Friday, December 27, 2019
Case Study Analysis Indian Railways - 1412 Words
Case Study Analysis: Indian Railways The case study of Indian Railways (IR) procurement practices by Nag (2013) is one of the most comprehensive case studies ever illustrated on IR techniques. Furthermore, the case study clearly represents various aspects of the IR procurement management with clearly distinguishing sections depicting the humongous IR network of railways; methodologies used in procurement practices for vendor selection; controlling and regulation practices related to procurement; competition between the suppliers; and ethics and accountability factors of IR individuals. Subsequently, each of these procurement management elements of IR would be summarized with various information and examples within this critical thinking†¦show more content†¦Moreover, in a few instances and for some specific items the Railway Board may also decide on the approved vendors (Nag, 2013, p. 2.3). As per Kahraman, Cebeci, and Ulukan (2003), the selection criteria should include the components related to supplier, performance, service, and cost. Hence, the approved vendor inclusion process of IR starts with an online registration, followed by a rigorous examination by RDSO to comprehend the vendor’s capacity, manufacturing practices, infrastructure and quality. The selected vendors are first put into a Part 2 list and are limited to obtain the contracts up to 20 percent of the total requirement of an item. Subsequently, vendors are closely monitored for at least 15 months before moving them to Part 1 list to handle fully tendered order. Additionally, strict rules and regulations control the Part 1 list; and if necessary, vendors can also be downgraded, where they need to stay a minimum of 1 year and prove their worth, before advancing to Part 1 again (Nag, 2013, p. 2.3). Oversight and Regulation of Procurement Despite understanding the importance of procurement oversight and regulations such as cost efficiency, improved quality and organizational efficiency, the employees are often tempted to circumvent these laws and regulations to administer preferred treatment to their personal interests (Hansson Holmgren, 2011). Therefore, the entire procurement process in IR is meticulouslyShow MoreRelatedBbc Pvt. Ltd. and Working Capital Challenge1196 Words  | 5 Pages| Case Study Report | Table of Contents * Case Background 3 * Key Findings 4 * Recommendations 6 * References 11 * Exhibits 11 Case Background BBC Pvt. Ltd, is a chemical manufacturing company that was established in 2004. Its registered offices are in Bangalore, and its manufacturing is in Lucknow. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Article Review Geek Policing Fake Geek Girls And...
Despite the fact that the science fiction genre was created by a woman, science fiction is now overrun by people who now feel the need to write articles titled â€Å"Dear Fake Geek Girls: Please Go Away†(Brown, 2012). This article will summarize the works of Joseph Reagle and his article â€Å"Geek Policing: Fake Geek Girls and Contested Attention†(2015). â€Å"Each post about fake geek girls shows that question of attention is significant within geek culture†(Reagle, 2015). To explain this, Reagle (2015) uses Bourdieu’s theory of fields and capital, complemented by literature on geeks, authenticity and boundary policing; this allows the ability to identify the reciprocal relationship between the policing of identity and the policing of social boundaries. â€Å"Finally, the conversation tended to manifest the values of dominant members meaning that, in a discourse started by a woman to encourage other women to be geeky, some of the loudest voices were those judging women’s bodies and brains according to traditionally androcentric and heteronormative views†(Reagle, 2015). In 2009, J.A. McArthur wrote about what it means to be ‘geeky’: â€Å"To be geek is to be engaged, to be enthralled in a topic, and then to act on that engagement.†And what a better way to act upon that engagement then to act on it with other people who also enjoy it. This is where the problem lies; â€Å"although done in good fun, geeks are keen to not only identify the various facets of their identity, but test,
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Painting the stage Essay Example For Students
Painting the stage Essay Playwright Jose Cruz Gonzalezs Harvest Moon presents a picture of migrant farm workers lives in the most literal sense possible during each performance of the play, now having world premiere at Seattles Group Theatre through May 8, the family centered story of campesinos in Californias central valley is played on stage while simultaneously, a depictive mural is painted scene by scene, giving new meaning to the notion of dramatic vision In Harvest Moon, the mural could be considered nothing less than a character. When the play begins, Mariluz (played by Vilma Silva), an artist and the daughter of Mexican-American farmworkers is dying from childhood exposure to pesticides. As a last gift to her son, Cuauhtemoc (Ramone McLane), she creates a mural to explain both her own memories and the history of campesinos in the farms of America. As the story progresses, Cuauhtemoc sees as own life unfolding as a literal part of this tapestry, finally coming to understand by the end of the play that he occupies a place in the picture, but one that has not yet been completely drawn and definea.Playwright Cruz Gonzalez makes the mural integral to the story, not just an illustration but part of the action of the piece. This incorporation of the design into the production has been a collaborative challenge for visual artist Cecilia Alvarez, set designer Rex Carleton and projection designer Will Cloughley of Synapse Productions. Composed of six shoji-style the screens,the mural measures 9 by 28 feet and is constructed of sharkstooth scrim, allowing the actors to be seen behind it as the screens slide open and they step directly into scenes The design team, working with director Laura Esperaza, met early on to map out the visual text of the production, after which Alvarez created the actual mural on a reduced scale of 9 by 28 inches. Once completed, the picture was torn apart into its individual elements. Transparent acetates were created to allow scenes to be separated into background and foreground with single and multiple image, building the mural image one detail at a time. Esparza likens it to rudimentary animation, like the shot-script a feature film. Along those lines, Alvarez also created what Esparza calls an image text For every image there is a corresponding line of dialogue and slide effect. The preshow image of the mural is graffiti on the side of a parking shed; on the line Lupita, I brought you tomatoes, the image appears as a single tomato. Later, that tomato fades into a night sky, and the screens create a color change, overlaying stars and the moon. Other scenes unfold layered images of skies and fields, the detail of a pair of eyes, the Statue of Liberty and, most significantly, Mariluz at the center of a tableau, symbolized as a spreading tree embracing her entire family. With the use of the scrimmed mural, Harvest Moon reaches through time as the play moves across different eras, from the Aztec period to the 1940s to the present day. While it encompasses the personal tales of one immigrant family, it also draws upon the history of the labor movement and activist leader Cesar Chavez, as mother child an appreciation of his history. The rule, says Esparza, was that every image in the play had to be found in the mural Computer-controlled slide projections designed by Cloughley, a former associate of Bay Area media-master George Coates, make the gradual development of the mural possible; but the mural itself belongs to an older tradition in Mexicos artistic heritage which reached its finest statement in the work of Diego Rivera, who used breadth of scale as a form of populist expression. .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02 , .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02 .postImageUrl , .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02 , .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02:hover , .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02:visited , .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02:active { border:0!important; } .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02:active , .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02 .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u26346d711871b6d2159c5157597f5e02:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: English in the last scene EssayIs it new? Esparza asks, and answers her own question. Is there anything new in theatre? Harvest Moon, however, is new in Latino/Chicano theatre. Diego Rivera gave the Mexican people a visual record of their collective memory, Esparza adds. That paved the way for the development of Mexican art. Now we are taking it into theatre. There, the picture tells a larger story.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Odyssey Essays - Greek Mythology, Odyssey,
The Odyssey The Odyssey The great muses are called upon by Homer to tell the great adventure of Odysseus in his travel back to his home. Prayers are given to the Greek Gods and muses by Homer in order to proceed this story. The Greeks life revolved around the gods in a matter of fashion as we presently revolve around Christianity. The depiction of the roles the gods played in the Odyssey is both presented in good and evil. The Greeks portrayed their gods as powerful and merciful. However in the Odyssey the gods play a role in a savior like Jesus Christ and the tormentor like Satan. With the present role in the story of Odyssey the gods can be seen as a key role in Odysseus life. Odysseus alone cannot have escaped the treacherous Trojan War without the aid of the gods. However can it be reconcile that the gods were truly the ones who controlled our lives? In Odysseus's case the gods played a vital role. Throughout the entire story Athena was the crutch Odysseus and his family leaned on in the time of aid. Through the treacherous paths Odysseus traveled it was hope of seeing Penelope and his son Telemachus that brought him strength and wisdom. With the loves one left behind Odysseus fearlessly face the gods and tramples over their challenges. Without the help of Athena and her wisdom and devotion to Odysseus his challenges would be help with no boundaries. With Athena on Odysseus side, he was able to return home without any harms done to him or his family. With the gods in favor of Odysseus return all he had to fight was the challenges Poseidon threw at him. With the water being the only road back to his home this challenge was fare more difficult then the Tro jan War itself. With the guidance of Athena Odysseus was safely returned to Ithica. Even though Athena played a key role in Odysseus life she was still unable to protect him from the challenges he faced with Poseidon, Calypso, and Helios. The gods can be seen as Odysseus's sub-conscience. Athena being Odysseus's wisdom, Helios the jealousy hidden in our curiosity, Calypso the temptation we face, and Poseidon the challenges in life we face everyday. These main Gods played a key role in Odysseus's life. Poseidon tormented blinded Polyphemus. Poseidon would have never tormented Odysseus if only he kept his boastful self-quiet. A lesson in life learned by Odysseus to keep him self- humble at all times. Odysseus faced other challenges that slowed his journey towards home seem longer. Calypso who kept Odysseus on her island for seven years offered him the impossible. Odysseus with his wife in mind declined the gift for a passage towards home. With temptation and challenges that blockaded Odysseus journey home. However Odysseus and his deceased crew could of made it home safely if it wasn't for the curiosity and jealousy of the crew to open the bag of wind and their evil temptation to kill and eat Helios cows. The gods playing minor roles it was human nature that brought the crewmembers to their doom and slowed Odysseus down from returning home. Homer portrayed human nature with the gods and goddesses. We are our own enemy. We are the ones who lay the path in our life and destination. However there are bumps in the word that slow us down and break us down. With hope we resist temptation and fight evil off. The gods in the Odyssey portrayed the good and evil in human nature. Odysseus being the hero of the Odyssey resisted and learned valuable lessons in life on his adventure back home.
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