cannot present life threatening drugs or force people to take a drug that may cause death. At the same time, women cannot be advised of abortion etc. Secondly the doctor patient relationship needs to be built on the element of trust; the patient is entitled to receive all the information regarding treatment, health care and any aspect of a procedure that they have to undergo. Even though the provider is the true healer and is believed to be so by the patient as well, all sides of the story is a duty of the doctor to the patient. Thirdly, patients are autonomous, that is, they are allowed to make any decision they want to, after being presented all the facts of the situation. At the same time, health care providers have to act like good citizens, taking it on their conscience to care for the patient and heal them; and not just go through with this procedure in a mechanical fashion, but to be caring and loving and compassionate towards the patient. God will only show mercy to him who showed mercy on his creation, and so providers need to offer not just treatment but compassion and mercy to patients, praying for their well-being and taking it as a duty as God’s servants to take care of his creation. At the same time there is the concept of non-maleficence in Christianity; which essentially translates into â€Å"never harm anyone.†According to this principle, health care providers need to be such that they give the right kind of prescription to the right patient and they need to assess whether a particular treatment would harm or benefit the patient in question. Christianity also believes in the principle of justice. Therefore patients are all to be treated equally and fairly, and treated till depth of the provider’s ability as
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Business Regulatory Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Regulatory Law - Essay Example The federal government can make arrangements for the protection f the population from the pollution that flows down from other states. The federal government expects the local governments to put into effect national environmental laws, including the Clean Water Act. However, the federal government has some concerns if the state and local governments are not managing the inspections in a timely manner. The federal government also has concerns that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is not following through. A resident f Erehwon, Ms. Kelly Bates has accused Alumina, Inc. f frequently contaminating the waters f Lake Dira with carcinogenic effluents, and has alleged that the consumption f the water is the prime cause f her 10 year old daughter's leukemia. Ms. Bates also alleges that her daughter's illness maybe as old as Alumina's first environmental law violation. The incident occurred five years ago. Alumina Inc. was reported to be in violation f an environmental discharge into Lake Dira. Alumina followed through and cleaned the spill up and the violation was corrected (UOP, 2007). People in a local newspaper, The Erehwon Reporter, seemed to want to keep the fire burning. Kelly Bates threatened to file a $5 million personal injury case against Alumina Inc. to recover compensatory and punitive damages. Ms. Bates alleged that Alumina's careless conduct is the immediate cause f her daughter's illness in though this occurred five years ago and the company has not had any further problems (UOP, 2007). The Scientific report on water pollution has rendered Ms. Bates claim unsubstantiated. Regulations and Legal Issues There are a few very important facts that include regulations and legal issues that are present within the Alumina simulation and they are as follows: Regulation f Business. There should be written roles and regulations that coincide with Federal and State laws. The regulations should be followed at all times with an Environmental supervisor in place to document all key findings. Alumina does not have any written regulations that match with the State and Federal governments at this time. The employees need these practices and references in place to ensure that they are following the laws that have been made. Environmental Policy The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was passed in 1970 along with the Environmental Quality Improvement Act, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These federal enactments were to put into place to ensure that the environment would be protected against both the public and private actions (Environmental lawyers, 1997). Alumina was reported to be in violation f an environmental discharge into Lake Dira. However, according to the EPA, Alumina quickly responded to the allegation and cleaned-up the Lake. The violation within the organization was promptly corrected and Alumni have not had another incident. Ethical Issues Ethical issues such moral values, beliefs and principles are considered as foundation f civilized society. People follow these values on a day to day basis.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Compare and Contrast the NW Essay Example for Free
Compare and Contrast the NW Essay In this essay I intend to compare and contrast the region of North West Brazil to South East Brazil. The purpose of this essay is to see if dependent on which area of Brazil you are situated in reflects on the education, health care etc. you are provided with / can receive. The location of Brazil is that of which Brazil occupies almost one half of the entire South American continents, and is the fifth largest countries in the world. It borders all Latin American countries except Chile and Ecuador. Brazil also occupies 7,491km coastline and the 50,000km navigable inland waterways. Brazil has many large cities the top 6 most populated are Sau Paulo, Rio Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Fortaleza, Brasilia in that order. The main city of North West Brazil and that is the country that I will mainly focus on and the main cities of south east Brazil are Rio Janeiro and Sau Paulo and they are the cities I will focus on for the south east part of this essay. Brazil is a republic. In a republic, the people vote for members of the government. Brazils government is made up of three different parts, or branches. These three parts are called the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The executive branch is made up of the president, vice president and the cabinet. The president and vice president are elected by the people and serve for four years. The cabinet is a group of people the president chooses to help him or her. The executive branch makes sure the laws are obeyed. The government doesnt alter in accordance to the area of which you are situated in Brazil the government tries and succeeds in providing equal terms of governing throughout the country no matter where you live weather it is in Manaus or in Rio de Janeiro. The legislative branch is the National Congress which makes the laws. It is made up of the Federal Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. The judicial branch is made up of judges. They make sure that he laws are fair. Education in Brazil can vary between areas such as in Amazonia For this reason many schools were built in the villages local towns and run by volunteer teachers as they had no financial backing. This is different in the south east because e the schools there have financial backing and are in larger more productive atmosphere this is so because it is a larger and a larger cities it has colleges and universities which can help children get more out of life and to help with their future and is more inclined to do this because the up growing city is based on education and without one you are not likely to succeed in the up and coming city and all that comes with it where as in Amazonia an education isnt needed as much as it is the city this is because you generally dont need to be educated to survive but it is still as in Sao Paulo classed as important because they know that the children may one day wish to leave and they will need and education to help them in their chosen future. In Amazonia the majority of people live in a village/ tribe where they build their own homes / huts to live in these are made of the trees and the resources found in the forest and arent really set into certain classes yet in the city that is very different where the lower class has to put up with home made houses made from rubbish and disgarded wood and tin where also the middle class live in houses e.g. flats rented accommodation as they have jobs which either pays well enough to be able to afford to rent or that the company provides housing. The housing of the upper class is very different they are that of big large villas which so of their wealth and show people which statues they belong to. The informal sector is where a lot of people in the cities work as it is where anyone can work and buy/ sell and get anything repaired and they dont have to pay taxes so this is the best way for people to earn a living if they are uneducated. Brazils climate is very warm and most of the country does not get cold even in winter. Although it is hot, there is often heavy rain. The region around the Amazon rainforest is close to the equator. The average temperature there is about 27decreese centigrade. Rainforests are also very humid and get far more rain then anywhere else, which is how they get their name. Brazil is on the opposite side of the equator to Europe and the USA, and in the northern half of the globe, above the equator. Brazil and Australia are in the southern half of the globe. When it is winter in London and New York, it is summer in Brazil and Sydney. In conclusion to this essay I have found out that the North West (Amazonia) is not as well appreciated/ recognized and so doesnt receive the resources it requires in compares to the South East of Brazil.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Consequences of Winding Up Essay Example for Free
Consequences of Winding Up Essay The liquidator has no power to carry on business with a view to resuscitating the company or making profits. The liquidator shall carry on the business of the company principally to enable the business to be sold off as a going concern. 2. A transfer of shares may be carried out only with the sanction of the liquidator. In effect, the membership of the company is frozen once winding up commences. 3. The directors and certain other officers of the company are under a duty to assist and cooperate with the liquidator. 4 4. Where the company has either bought property from or sold property to a person who was at the time of the transaction a director of the company for cash consideration and the transaction occurred within 2 years before the commencement of the winding up, the company may recover any amount by which the property was overvalued or undervalued. 5. Where the company has gone into liquidation within 6 months of the creation of a floating charge, that charge is void except to cover the amount of cash advanced to the company at the time of creation or subsequently, together with interest at 5% per annum. The liquidator(s) appointed upon the winding up of the company to manage the affairs of the company for the purpose of the liquidation shall: 1. investigate the affairs and assets of the company as well as the conduct of its directors and other related persons; 2. recover and realise the company’s assets at the best possible price and in a manner that is to the best advantage to the company; and 3. adjudicate the claims of all creditors and to ensure an equitable distribution of the company’s assets. Distribution of Assets The company’s property is to be applied in satisfaction of its liabilities upon winding up, and the surplus distributed among the members according to their rights and interests in the company. Secured creditors need not prove for their debts but can realise their security and obtain full satisfaction. Once the secured creditors have been paid out of the assets that comprise their securities, the remainder of the assets, if any, will be distributed among the preferred creditors. The order of priority is as follows : . Costs and expenses of the winding up. 2. Wages and salaries of the employees of the company. 3. Retrenchment benefit or ex-gratia payment (if any) due to the employees of the company. 4. Compensation for injuries suffered in the course of employment under the Workmen’s Compensation Act (Cap 354). 5. Provident fund contributions payable in the â€Å"12 months next before, on or after the commencement of the winding up†under any written law or under any approved scheme of superannuation or retirement benefits. . Remuneration payable in respect of vacation leave accrued before or after the commencement of the winding up. 7. All taxes assessed before the commencement of the winding up or before the time fixed for the proving of debts has expired. Any residue remaining after payment of the creditors is divisible among the members in accordance with the company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association.
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