Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Macbeth Newspaper Essay Example for Free
Macbeth Newspaper Essay One way Jewett dramatizes the character of the young girls adventure is by using personification. Jewett uses personification. Personification gives human qualities to objects as a way of describing them to strengthen the description. In the story A White Heron Jewett uses personification when she says â€Å"There was the huge tree asleep yet in the paling moonlight. †Jewett here is showing the tree as a peaceful tree sleeping under the moonlight. â€Å"It must truly have been amazed. †This is when Jewett is trying to show how the tree is amazed by Sylvia and from that point it started to help her. â€Å"It felt this determined spark of human spirit. †This is when Jewett is showing that the tree felt a spark of human spirit. â€Å"And the tree stood still and frowned away the winds. †This was when Jewett was trying to show that the tree frowned away the winds and did not want the wind to make Sylvia’s journey hard for her. â€Å"The old pine must have loved his new dependent. †This is when Jewett is showing that the old pine tree now has helped Sylvia to the top and actually loves his new dependent (Sylvia). Another way Jewett dramatizes the character of the young girls adventure is by using Diction. Diction is the author’s word choice. It is very important because it strengthens the description of something or someone. In The White Heron Jewett it helps contrast between the huge tree and the small girl. Words that was used to describe Sylvia in the story was â€Å"little,†â€Å"small,†â€Å"clumsy,†â€Å"bare feet,†â€Å"weak creature†and â€Å"Harmless housebreaker. †All of these are words chosen by Jewett that describes the character of Sylvia. It strengthens the characterization of Sylvia. Those words mostly are showing that Sylvia is weak and small. She is a small girl that goes on a journey that leads her to becoming a young adult. Also words such as â€Å"determined,†â€Å"daring,†spark†and â€Å"dazzle†shows that Sylvia is determined and is daring herself to climb the â€Å"huge†tree. Jewett also uses words to describe the tree. Words such as â€Å"huge,†â€Å"strong,†â€Å"old pine,†â€Å"sturdy,†â€Å"monstrous ladder†and â€Å"great main mast†to describe the tree. This is showing that the tree is very powerful. These two are exactly opposite when Jewett describes them using word choice and diction. For example she says the girl is â€Å"small†and the tree is â€Å"huge,†she is â€Å"weak†and the tree is â€Å"strong†so there is a contrast between them. Contrasting diction and word choices contrasts the Sylvia’s personality and the tree’s.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Achilles Changes Essay -- essays research papers
The Iliad, a book by Homer about the Trojan War, focuses a lot on Achilles and his internal struggle with his personal desires. In the time of the Trojan War, there was an unspoken code of morals and how warriors of honor should follow. If they did not fight or acted cowardly it not only brought them shame but their family name was looked down on. Warriors that were defeated weren’t always killed because they were sometimes taken prisoner to be used for ransom money or gifts. However, in the Iliad, Homer shows that sympathy rarely is evident in war.      Achilles’ stubborn and cowardly sides are shown when Ajax, Phoenix, and Odysseus travel to visit him and beg him to return to the fight. Instead of acting like an honorable warrior, he refuses after listening them plead for his help in the fight. He said that he would not return until his own Greek warriors’ ships were on fire from Trojan flames.      Achilles’ rage and childishness is revealed when he learns of his friend, and father figure’s death, and becomes not only enraged but cries like a child. Children, when they get angry because of something that someone did to them, their first thoughts of what they can do to get back at them, to make things â€Å"even.†This is what Achilles does. When Hector killed Patroclus he also took the armor that Patroclus was wearing which belonged to Achilles. This is the point at which Achilles’ values show because this when he decides to r...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Gothic Literature Essay
American Gothic Literature is a chance to experience the bizarre and scary natures of an individual. Authors such as Hawthorne, Faulkner and O’conner use the written word to paint these gothic images in the minds of their readers. Supernatural appearances and motifs such as ghosts and monsters, are embodiments of people’s deepest fears and longings. Authors often use creepy settings because it is what revolves around the event. For example, In The Cask of Amontillado it creates a creepy setting, â€Å"I busied myself among the pile of bones of which i have before spoken, throwing them aside†(83).This gives us a suspicious and vigorous feeling of who’s pile of bones that is? It creates an idea that murder has occurred. Another ideal of a direful set is in the story The Raven when the narrator says, â€Å"A distinctly dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor†(467). He clearly tells us what he remembers in December. About the fire tugging its ghost upon the floor. The dreadful settings makes the appearance of it’s leading to the event. Descriptions of characters let’s us know what the character will or may do.For example, In A Rose for Emily, the character Emily demands, â€Å"I want arsenic†. She demands wantin arsenic letting us predict what she may do with it. It gives us clues making a Gothic story more interesting. In Addition, the author of The Masque of the Red Death wrote, â€Å"His vesture was dabbed in blood and his broad brow, with the scarlet horror†(122). The Masque of Red Death is about to attack showing himself in blood with his scarlet horror. It scares the people primarily as to just killing them for a more captivating event .By creating an obscure character, people attend achieving Gothic greatness. The event is the climax of the story with many unexpected tragic stories. For example, in Good Country People Hulga yells at at Manly Pointer, â€Å"‘Give me my leg! ’ sh e screamed and tried to lunge for it, but he pushed her down easily†(12). Hulga did not expect for Manly Pointer to steal her bogus leg. He has always presented himself as a good Christian that is nothing but noble. Furthermore, an unforeseen event makes occurs in A Rose For Emily, â€Å"Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head.One of us lifted something from it, and leaning forward, that faint and invisible dust, dry and acrid in the nostrils, we saw a long strand iron-gray hair†(12). Even though Miss Emily aparted herself from the outside, her murder of Homer was sudden. Miss Emily having Homer’s dead body for so many years conveys there is more than just a solitary feeling in her. Death is usually where the story ends in a Gothic story to follow the sequence of fascinating menacing literature. Abnormal semblance of specters draw the structure of the people’s inmost anxiety and desire.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
I Have Always Had A Passion For Mathematics Essay
I have always had a passion for mathematics. Outside of school, I did sudokus, measured my entire house, made graphs, and even created my own problems to explore mathematics. I would do all of my work, including tests, without a calculator just to challenge myself and do more math. As the concepts increased in difficulty, the subject became even more fun for me. The dedication and creativity required in advanced mathematics have only empowered my enthusiasm for mathematics. The problem-solving within mathematics and the love I had for the subject inspired me to become a teacher. Because of my enthusiasm for mathematics, I became the tutor for the Math Lab at Gardner-Webb. With this job, I am available to students struggling in one-hundred-level mathematics courses every week. This has allowed me to share my excitement for math. I focus on the problem-solving, almost puzzle-like aspect of mathematics and show students how fun solving problems could be. I share my passion for the subject with students who had the very opposite view of mathematics as me and, by the end of each semester, students began to have fun with the problems with me! My passion gives them motivation to persevere through their homework. My time in the Math Lab has helped me discover my value of passion in the classroom. I want to share my excitement for math with my students just like what I have done in the Math Lab. I have found that, if learners care for and like the subject they are learning about,Show MoreRelatedMy First Year Of College756 Words  | 4 PagesI haven’t always had a passion for mathematics. Throughout high school and my first year of college, my only goal was to get a degree with minimal effort. My first year at SUNY Potsdam was dreadful at best. Not only was I miserable taking courses I didn’t enjoy, but my GPA suffered for it. The semester I took Calculus 1 was when everything turned around for me. 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