Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Performance Analysis free essay sample
In 2010, the global economy had shown a slight recovery from the downfall of previous year, despite the expiry of government economic stimulus programs in many countries. The continued expansionary monetary policy and the rapid growth expansion in the emerging markets led to above-average growth of the global economy. High-export countries such as Germany benefited from the double-digit growth of global trade. The automotive industry as a whole recovered from previous year’s financial and economic crisis and riding on this upstream Volkswagen Group successfully strengthen its market position setting a new milestone with its output exceeding the seven million mark for the first time, an impressive increase of 13. 7% vehicle deliveries. Basically, the Volkswagen Group is subdivided into two divisions which is Automotive Division that focus on the development of vehicles and engines, the production and sale of passenger cars, commercial vehicles, trucks and busses and the genuine parts business while the Financial Services Division’s provides financial solutions to its clientele such as dealer and customer financing, leasing, banking, insurance activities and lastly fleet management. We will write a custom essay sample on Performance Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Performance In year 2010, Volkswagen Group recorded an increased in unit sales of 15. 4% year-on-year to 7. 3 million vehicles while sales revenue was up by 20. 6% to â‚ ¬126. 9 billion. Furthermore, the Western Europe counter-parts have yet to redeem themselves from the 2008 financial crisis contributed to the slowdown. Although there is also an increase in sales in Europe or remaining markets, especially because of the rapid new car registration in Russia, it was not sufficient to offset the overall decay in sales revenue for the region. Meanwhile for North America, unit sales of group vehicles was 0. million and the sales revenue improved by 33. 3% to â‚ ¬15. 2 billion. In South America, with a growth rate of 7. 5% in Brazil and 8. 3% in Argentina, the group sold 0. 9 million units far exceeding the previous year’s figure by 9. 7%. Judging from the figures mentioned earlier, in seems that the automotive industries in established markets were heavily supported by government economic stimulus programs in 2010. In the case of Volkwagen Group, the incentives provided by their home country was the main catalyst behind their strong surge in sales during the financial turmoil allowing them to improve their market share in the small vehicles segment. Besides political help, the weakening of the euro in 2010 strengthens the income proceeds generated from abroad. Hence, in order to ensure its business remains profitable, Volkswagen Group would continue to strenghten their foothold in developing nations such as China, India, Russia and Brazil where growth opportunities are still present.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Sidney Sheldons Books
in his book which in fact the cause of why other reader’s don’t like its book. But if you base the book by literature, you’ll find out its really a good and an entertaining story to read METHODOLOGY: Our group created a survey of how Sheldon’s books for readers of different ages by letting them answer in YES or NO. YES if they like the book and NO if not.... Free Essays on Sidney Sheldon's Books Free Essays on Sidney Sheldon's Books †SIDNEY SHELDON’S BOOKS†SIGNIFICANCE: Sidney Sheldon’s books are one of the famous and best sellers. Sidney uses fine words of literature for better use of English for the readers. It is also written in a simple in a way that the readers of his book can easily understand the story. It also increases the reader’s vocabulary for there is words you don’t usually encounter. Some readers are only reading Sheldon’s books because of its eroticism; however, some are reading it for past time or for learning better English. OBJECTIVES: a. Broaden your knowledge, and skill in speaking English. b. Sharpens your memory. c. To help others develop interests in literature d. Give young readers an idea about the world they are going to face. PROBLEM: â€Å"Why do others like Sheldon’s books and others don’t?†HYPOTHESIS: Other readers do not like the way Sheldon explains his story while for others like it because they say they read it for fun. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE: Sheldon books are both fictional and romantic. Other reader’s especially older readers do not like it because of how the author explains his story in the book, while some younger reader’s like it. Sheldon expresses erotic words in his book which in fact the cause of why other reader’s don’t like its book. But if you base the book by literature, you’ll find out its really a good and an entertaining story to read METHODOLOGY: Our group created a survey of how Sheldon’s books for readers of different ages by letting them answer in YES or NO. YES if they like the book and NO if not....
Thursday, November 21, 2019
MEASURING pH Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MEASURING pH - Lab Report Example The addition of Rolaid solution was carried out in increments of 10 mL to a maximum of 30 mL of Rolaid solution in soda. pH of the resulting solution was measured at each addition of the Rolaid solution using a pH meter. For the second titration run, the diluted lemon juice solution was gradually added to the milk. The addition of lemon juice solution was carried out in increments of 10 mL to a maximum of 30 mL of lemon juice solution in milk. pH of the resulting solution was measured at each addition of the lemon juice solution using a pH meter. Q 1. As more and more antacid is added to the soda, the pH tends to increase. The relationship between antacid and soda shows an increasing trend. The increase in pH is greater at the beginning but tends to taper off to approach a plateau. Q 2. As more and more lemon juice solution is added to the milk, the pH tends to decrease. The relationship between lemon juice solution and milk shows a decreasing trend. The decrease in pH is nearly constant overall leading to the conclusion that the relationship is linear. Q 3. As more and more lemon juice solution is added to the milk, the milk tends to curdle more and more. The constant decrease in pH indicates that the lemon juice is causing curdling and a net decrease in the amount of hydrogen ions in solution. Q 6. A buffer contains both hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions though in weak concentrations. When an acid is added, the buffer solution consumes the hydrogen ions to keep the pH constant. When an alkali is added, the buffer solution consumes the hydroxyl ions to keep the pH
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
AIS integration with ECDIS and Radar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
AIS integration with ECDIS and Radar - Essay Example The integration of AIS with 'Electronic chart display and information system' (ECDIS) has resulted in a revolution in the field of offshore marine communication. ECDIS, better known as 'Electronic nautical chart', is a name given to nautical chart representations on computers (Scheuermann, Wolf, 1996). However nautical chart representation is one of the aspects of ECDIS. ECDIS is a complete information system, providing all necessary information about whatever is displayed on the chart (Scheuermann, Wolf, 1996). Targets from the radar and from AIS can simultaneously be plotted on an electronic chart (Strenge, Rainer, & Bober, Stefan, 2004). Thus signals from both radar and AIS can be acquired and depending on the requirement, the information can be collected from either of the two sources or from both of them. The positioning of the target on the electronic chart is carried out by DGPS positioning system and in addition through radar map matching process that was developed by Stuttgart University (Strenge, Rainer, & Bober, Stefan, 2004). The ships have large electronic chart displays (ECDIS) installed on them on which AIS data and radar information from other ships is superimposed. These large displays have nowadays been replaced by small and portable computers. The port services have the responsibility to monitor the ship traffic.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Latin america religious news Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Latin america religious news - Essay Example Cuba is also an interesting case, for the dominant Communist ideology embraced by the nation is antithetical to the doctrine of Christianity. Hence, when the key itinerary of the Pope unfolds over the coming days, it would lead to numerous talking points in news media and blogosphere. Scheduled to begin on Friday the 23th of this month, the visit could usher in a â€Å"forward-looking agenda with wiling and capable hemispheric partners.†(Farnsworth, 2012) The Huffington Post article titled The Latin American Spring, published 21st March 2012, goes on to say that â€Å"it is also an opportunity for countries in Latin America to show tangible leadership on a number of issues consistent with hemispheric expectations of representative democracy and open market economies.†(Farnsworth, 2012). This is an interesting observation, for it implies that the purported religious visit has ramifications in the realms of politics and democracy as well. It is also a measure of power w ielded by religious leaders in this region that something as sweeping as democratic and economic reforms are thought possible through directives from the Vatican. The same news item was discussed in the Wisconsin Rapids Tribune of 22 March, 2012. Here, author Nicole Winfield presents some interesting insights into the role of religion in the region. ... The following passage shows the opportunities and challenges in the Cuban leg of the tour. It also indicates the potential of religion to bring about progressive change: â€Å"Cuba's single-party, Communist government never outlawed religion, but it expelled priests and closed religious schools upon Fidel Castro's takeover of Cuba in 1959. Tensions eased in the early 1990s when the government removed references to atheism in the constitution and let believers of all faiths join the Communist Party... John Paul's 1998 visit further warmed relations. But after 14 years there's no doubt that the current visit of Pope Benedict XVI will help the process of development toward democracy and will open new spaces for the church's presence and activity†(Winfield, 2012) Coming to Mexico, religion is an important social denominator in the country, where an estimated 50,000 people were killed during last five years in connection with the war on drugs. The population of the country is over whelmingly Catholic (more than 80%) and members of the cartels that perpetrate violence and terror in the region are also claiming to be Catholics. In this situation, the pontiff will try to use his religious clout over the faithful and help tackle â€Å"what the Church sees as threats to family values, as well as the rise of rival religious movements.†(The Telegraph, 2012) Cuba, on the other hand poses an interesting juxtaposition, for the country’s political culture does not promote religion and only 10 % of the population are Catholics. Nevertheless, considering that part of social work in Cuba is carried out by Catholic institutions, the Pope’s address will highlight and encourage such cooperation between opposing ideological institutions. It will also draw upon historical Christian
Friday, November 15, 2019
Role Of Chance Samuel Becketts Waiting For Godot Philosophy Essay
Role Of Chance Samuel Becketts Waiting For Godot Philosophy Essay The purpose of life is something mystic, that us, humans, have always seeked, yet dont really know how to find. What is our reason to live? The fact we cant explain it, leads us to believe its because of a force greater then ours. There are lots of different names to call it. God. Fate. We dont know what the meaning of life is, and theres noone we can ask. This feeling can be pretty depressing in itself, and Waiting for Godot focuses on this feeling and on the way people try to find something to live for The play basically says that our lives rely on chance entirely, and because of it, they are meaningless, and thats the reason why people rely on unknown forces guiding them through life. And the interesting part is, that even the sources, that should justify the fact that there are greater powers in the universe then we can comprehend, say that human existence has a lot to do with chance. This is clearified when a story from the bible about two thieves is mentioned. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾One of the two thiefes was rescued. Thats a reasonable percentage. (Beckett, 8) Percentage represents that chance involved in human life, and the fact that that our fate relies on chance shows that randomness is an important factor in ones life. Beckett uses this quote from the Bible to show, that even a sacred text that has been an a help for thousands of years acknowledges the existence of chance. One of the two thieves. Thats 50%. A 50% chance for salvation, and we have absolutely no control regarding th is chance. The fact that God (if he exists) stays silent, makes the chaos even bigger. The situation that God lets life work like this, makes him guilty. The peoples belief in God is explainable though, because it makes them believe that theres a reason to live. As Pascal, a french philisopher said (he was a believer by the way), theres nothing to lose, because if it turns out God doesnt exist, then people wouldnt care for anything anyway, but if it turns out he does, at least you were on the safe side all the way. But Gods silence is the main thing that keeps the characters in hopelessness, and makes this work of art a tragedy, even though the characters act comically. Either God doesnt exist, or he just doesnt care. And this statement tells that theres no divine involvment in life. The world in Waiting for Godot is one without any meaning, which shows that chaos and hopelessness are the leading forces of the world. The events in the work are repetetive. Vladimir and Estragon are at the same place every day, waiting for Godot, doing the same activites over and over again to pass time. This shows the chaotics world effects on the characters. As Einstein says: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾The sign of going mad is doing something over and over again, and expecting different results. We dont know the time cycle the events transpire in. Time is a very intersting aspect in this play. It exists, but the reasons for this are not entirely clear, because the present, the past, the future, these things dont mean anything in this world. Time is a mess. A very good symbolization of the fact that things are still happening though, are Pozzo and Lucky. They are completely different in Act I and Act II. (Pozzo is healthy/blind, Lucky is able to speak/mute). Beckett uses the change in the situation of Lucky and Pozzo to show that time, and therefore, life, is meaningless. Humans try to be distracted from this fact. Vladimir and Estragon both try to stay cheerful in the play, and try to pass time with pointless activites. Doing this, they act comical, which adds a humorous aspect to the play. The positive attitude of the two tramps thus amounts to a double negation: their inability to recognize the senselessness of their position (Andres, 143-144). Vladimir and Estragon do various things to get distracted from the endless wait. Discussing mundane topics, sleeping, and sometimes contemplating suicide. They do this because they try to ignore the fact that they are waiting for a figure, which is part of their imagination, and might never even come. They are waiting for Godot, and they think his arrival will be a salvation to all their problems. They probably know this is only a wish that might never come true, but at least they have something to look forward to. The only other alternative is death, and although they think about it, they dont have the courage to do it. In the end all a human can do are pointless actions, or to perish. They do these pointless actions because they hope relief will come in a form of an outside force. Godot symbolizes this force, and although he likely doesnt exist, he at least gives their lives a meaning.By waiting, they achieve at least a bit of meaning. Vladimir, while contemplating whether or not to help Pozzo in Act II, declares, What are we doing here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come- (Beckett, 51) Even though salvation is an illusion, its needed to be able to handle life, and that humans have to rely on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Godots to live. Its not clear whether Godot is real or not. This is shown by the fact that in both acts, they mistake Pozzo for Godot. That means they have never seen Godot before.The only contact they have with him is the messenger boy he sends everyday, telling them that Godot will come the next day. When Vladimir finally realises that Godot in fact will never come, great depression overcomes him. Vladimir realizes that he has no choice but to put up with the illusion, and go on. Theres no point. But theres no other option. All of these characters go on, but in the old ruts, and only by retreating into patterns of thought that have already been thoroughly discredited. In the universe of this play, on leads nowhere (Webb, 41). Waiting for Godot is all about how the world is based on chance, and the fact that a world based on chance cant have a real time sequence, and is therefore pointless, which makes life pointless too. Realizing this, humans will create distractions and diversions, in the form of patterns and reliance on divine forces, to provide them a purpose to live. In my opinion this book is a very good demonstration of the big questions every human has to face in their lifetime.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Gain credibility as a writer Essay
Any writer who is looking to build a successful career must gain an authority within the writing/publishing industry. Credibility assures customers that a writer is an established and respected professional. If you are searching for ways to gain credibility as a writer, consider the following steps. The best way to become a credible writer is to be a better writer, and the best way to improve your writing is to write everyday. Use whatever mediums are available to you, the Internet, local newspapers and magazines. A credible writer is someone who knows as much about writing as possible. Understanding the technicalities, writing rules and styles is imperative in this industry. For this reason, you should take writing classes and workshops in various areas of writing, and specifically in your own genre of writing, as well as attend conventions and conferences. Have an established writer provide some additional content for your site. Once you build your own reputation, ask that credible writer if you can submit an article. If you are a skilled writer, you will be invited to write for other blogs. Write for as many as you can and expand your readership. This in turn will build your writing integrity and reputation If you write a blog that is focused on the art of writing, then you will build credibility with every entry. Potential clients will read your work. A blog is better than a resume because it demonstrates your skill of writing. Just make sure that every entry you write is edited. Just like a blog can build your credibility as a great writer, it can damage it with a single typo.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Automobile and Private Cars Essay
Advantages and disadvantages of television The advantages and disadvantages of television Nowadays many people all over the world spent most of their free time watching television; but since its appearance, television has brought to man many advantages as well as disadvantages. First, television plays an important role in our daily activities: it keeps us informed of all current affairs in the world. Events through television are more vivid than those through books and magazines. Second, television helps us enrich our spiritual lives. Our knowledge is broadened in many ways. Through language teaching programs, we can learn the language we like such as: English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese and so on. We can become skilful and clever at doing jobs, making cakes or arranging flowers through practical courses taught on television. Finally, television is a source of recreation. Humorous stories and funnyfilms bring us minutes of relaxation after a hard day’s work. For me, sitting comfortably in an arm-chair to watch an international football match on television is more interesting than having to queue for tickets at a crowded stadium. Apart from its advantages, however, television also brings lots of disadvantages to viewers too. First, television viewers gradually become passive in their action. Television may be a splendid media of communication, but it prevents us from communicating with each other or with the outer world. The world seen through television is only the restricted one: It separates us from the real world. Second, television, with its fascinating power, makes people of all ages sink into oblivion: whole generations are growing up addicted to the telly. Pupils and students are so absorbed in television that they neglect theirschool activities. Food is left uneaten, homework undone and lessons unprepared. Housewives are so keen on watching television that they neglect their duties toward their husbands and their children. Instead of watching television, we may use the time for a real family hour. Without the distraction of television, we may sit around together after dinner and actually talk to one another to know and like each other better. Finally, the evil influence of television on the young generation is inevitable; it encourages them to commit crimes. Spectacles of sadism and violence on television lead them to robbery, theft, rape and murder. In a nutshell, television is useful to us when we know how to use it: Be careful not to overindulge ourselves in it and use it in a discerning manner. Today there is some changes in the educational system. In your opinion, how should we change to raise the quality teaching? Education is to draw the best in children and to develop their faculties. Education is a complicated affair as it is supposed to equip children for life. Since life styles are always changing, the contents of education must also be changed accordingly. The school is supposed to provide necessary experiences to the child. When a child leaves the school, he may lead a useful life. But in the traditional school, the child was supposed to learn mainly the 3 R’s. So the chalk bard and the text books were the main stay of theteacher who was to shape the character of the child. Rote memory was insisted upon and examinations were based on this learning technique. There was not much of a difference from year to year on the way children were tested. The examinations conducted did not test all the faculties of the child. So, it was necessary for those who got through examinations to be trained afterwards. In short, children were very rarely taught to learn for themselves. This had continued for so long and the practice had to be abolished. Once this was realized, many new methods of teaching were tired and many new aids had been used for a better education of children. Today the school is a very complicated organization; the teacher is no longer the sole arbiter. The children, instead of being passive listeners, have been made active participants. They are handling, feeling, planning, creating and learning with newer tools and aids. The subjectivity has give place to healthy objectivity. In order to make education relevant and meaningful, children are exposed to almost life like situations. They must know how to live as good citizens and honest members of society. They must know how to live as good citizens and honest members of society. The way the school creates situations with these ends in views is important. On the intellectual side, the library and the laboratory must play a vital role. They complement and supplement more and more, and the use of library and the laboratory must be encouraged through proper assignments. The playing field, various camps, many organizations like the Junior Red Cross, etc. have to be fully utilized to shape the character of the child. Beside the text books, there are other aids for learning. They much be judiciously used. In fact, there are hundreds of ways in which the audio-visual aids can be used with advantage. Examinations must not be used to show weakness but must be a yardstick for proving the all-round education of the student. The questions must be objective and reliable. The examinations must be welcomed by the students. In order to satisfy the diverse population, there must be diversity in programs, approaches, resources and aims and room for experiment. Examinations should be a challenge for students. The world is shrinking and nobody can feel parochial. So education must equip students for world understanding and world citizenery. Science and technology must find their places in any scheme of education. Any system of education must help turn out a fully developed and all-rounded personality. The difficulties in learning English and how to overcome them. Beginners of foreign language always meet difficulties from the outset. For me, I had to overcome these problems when I started learning English. English pronunciation is my first obstacle. The pronunciation in English puzzles me a lot because the same letter has different sounds. For example the letter â€Å"a†in â€Å"bath†is not pronounced in the same way of that in â€Å"bathe†. The â€Å"ou†in â€Å"South†is also different from â€Å"ou†in â€Å"Southern†. Generally verbs and nouns are pronounced differently although they are written the same. Record is a good example to illustrate it. In order to solve this puzzling question I carefully study The A.P.A (The International Phonetic Alphabets) which helps me pronounce English words correctly. In order to have an accent just like the native speakers, I often listen to tapes and repeat after them, trying to imitate them. Moreover, myeveryday conversation with the foreigners I meet in the street will enable me to acquire a proper accent. Compared with French, English grammar is much easier. However, this does not mean that learners meet no difficulties in learning it. It took me a long time to learn how to master the tenses in English grammar, to endeavor to do as many grammar exercises as possible and read various grammar books. In writing English, English language has its own style. In order to drillwriting skills, I have tried to read famous novels of distinguished America and English writers. I enjoy the humorous style of writing in Mark Twain’s masterpieces, the elaborate and polished style of George Eliot and the sentimental and lyrical style of John Keats. After long and hard years of English study, how pleased I feel when I am able to read English and American authors without any obstacles and difficulties at all. Your favorite hobby Everybody has his or her own hobby. For me, my favorite hobby is reading books. My father was not only a writer but a researcher as well. He had a great collection of books on many fields: literature, science, art, fiction and non-fiction. After his death, I inherited the most valuable treasure which has been preserved carefully up to now. As I have a large collection of books of my own now, I usually spend hours reading and thinking about facts described in each kind of books. Sitting comfortably in an arm-chair in the library with a book open on my knee, I recall my father who was absorbed in his reading, perusing the poems of John Keats, William Words Worth, Chateaubriand and Lamartine. I still hear his sonorous voice reciting rhythmical lines of poems in Kim Van Kieu’s story while his face was radiant with ecstasy and raptures. Through books I see many countries rise and fall. Kings and Presidents pass before my eyes and I can follow the history of nations. Each book has a story to tell me of remote countries and strange people. I am greatly indebted to books indeed. For me a good book is not only a true companion but also a well-experienced teacher guiding me through my life. It has the miracle to relieve my suffering and my hardship and reveal to me strange and new horizons. Reading books broadens my mind and improves my knowledge. Instead of indulging myself in futile entertainments, I am often keen on reading books which are always a source of comfort and relief to me and I am determined to preserve my father’s valuable treasure for my posterity. In a few words, the reading of books contributes to the moral and intellectual formation of a man’s personality. A shopping day We live in the suburb of HCM city. Twice a week my mother and I usually take a bus to HCM city to do some shopping. Yesterday was my mother’s off-day. Early in the morning we took a bus to town. We were in town just after seven and we had the whole morning for shopping. First, we went to the ready-made clothes department. My mother bought two white shirts for my father, a pair of blue jeans for my brother. I chose a pink woolen sweater. I liked it very much because it perfectly suited my complexion. At this department prices were moderate and we did not need to bargain. Before leaving, my mother bought herself two pairs of gloves. Next, we went straight to the shoe department. The shop-assistant greeted us warmly. He showed us pairs of shoes of really good quality leather. Leather shoes and sandals of various sizes and colors were on sale. The store was crowded with customers. They were either looking at the shoes or buying them. We both chose fashionable pairs of shoes and left. It was nearly eleven o’clock. We called at a little cafà © by the street-side to have lunch. After lunch we went to the park nearby. We took a rest on the bench in the shade of tall trees, waiting for the shops to be open again in the afternoon. At 2:00 p.m. we returned to the shopping center. We went to the Chinaware department. My mother needed a dozen of dishes and bowls. Enameled chinaware of different beautiful patterns attracted housewives’ attention. Finally, before returning home, we went to the stationer’s. My mother bought lots of stationery: ink, pens, ball-point pens and writing pad. On the way to the bus station we called at the fast food department to get some ready-cooked food for the family when we got home. Returning home, I felt quite tired but how interesting a shopping day it was!e Life in the city, compared with life in the country In my opinion, urban life or rural life has its own advantages and disadvantages. First, living in the city we may enjoy those benefits. – Communication and transportation systems are better. There are so many means of communication and transport that we can choose the ones we like best. We can get in touch with a friend or talk to him by phone without having to go out of home. – Thanks to electricity network and running water, our material lives are more comfortable. Supermarkets, markets and shops are found everywhere and we can buy anything we need providing that we can afford it. – Urban life provides us with all sorts of entertainments: televisions, radios, movies, theatres, concerts and famous recreation centers. – Living in town we can improve our knowledge easily by attending any schools, universities or evening classes where experienced teachers and professors are ready to satisfy our thirst for knowledge. Besides its advantages, urban life also has its disadvantages: – Our health is in danger: pollution by factories and heavy traffic may cause serious diseases to all of us. – Evil influence upon the young generation by obscene video films is inevitable. – Violent deaths happen regularly in such a crowded city with all kinds of vehicles. On the contrary, rural life seems ideal to all of us, especially to the old. – We can enjoy fresh, cool air and behold beautiful landscapes in the country. – How safe and delighted we are when we can sleep a sound sleep at any time of the day without being disturbed by sirens of cars or by deafening noises from manufacturing factories. – Our social lives in the country are easier: we can eat the food and vegetables we grow, the chickens and goats we raise. The countrymen lead a very simple life and they are quick at mutual help in any case. Apart from these advantages, living in the country we may meet lots of difficulties too. – Communication and transportation are obstructed by lack of means of transport or by floods in the rainy season. – Our knowledge is limited by being short of mass media. – Our social and physical lives are not as comfortable as those in town because of lack of electricity and medical care. In a nutshell, our love for town life or country life depends on our outlook and age. As for me, I always prefer rural life to urban life. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Cars. Nowadays, as people’s life quality develops, more and more families can afford to buy private cars. On one hand, private cars can make the travel more convenient, A case in point, if you have a private car, you will not have to go to work in a crowded bus everyday and still worry about if you are going to be late. And when you want to travel in someplace, driving by yourself in your own car is the most convenient and comfortable way. While on the other hand, private cars can be very expensive and the price of petrol is getting higher and higher, taking a bus is a less expensive way when travelling. When a city has too many private cars, it becomes easy to cause traffic jam, especially when people go to work and go home after work. And you may need to wait for hours in your car.What’s more, more and more private cars also means more and more pollution to the environment. The gas that cars discharged is a serious pollution to the atmosphere. All in all, there are both advantages and diaadvantages of private cars. In my opnion, you can use your own car when it is necessary and if you are not in a hurry, you can take a bus instead.the birth of cars have made an enormous change to our the past,we travel from one place to another only by foot,nowaday,cars can do it .its goes withour saying that the invention of cars bring great benefit to all of us. But as proverb goes:no garden without is not exception. owing a car has a lot of advantages.for one thing,car provide us the most convient way of transportation.we can get around freely without spenting a lot of time.emotionally,i always found driving is so exciting.for another,its the comfortable to drive a car. In winter.drivers always can stay warm and dry even in rainy whether,in addition,drivers are usuall y safe in their cars when they are out at night. Cars bring the human merits,their side-effects graudually come to the surface.firstly,to run a car need a lot of oil,which is getting less and less.the increasing number of cars contribute the lacking of energy. Secondlly,as more and more cars are used,the traffic ecpecially in big cities is getting heaver and heavier,which lead to the serious social problem–traffic addition,the inceasing numbers of cars ,which excaust sent a huge quantities of carbon monoxide into make the air of cities unbreathabe,it strip people contact with frensh air. therefore,the new energy should be explored to replace the oil so that our en vionmental pollution can be avioded .and the strick law should be issued to keep the numbers of cars under control.thus,our heavier traffic can be solluted! â€â€- There are some advantages to owning a car in an urban area. First, sitting in your car is much more comfortable than having to wait a long time for the arrival of the bus or train. In bad weather the driver of the car is warm and comfortable and is always guaranteed a seat. Second, in urban areas it is much safer to be in your car, especially at night, than having to walk down a dark street to get to a bus stop or train station. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to owning a car. First, a car is expensive. Gasoline is not cheap and car insurance rates in urban areas are very high. There are other expenses to be considered too, such as car maintenance and repairs as well as having to pay for parking. Second, owning a car causes a lot of worry and stress. If you leave your car in the street it might get stolen or its parts might get stolen. It is also very stressful to be driving on the freeway or in traffic jams and there is the constant fear and stress of being involved in an accident. Advantages & Disadvantages About Social Networking. 1. Purpose: To inform about social networking. 2. Main Idea: By the end of my speech the audience should get an idea about the advantages & disadvantages about our every day’s use of the social network. 3. Developed Main Ideas: There are 2 points I want you guys to be informed about. Social networking is a wonderful task we can do on the internet, although, there are advantages & disadvantages that comes with it. 4. Sub points: The advantages of social networking: – keep in touch with friends and family – be informed about around the world – get feedback about ideas or thoughts – ask questions, get fast answers – helps you learn more diversity and get exposure to multiple points of view.
Friday, November 8, 2019
A report on the macroeconomic policy settings In Australia
A report on the macroeconomic policy settings In Australia Abstract Australia has set up regulatory reforms aimed at improving and promoting its governance. Special attention has been directed towards such aspects as trade, market openness, competition and regulatory management. These reforms have enabled Australia to succeed in weathering the recent global financial crisis.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on A report on the macroeconomic policy settings In Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These reforms, together with the introduction of robust monetary and fiscal policies, have enhanced growth in the country. Effective trade policies such as dismantling of trade barriers and creation of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have enhanced greater and faster gains. Some of the major challenges that the country faces include, an increase in terms of trade and an ageing population. In an effort to enhance its economic wellbeing, the government should set macroeconomic policies s uch as economic growth, inflation, unemployment and trade policies. In particular, the government should improve its infrastructural facilities and also promote force labor participation. Introduction It is apparent that the uncertainty that has gripped the world economy is slowly manifesting itself in Australia’s corporate sector, where chief executives are under pressure to put in place measures that will keep their companies afloat in the face of a receding global economy. As a result, every country should make progress towards restoring the macroeconomic stability. In order for macroeconomic stability to be achieved, all the stakeholders should be committed to policy implementation. Australia has made considerable progress in enhancing its long-term economic stability. A vital question is to whether this economic growth can be sustained. This depends on the evolution of the fundamental determinants of economic growth, especially those that have contributed to the most gro wth improvements in recent years (United Nations, Economic and Social Council, United Nations, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, 2004, 107). The following research report focuses on the macroeconomic policy settings, currently being applied in Australia. The report examines aspects such as economic growth policies, unemployment polices, inflation policies and trade, which are currently in use. Economic growth and inflation policies currently being applied in Australia Australia’s economic performance has been impressive, in spite of the recent global financial crisis. The key to this impressive performance has been the adoption of both monetary and fiscal policies in a medium term framework. The setting of these policies has enhanced macroeconomic stability. Monetary policy operates in medium term framework and targets the inflation. It is based on the independence of the central bank as well as the floating exchange regime. Its purpose is to ensure that the rate of inflation is kept low, as much as possible.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A graph of Australian Economy in the last Three Decades Obtained from: The Reserve Bank, commonly referred as the RBA, has the role of maintaining the inflation rate at around 3 % over a trade cycle, while maintaining sound monetary conditions. To achieve this objective, the RBA compares the current inflation predicts with a specified inflation rate. Since 1993, the RBA has adopted an explicit inflation targeting approach (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2010, 49). Fiscal policy in Australia is aimed at balancing the budgetary deficits over a trade cycle. Fiscal policy thus, provides the investors and consumers with a high degree of confidence in spite of the recent economic crisis. In Australia, the fiscal policy helped to balance the bud getary deficit in 1997-1998. Between 198-1999, the fiscal policy moved the Australian finance into surplus. The fiscal policy is currently aimed at further improving the government’s finances (International Monetary Fund, 2006, 9-14). Other than using the monetary and fiscal policies in enhancing its economic growth, the Australian government has also set up regulatory reforms aimed at improving and promoting its governance. The government has advocated for credible and transparent macroeconomic frameworks. The structural reforms have resulted to greater flexibility in exchange rates and a better anchoring of the monetary policy. Structural reforms have also provided the central bank with greater credibility in maintaining low rates of inflation (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Australia, 2010, 99-100). The appreciation of the Australian dollar over the last decade has also enhanced the country’s economic growth. Stiff competition among the vario us financial intermediaries has led to a continued reduction of interest rate margins. The economic growth in Australia is aimed at reducing the unemployment rates in the future (Sloman, Norris, Garratt, 2010, 287-345).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on A report on the macroeconomic policy settings In Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A graph illustrating Australia’s GDP growth Obtained from: Unemployment polices currently being applied in Australia The recent global economic crisis has stretched well beyond Australia. It has seen millions of workers across the globe being laid off. Globally, unemployment crisis has become a vast human tragedy (Bell, 2000, 1). The Australian government has laid sound policies that are aimed at attaining full employment. The Australian government has been forced to revise its past unemployment policies, with a view of achieving full employme nt. With this regards, the Skills for the Future Inquiry and the Review of South Australian Employment Programs have been set in order to tackle the unemployment crisis. Other policies and strategies that have been undertaken by the Australian government in tackling the unemployment challenges include: the South Australian Strategic Plan, Prosperity through people, Better Skills, Better Work, Better State Strategy and Skills Strategy for South Australia’s Future among others. These strategies have played an important role in creating a high-skill economy, enhancing access to quality employment and superior workforce planning. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation Development (2010), Australia has gone further in addressing the unemployment crisis than any other country in Asia-Pacific region. However, the country faces a major challenge with regards to an ageing population. It is estimated that the Australia’s working-age population grows by approxima tely 200,000 annually. The ageing population can slow the economic growth as only a small percentage of population in work is forced to support those too old to work. In combating the negative effects of population ageing, the country has set up such measures as enhancing productivity e.t.c. (Emerson, C.2006, 35). A graph of Australia’s inflation and unemployment from 1995 to date Obtained from: aussiestockforums.comAdvertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Trade policies currently being applied in Australia Trade and investment have been major driving forces behind Australia’s economic prosperity and growth. More than 2 million jobs in the country are directly or indirectly connected to imports and exports. Currently, mining is the main economic activity in Australia. The country usually gets bigger and faster gains by allowing regional free trade between its neighbors. A chart illustrating Australia’s export Obtained from: The country’s trade policy is aimed at dismantling the trade barriers with a view of generating immediate gains. This move has enhanced people’s initiative and exchange. Australia strongly supports the World Trade Organization as the main medium for international trade liberalization. In 2001, the Australian government launched the multilateral trade objective during the Doha round of trade negotiations. The round is aimed at reducing trade barriers and also to Promote Aust ralian goods and services internationally. Australian government has thus encouraged the World Trade Organization to fully participate in the round of trade negotiations. In addressing fluctuations of prices of agricultural products in international market, Australian government joined other nations in forming the Cairns Group. This group focuses on achieving positive outcomes on agricultural products. Some of the progress that has been achieved so far includes elimination of trade barriers for agricultural products and creation of export subsidies, among others (Gangopadhyay Chatterji, 2005, 13). Australia is also a strong supporter of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), group which is aimed at enhancing cooperation, economic growth and prosperity in the region. The group ensures that there is free trade and open trade in the wider Asia-Pacific region. In meeting its objectives, the group leaders have acted to improve security in the region. Economic prosperity cannot be attained without adequate security and thus, the group leaders during a meeting that was held in 2003, proposed the need of enhancing the regional security. With this regards, the APEC group leaders are vested with the responsibility of countering terrorism and securing trade (Yamazawa, 2000, 1). In an effort to promote its goods and services internationally, Australia negotiates Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), with its key trading partners. FTAs play an important role of opening up all trade in goods, providing an environment that is conducive for trade and investment and negotiating trade deals for member countries. Australia alliance relationship with New Zealand is important as far as trade and investment are concerned. The Australia New Zealand economic relations began in the early 1980s. Both countries signed the Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations (CER) agreement, which supports all the trans-Tasman trade and investments of both countries. Australia has also formed Free Trade Agreements with other countries across the globe such as the United States, Singapore and Thailand (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2005, 77). Australia’s Balance of Payment Obtained from: Conclusions and Recommendations The current macroeconomic performances have proved to be impressive. The country has succeeded in achieving economic growth and prosperity in the face of the global recession. Macroeconomic performances have also resulted to a fall in the unemployment rate to around 6 %. Also, the rate of inflation has remained relatively low making Australia to be one of the few OECD countries with improved standards of living. However, the country faces a short term challenge of managing the adverse effects of rise of prices of goods and services in the past few years. The increase in commodities price has in turn increased the terms of trade. The government also faces long term challenge of labor supply following the population ageing. In addressi ng these challenges, the government should consider enhancing efficiency of its services by clarifying responsibilities and improving cooperation in key sectors of the economy such as agriculture and mining. Similarly, the government can enhance productivity by up-skilling the workforce, improving infrastructural facilities such as road networks among others. To address the effects of ageing population on labor supply, the government should promote labor force participation to notable groups such as women, disabled, single parents and the old. Also, monetary and fiscal expansion should be carefully kept in check. Reference List Australian Bureau of Statistics., 2005. Year book, Australia, Issue 87. Canberra: Aust. Bureau of Statistics. Bell, S., 2000. The unemployment crisis in Australia: which way out? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Emerson, C., 2006. Vital signs, vibrant society: securing Australias economic and social wellbeing. New South Wales: UNSW Press. Gangopadhyay, P Chatterji, M., 2005. Economic globalization in Asia. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. International Monetary Fund., 2006. Australia: selected issues. Washington: International Monetary Fund. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development., 2010. Australia: towards a seamless national economy. Paris: OECD Publishing. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Australia., 2010. Towards a seamless national economy. Paris: OECD Publishing. Sloman, J., Norris, K. Garratt, D., 2010. Principles of Economics: Edition3. New Jersey: Pearson Education Australia. United Nations, Economic and Social Council, United Nations, Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination., 2004. Supporting Africas efforts to achieve sustainable development: dialogues at the Economic and Social Council. New York: United Nations Publications. Yamazawa, I., 2000. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): challenges and tasks for the twenty-first century. London: Routledge.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Toumai - Type site of Sahelanthropus tchadensis
Toumai - Type site of Sahelanthropus tchadensis Toumaà ¯ is the name of a late Miocene hominoid who lived in what is today the Djurab desert of Chad some seven million years ago (mya). The fossil currently classified as Sahelanthropus tchadensis is represented by a nearly complete, amazingly well-preserved cranium, collected from the Toros-Menalla locality of Chad by the Mission Palà ©oanthropologique Franco-Tchadienne (MPFT) team led by Michel Brunet. Its status as an ancient hominid ancestor is somewhat in debate; but Toumaà ¯s significance as the oldest and best preserved of any Miocene age ape is undeniable. Location and Features The Toros-Menalla fossil region is located in the Chad basin, a region that has fluctuated from semi-arid to wet conditions over and over again. The fossil-bearing outcrops are in the center of the northern sub-basin and consist of terrigenous sands and sandstones interbedded with argillaceous pebbles and diatomites. Toros-Menalla is some 150 kilometers (about 90 miles) east of the Koro-Toro locality where Australopithecus bahrelghazali was discovered by the MPFT team. Toumaà ¯s skull is small, with features suggesting it had an upright stance and used bipedal locomotion. Its age at death was approximately 11 years old, if comparisons to wear on the teeth of modern chimpanzees are valid: 11 years is an adult chimpanzee and it is assumed that so was Toumaà ¯. Toumaà ¯ has been dated to approximately 7 million years of age using the Beryllium isotope 10Be/9BE ratio, developed for the region and also used on the Koro-Toro fossil beds. Other examples of S. tchandensis were recovered from Toros-Menalla localities TM247 and TM292, but were limited to two lower jaws, the crown of a right premolar (p3), and one partial mandible fragment. All hominoid fossil materials were recovered from an anthracotheriid unitso called because it also contained a large anthracotheriid, Libycosaurus petrochii, an ancient hippopotamus-like creature. Toumaà ¯s Cranium The complete cranium recovered from Toumaà ¯ had suffered fracturing, displacement and plastic deformation over the past millennia, and in 2005, researchers Zollikofer et al. published a detailed virtual reconstruction of the skull. This reconstruction illustrated in the photo above used high-resolution computed tomography to create a digital representation of the pieces, and the digital pieces were cleaned of adhering matrix and reconstructed. The cranial volume of the reconstructed skull is between 360-370 milliliters (12-12.5 fluid ounces), similar to modern chimpanzees, and the smallest known for an adult hominid. The skull has a nuchal crest that is within the range of Australopithecus and Homo, but not chimpanzees. The skulls shape and line suggests Toumaà ¯ stood upright, but without additional postcranial artifacts, thats a hypothesis waiting to be tested. Faunal Assemblage Vertebrate fauna from TM266 include 10 taxa of freshwater fish, turtles, lizards, snakes and crocodiles, all representatives of ancient Lake Chad. Carnivores include three species of extinct hyenas and a saber toothed cat (Machairodus cf. M giganteus). Primates other than S. tchadensis are represented only by a single maxilla belonging to a colobine monkey. Rodents include mouse and squirrel; extinct forms of aardvarks, horses, pigs, cows, hippos and elephants were found in the same locality. Based on the collection of animals, the TM266 locality is likely to be Upper Miocene in age, between 6 and 7 million years ago. Clearly aquatic environments were available; some of the fish are from deep and well-oxygenated habitats, and other fish are from swampy, well-vegetated and turbid waters. Together with the mammals and vertebrates, that collection implies that the Toros-Menalla region included a large lake bordered by a gallery forest. This type of environment is typical for the most ancient of hominoids, such as Ororrin and Ardipithecus; in contrast, Australopithecus lived in a wider range of environments including everything from savannah to forested woodlands. Sources Brunet M, Guy F, Pilbeam D, Lieberman DE, Likius A, Mackaye HT, Ponce de Leà ³n MS, Zollikofer CPE, and Vignaud P. 2005. New material of the earliest hominid from the Upper Miocene of Chad. Nature 434:752-755.Brunet M. 2010. Short note: The track of a new cradle of mankind in Sahelo-Saharan Africa (Chad, Libya, Egypt, Cameroon). Journal of African Earth Sciences 58(4):680-683.Emonet E-G, Andossa L, Taà ¯sso Mackaye H, and Brunet M. 2014. Subocclusal dental morphology of sahelanthropus tchadensis and the evolution of teeth in hominins. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 153(1):116-123.Lebatard A-E, Bourlà ¨s DL, Duringer P, Jolivet M, Braucher R, Carcaillet J, Schuster M, Arnaud N, Monià © P, Lihoreau F et al. 2008. Cosmogenic nuclide dating of Sahelanthropus tchadensis and Australopithecus bahrelghazali: Mio-Pliocene hominids from Chad. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(9):3226-3231.Vignaud P, Duringer P, Mackaye HT, Likius A, Blondel C, Boisserie J-R, de Bonis L, Eisenmann V, Etienne M-E, Geraads D et al. 2002. Geology and palaeontology of the Upper Miocene Toros-Menalla hominid locality, Chad. Nature 418:152-155. Wolpoff MH, Hawks J, Senut B, Pickford M, and Ahern JCM. 2006. An ape or the ape: is the Toumaà ¯ cranium TM 266 a hominid? PaleoAnthropology 2006:36-50.Zollikofer CPE, Ponce de Leà ³n MS, Lieberman DE, Guy F, Pilbeam D, Likius A, Mackaye HT, Vignaud P, and Brunet M. 2005. Virtual cranial reconstruction of Sahelanthropos tchadensis. Nature 434:755-759.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY- Final Peper - Essay Example The members who got into the treaty hope to achieve a complete recovery of the ozone layer by the year 2050 (Benedick, 2007). c. Number of participants and the reasons for the level of participation. The protocol has managed to attract international co-operation exceptionally due to the widespread implementation as well as adoption of the treaty. The treaty has been ratified as perhaps one of the most successful agreements of international scale to date. The treaties that fall under the Montreal Protocol have successfully been ratified by the European Union as well as 197 other states. This therefore makes the protocol alongside the two ozone treaties involved the most ratified of all the treaties in United Nations history. Other participants in the treaty include the Cook Islands, Holy See alongside Niue. The protocol has its proceedings in major languages so that no one fells left out. The languages are French, English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Arabic. This is one of the major factors that contributed to the fact that many participants were attracted to the protocol. The other reason for such level of participation is the common goal that drives the desire to protect the earth from losing the all important ozone layer. The countries that went into the treaty, the latest entrants being South Sudan, all had the common purpose to work towards eliminating harmful substances and controlling emission of such substances that can greatly affect the ozone layer (Chasek, 2013). d. Compare the success of the Montreal Protocol to that of the Kyoto Protocol and address the reasons for any differences in terms of National Interests of those that elected to participate and those that have not. The differences witnessed between Kyoto protocol and the Montreal protocol is that the one in Montreal imposed on all countries strict restrictions from the start. That mostly differs from the mode of operation of the Kyoto protocol. The other difference that can be observed in t he two protocols is that strong incentives were created by the Montreal protocol with regards to participation and compliance if a country is to be part of the main agenda. Montreal also created a positive feedback system whereby each step aimed at reducing the depletion of the ozone layer as well as creating incentives whereby each country would feel involved in the process of decision making in regards to taking steps forward. This effort in the long run provided the participating countries with an avenue to place their trust on the efforts of fellow states and hence national interests in the Montreal protocol turned up to be higher than that of the Kyoto protocol (Dotto, 2006) 2. United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea. a. The issue of â€Å"Property Rights†as it relates to UNCOLS. This treaty arose from the third conference held by the United Nations that took place right between the years 1973 and 1982. The laws in this treaty tend to define responsibilities of countries on how they utilize the resources from the sea as well as the oceans of the world. The treaty laid basic guidelines for environmental conservation, conducting business alongside good use of marine resources found naturally. UNCLOS came into effect in the year 1994 after signing Guyana a year earlier. By October of 2012, the treaty enjoyed the company of 164 nations alongside the European Union. The UN is
Friday, November 1, 2019
THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN - Research Proposal Example 3. The image of God is manifested in each and every person regardless of religious orientation and belief. Need for the Study The aim of the study is to proffer issues that would deepen one’s understanding on the statement that man was created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1: 26 – 28). Having been explained in various literatures, the meaning of the â€Å"image of God†is presented in discussing the difference between man and other creations of God, particularly animals. Further, one would seek to determine if any violation from the factors signifying man’s being created in God’s image would that necessarily defy man’s existence as being created out of God’s image. For instance, if man commits sin with utter disregard for conscience, does that mean that the statement does not apply to him, in particular? Procedure of the Study The study would be conducted using various secondary sources of information of the topic. The sour ces would be authoritative and scholarly and would present balanced and unbiased views of the authors on the subject. If the time would allow, some primary information could be solicited through simple interviews of acquaintances and people from various walks of life regarding their personal points of views and perception of the topic.
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