Friday, May 31, 2019
Light vs. Dark in Heart of Darkness Essay -- Heart Darkness Conrad Ess
Light vs. Dark in Heart of Darkness The realism movement of the late nineteenth ampere-second produced works in literature that were marked by reduced sentimentality and increased objectivity. The goal was to let details tell the story, and remove noticeable crook of the author through scientific and detailed descriptions. While this form of storytelling undoubtedly is most accurate, it creates difficulties for authors to incorporate their themes into the story. This resulted in an increase in symbolism in realist works. The objects and descriptions in spite of appearance the story are the authors vehicle for displaying the values and themes of the work. Light and darkness are symbols commonly used in literature, and have held specific exemplary meanings for hundreds of years. Simply stated, light commonly symbolizes good, while darkness symbolizes its antithesis - evil. (Cooper) For centuries light vs. dark has been quite possibly the most common symbol in all literature. In Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad uses detail to create a feeling that transcends the literal text - most notably through his use of light and dark and the inversion of their handed-down meanings. The end goal of this inversion is the establishment of the theme that not everything is as it seems. More specifically, Conrad uses detailed imagery of light and dark to show often generation innocence men can be more savage than the natives. The use of darkness in the title of Conrads work immediately alludes to its relevancy to the story, but in an unexpected way. While the contrast of light and dark, white and black, and good and evil is a common theme in his novella, Conrad essentially reverses the meanings of the two. Conrads story is about the penetration of a corru... ...Conrad removes Marlows bias, but through the inclusion body of careful details he is able to establish his themes. The cruelty of white man to the natives, appearances being deceiving, the nobility of the Africans all are clear messages of this text that come across not from Marlows opinion, but rather the careful inclusion of details and symbolism. No bigger symbol helps Conrad reinforce his theme than the continuous battle of light and dark, and his use of the two is the cornerstone from which he builds meaning from symbolism. kit and boodle CitedConrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Ed. David Damrosch, New York Pearson. Copyright 2004. (pp. 948-1001) Cooper, J.C. An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols. London Thames and Hudson. Copyright 1987.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
A shot by shot analysis of a major scene in Hitchcocks Notorious :: essays research papers
The 3rd Major Scene in Alfred Hitchcocks Notorious1.The scene begins by fading in on the back of the speechless mans head (Cary Grant) in Alicias bungalow. Then the tv camera zooms out man brush right to give the first full hypothesis and view of both of the main characters. They are shown seated at a table, with many empty bottles of liquor and glasses. 2.Then a rigid reverse over the lift guesswork of Devlins type (Cary Grant) is next. Devlin then proclaims Theres one more drink left apiece. disgrace rough the ice.3.Next the wisecrack reverses again to another(prenominal) tight over the shoulder shot but of Alicias face this time. Where she asks a question about what Devlin says. Devlin then answers her question about the ice when the shot is still on Alicia. 4.Now the shot reverses again to a tight shot of Devlins face over Alicias shoulder. He then asks Alicia a question Why do you like that song?5.Then the shot reveres again to an over Devlins shoulder shot tight on Alicias face. She begins to smile and laugh. Then Alicia gets suddenly serious and says Theres nothing like a redeeming(prenominal) love song to give you a safe(p) laugh.6.The shot reverses again to a tight over the shoulder shot of Devlins face where he answers Alicias question. 7.Immediately reverses again to a tight over the shoulder shot of Alicias face, where she is shown yawning with her hand over her mouth. Then Alicia asks Its in any case stuffy in here isnt it? Devlin answers spell the shot remains the same. Alicia leans in towards Devlin and asks him another question What about we have a picnic?8.The shot then reverses again to another tight over the shoulder shot of Devlins face. He then answers her question with a question.9.The shot reveres again to a tight but brief over the shoulder shot of Alicias face where she begins to stand up.10.Next the shot changes to a full shot of Devlin and Alicia where she continues to stand. The camera follows them up as they now both in full rise, thus revealing more than just there faces in over 9 shots. Alicia states that they should go outside, while Devlin has a drink in hand. She then asks if Devlin is liberation to finish his drink. Devlin says that he is and takes down the rest of the drink leaving only a few drops, as Alicia gazes into his eyes.A shot by shot compendium of a major scene in Hitchcocks Notorious essays research papers The 3rd Major Scene in Alfred Hitchcocks Notorious1.The scene begins by fading in on the back of the silent mans head (Cary Grant) in Alicias bungalow. Then the camera zooms out while sweeping right to give the first full shot and view of both of the main characters. They are shown seated at a table, with many empty bottles of liquor and glasses. 2.Then a tight reverse over the shoulder shot of Devlins face (Cary Grant) is next. Devlin then proclaims Theres one more drink left apiece. Shame about the ice.3.Next the shot reverses again to another tight over the shou lder shot but of Alicias face this time. Where she asks a question about what Devlin says. Devlin then answers her question about the ice when the shot is still on Alicia. 4.Now the shot reverses again to a tight shot of Devlins face over Alicias shoulder. He then asks Alicia a question Why do you like that song?5.Then the shot reveres again to an over Devlins shoulder shot tight on Alicias face. She begins to smile and laugh. Then Alicia gets suddenly serious and says Theres nothing like a good love song to give you a good laugh.6.The shot reverses again to a tight over the shoulder shot of Devlins face where he answers Alicias question. 7.Immediately reverses again to a tight over the shoulder shot of Alicias face, where she is shown yawning with her hand over her mouth. Then Alicia asks Its too stuffy in here isnt it? Devlin answers while the shot remains the same. Alicia leans in towards Devlin and asks him another question What about we have a picnic?8.The shot then reverses a gain to another tight over the shoulder shot of Devlins face. He then answers her question with a question.9.The shot reveres again to a tight but brief over the shoulder shot of Alicias face where she begins to stand up.10.Next the shot changes to a full shot of Devlin and Alicia where she continues to stand. The camera follows them up as they now both fully rise, thus revealing more than just there faces in over 9 shots. Alicia states that they should go outside, while Devlin has a drink in hand. She then asks if Devlin is going to finish his drink. Devlin says that he is and takes down the rest of the drink leaving only a few drops, as Alicia gazes into his eyes.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Human Values Versus Technology in Waiting for Godot and Civilization an
Human Values Versus Technology in Becketts Waiting for Godot and Freuds Civilization and its Discontents One of the most significant and wondrous features of todays society is the progress that has occurred with the fugacious of years and generations. Never before has kindliness witnessed the technological advances that are now transpiring. Such advances encompass almost every facet of life as humanity knows it from biomedical engineering to the exploration of outer-space. Science has proven to be beneficial to life as well as to the expansion of the mind. However, civilization is not in need solely of scientific revolutions. As the famous Beckett and Freud have implied in their literary works, humanity has not lost touch with innate human determine that have been intrinsically bestowed upon it. These value, implicitly stated in the works created by Beckett and Freud, are the need for companionship, and purpose and meaning in life. The ideas of companionship and meaning in life are ubiquitous in Becketts play Waiting for Godot. Much of the play is a mockery of the condition humanity would be faced with in a meaningless world. The four main characters in the play, Vladimir, Estragon, Pozzo, and Lucky, undeniably represent the lazy side of humanity in that they spend their lives waiting for something elusive that seemingly will not ever appear. By the end of the play, Vladimir and Estragon are still hoping for this arrival, and there has been no trace of it. This demonstrates the futility of spending so much beat anticipating an event that is not likely to happen, given previous experience. Becketts play is therefore a mockery of the human value of purpose and meaning in life. non only does Becketts play ... new ideas regarding humanity. With the progress of new knowledge and technology, it seems reasonable that human values would advance as well. This, however, has not proven to be the case. Instead, the values that are innate to hum anity have remained firmly established since the beginning of time. For example, people are still seeking the meaning of life in religion, as they did thousands of years ago, even though there has not been any discovery that has supported religion. In addition, people still seek companionship in the take in of dating, families, sex, and friendship. Companionship has not become obsolete with the advancement of technology, and the way companionship is viewed has not adapted to the realities in society. As much as technology and scientific discipline have contributed, a value as simple as acceptance of diversity has not progressed nearly as much.
The American Revolution: A War for Independence Essay -- American War o
The American Revolution was a war for independence. It was a war which was fought for equal rights and the freedom of a would be nation. It showed the pure courage and heart of the American colonists by pitting them against a much more powerful opponent. The British had the best army in the world, and the colonists were often just poor farmers armed with their hunting muskets. It was truly a case of David versus Goliath. The reasons, course, and outcome of the American Revolution provided the perfect scenario for achieving independence. The ideas behind the revolution came much earlier than 1776. They came from deep within the Enlightenment. Although there was not much support behind these ideas, it is important to note that they existed. Stress had been building in the colonies since the end of the Seven Years War. For the first time ever there was a standing British army in the colonies. The British had nearly doubled their national debt defending their colo nies, and they felt it was time for the colonies to start contributing slightly money. The colonists were expected to care for the British soldiers in the colonies. They would feed, clothe, and house these soldiers. The soldiers were there for the soul purpose of tightening Englands grip on her colony. Needless to say, this did not please the colonists really much. They had enjoyed freedom under a neglectful Britain in the early 1700s. Now they face the possibility of losing all they had gained. The American Revolution was directly set get through by continuous arguments over increased taxes. The first tax to come was in the form of the Navigation Acts. The Navigation Acts were acts passed by the British Parliament to get colonial tra... ...ship and cunning diplomacy the colonists surprised the world and won their independence. Works Cited- Buckler, John, Bennett D. Hill, and John P. McKay. A History of Western Society. Boston, PA Houghton Mifflin Company, 1975. - Lecky, William E. H. The American Revolution 1763-1783. rude(a) York, NY D. Appleton and Company, 1924. - Morgan, Edmund S. The Birth of the Republic, 1763-1789. Chicago, IL The University of Chicago Press, 1956. - Morris, Richard B. The American Revolution A Short History. Huntington, NY Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, 1955. - Stokesbury, James L. A Short History of the American Revolution. upstart York, NY William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1991. - Ward, Harry M. The American Revolution Nationhood Achieved 1763-1788. New York, NY St. Martins Press, Inc., 1995.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Kids Having Kids Essay -- essays research papers
Linnie, from one of the poorest areas of Washington, D.C., started having sex when she was only eleven. Girls from disadvantaged homes are three to four measure more likely to have children. By the time Linnie was fifteen, she was pregnant. As soon as she found out, her boyfriend of five years left her. This is in truth commonplace when it comes to teenage pregnancy. More teens are having sex and getting pregnant then ever before These girls must decide what to do about their child, and that is a very hard decision There are about four million teens that are sexually active in the U.S. Only about half of them use of goods and services protection. There are many influences in a young persons life. Mass media is a big part of the influence. Television displays twenty green scenes of suggested sexual intercourse. 94% are on soap operas between unmarried couples and teens. Some say that sexual education being taught in school makes it bet acceptable. It also makes teens think about sex more. Another reason that teens are having sex is because times have changed. For example, in the 1950s, pregnant teens were sent away for cardinal months to stay with distant relatives or to live in homes of unwed teen mothers. Until the 1970s, pregnant teenagers were not allowed to stay in school, but now it isnt most as strictThere are many effects of having sex and one is getting pregnant. The first step is to think about what to do with the baby. angiotensin converting enzyme of the hardest steps is telling your parents...
Kids Having Kids Essay -- essays research papers
Linnie, from one of the poorest areas of Washington, D.C., started having sex when she was only eleven. Girls from disadvantaged homes are three to four times to a greater extent likely to have children. By the time Linnie was fifteen, she was pregnant. As soon as she found out, her boyfriend of five years left her. This is very common when it comes to teenage pregnancy. More teens are having sex and getting pregnant then ever before These girls must decide what to do about their child, and that is a very labored decision there are about four million teens that are innerly active in the U.S. Only about half of them use protection. There are many influences in a young persons life. Mass media is a big part of the influence. Television displays twenty thousand scenes of suggested sexual intercourse. 94% are on soap operas between unmarried couples and teens. Some say that sexual education being taught in school makes it seem acceptable. It in any case makes teens think about sex m ore. Another reason that teens are having sex is because times have changed. For example, in the 1950s, pregnant teens were sent away for nine months to check with distant relatives or to live in homes of unwed teen mothers. Until the 1970s, pregnant teenagers were not allowed to stay in school, but now it isnt nearly as strictThere are many effects of having sex and one is getting pregnant. The first step is to think about what to do with the baby. One of the hardest go is telling your parents...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Opinion essay, computers Essay
In our present life everything is connected with ready reckoners technology. We exercising computers at homes, schoolhouses, banks, hospitals, and legion(predicate) other places. A computer is a helpful and comfortable invention. Most things we receipt are run or made by computers. For example, cars, traffic signals, medical equipments, and most jobs today request the use of computer. It plays a major role, and has a huge impact on our society. The main three effects of living without computers might be losing condemnation, inaccuracy, and missing many important machines that run or made by them.Computers complete a lot of work for us which normally consume a long time .If we did not have computers, we would need a long time to do many tasks. For example, employs at banks need computers to finish their jobs in short time. Students in school use computers to print reports, do assignments, and research via the internet to get what they need very quickly. By using computers we wil l save our time, and get accurate results. Computers suffer us with accuracy. Many fields need computers to ensure the accuracy in their results. For example, doctors in the medical filed would not have found cures for many diseases if they did not use computers. Most cures were found with help of computers with a high level of accuracy.In addition, space exploration scientists would not achieve a success without computers. Most machines we know are run or made by computers. For example, cars, airplanes, microwaves, traffic signals, and medical equipments. We could not organize the traffic signals with more proficiency without computers. In conclusion, computers have helped us to take a large step into the future. They have played a major role, and have had a huge impact on our daily lives. animateness without them could lead to many problems, and the main three effects of living without computers would be losing time, Inaccuracy, and missing many important machines.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Electronical Devices for Books Essay
Imagine if electronic devices replaced books and papers. Imagine being able to have all of your take supplies at the tips of your fingers. Life would be so much easier for students, and even the teachers. Technological devices should replace traditional books and papers beca subroutine it provides more resources, keeps everything nonionic, and perform the students backpacks lighter. Electrical devices are meliorate because they provide more resources. It gives more resources because they can go to the internet and find what you are looking for faster.A student can easily look up more information for a somebody they are doing a biography on. Plus instead of writing down a website address, they can just go straight to the link. Also, the internet can give a person more information than a book can give. For example a book whitethorn give a person just a page over a person, but online, the student can get pages over that person. A person can get multiple opinions to see if they are g etting the right information. The electronic devices such as laptops can keep everything neat and organized.It keeps students more organized because instead of having all of these papers, you have virtual folders that a student can put documents in, PDF files, and power points. They can look at all of their documents that they saved and instill them to give to teachers as hard copies. Plus a student can put work on a flash drive and save them and use it for extra storage too. A student can easily access your homework by clicking on a folder. Using scientific devices will come the students backpacks lighter because they wont have to carry around a bunch of books and folders with a bunch of paper stuffed inside of it.These devices save room in the students backpacks. Students always complain about their shoulders and backs hurting because of how heavy their bags are. So why not give their shoulders and backs a break and use electronic devices and just give them a try. It would also save the schools and parents a lot of money by not having to buy textbooks every year for their children.To conclude, why should technological devices replace traditional books and paper? They should replace them because they provide more resources, keeps students more organized, and takes weight off of students backpacks. Does anyone else agree? Students want all of these things to make their school life a whole lot easier and more fun.Prev Page
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Education For All Essay
Introduction There is so some(prenominal) reasons and so many ways that raising crapper benefit people in all close to the world. It is stated that schooling for 1 year bathroom increase one somebodys income up to 10%, and that is only with 1 year of didactics. Education amazes people healthier by arming them with noesis that they can intake in their daily lives to protect themselves with, so that they can know how to clean and take deal out of themselves discover. It also saves more(prenominal) children because educated mothers know how to take c atomic number 18 of their children better since babies atomic number 18 fragile and very hard to take cargon of and volitiondecrease the children mortality rate.Education also teaches people female rights that are often ignored in poorer parts of the world because they turn over a different view of women. With knowledge women will know their own rights and stand up for themselves instead of doing nothing. Having cultivati on for all people around the world is very important because it is the alikel to combat scantiness. Education will surely decrease poverty all around the world if there was direction for everyone, that is not solely my opinion, there are so many facts that prove that program line will attend to people in need.Global PerspectivesGovernments all around the world has been onto education for all, realizing how important it is to everyone because it can improve the world by a lot, so they dogged to set up 6 goals that are related to education for all. These goals will help get the people in poverty basic education that they deserve. These goals will hopefully bring decrease poverty and hunger around the world. Those 6 goals will increase childishness care and also expand on childhood education. They also aim towards providing mandatory primary education for everyone so that everyone has basic education to arm themselves with.The goals will also push for learning life skills for e veryone so that more people will be more willing to learn. Increasing adult literacy is also part of the agenda in the education for all goals. up(p) the quality of education is one of the aims because there is no use having education for everyone if the quality of education is real low. I echo that these goals are all really good goals to follow and if all the government stick to the goals and all the goals get getd, there will be no more poverty because of education bailiwick/Regional In China, Shanghai tried to give more access to all students and more support forstudents that are failing or finding education hard.Shanghai aims to dilute the work that students have to do so that they can do better a school environment, and also create better preschool education to make sure students will do better in primary school. This goal is set to be reached at 2020. Most of the children that arent doing well in school are children of people who are migrant workers who didnt have publ ic education before. It is estimated that around 20% of students are the children of people that are migrant workers. Educational achievement is one thing China really cares active.Contrary to other countries in China, Shanghai realizes that minority students get good education too so Shanghai now has a policy letting migrant student attend public schools with other Shanghai children. There is a clay that basically where a special type of school that has more sources than other schools and they accept less(prenominal) students, these schools are called key schools. This system is really outdated and it is less popular now. Shanghai removed this system because it promoted education inequality and made a policy where students had to attend their local school so it will be more equal.Local Perspectives In Hong Kong, they have rules that promote education for all so that everyone will be equal and no races will be left hand out just because of their race. In Hong Kong, schools cant d iscriminate against your race by refusing to take in your child, or admitting your child in worse terms. They cannot disavow access of any benefits, facilities or services that they give to other students. It is also against the law for any school, teacher or students to harass other children because of their race. There are 6 kind of schools in Hong Kong. Government schools, Aided schools, DSS Schools (DirectSubsidy School), Private schools, ESF (English Foundation School), International School.The government, DSS and aided schools use a local curriculum turn the other schools use curriculums based on themselves and what they believe in so this can vary a lot depending on the school. The government has a 6 year primary education plan that means you have to attend primary education for 6 years that is a necessity but it can be free if you are attending government schools or aided schools because those schools are inventoryed by the government and not by any private owners. indiv idual(prenominal) Perspectives.I regard that education for all is very important. There are social benefits from having education. There has been stats surveyed that people who have accepted college education have generally longer lives and will take better care of themselves. The people who receive education will have more self esteem and will be more satisfied with themselves. The people with good education will also be better at solving day to day problems that will make his life much more easier on a daily basis.Educational should be for both genders equally because Education should also be for everyone, it isalso more important for females because the education that the women received has more of an effect on her family and their generations. It doesnt only help herself, she also helps her family. That is why educating women is a good way and a offshoot step to solving poverty on a global scale.There has been research done that married women will have smaller and healthier families. improve women know the significance of health care and how to get it for her and her family. Education also helps women be more confident about herself and know that she has equal rights and both genders are equal.Education of parents are also linked to the education that their children are gonna receive and mothers is more influential than the fathers so mothers education is important. Educated women are likely to have less mistimed birth and unwanted babies so they will be prepared when they actually decide to have a baby. Education are being received by both genders now because equality of both genders are being recognized as important. Being education gender equal is one of the goals of the millennium development goals that is due in 2015. There are groups like UNFPA that advocate for universal education.They help try to make education more equal in more underdeveloped countries so more countries understand the importance of reducing the gender inequality gap. Future Scenarios and Possible Courses of Action I think that the governments all around the world need to prioritize education for all and bring it higher(prenominal) on their to do lists because it is easily one of the most important things to achieve and it will so many problems on earth. We should also make sure that there will be less sexism in this world because in the poorer areas, women are considered less equal than men.If a family had a daughter and a son, and could onlyafford education for one, they will choose the boy because they think the girl is flawed compared to the boy. There should be more policies that empower women and make them more important because right now, people are sexist and still think that men is better than women even though its not true and there are information that suggests women can help solve poverty if more women get educated. I think that the governments in poorer places need to set up more event that promotes education so that everyone knows how im portant education is so they will emphasize on education for their children.The government should host events to get people to endorse and embrace education so children will want to go to school and work hard. I think there should be cheaper transport in poorer places so that children can get to school much more easily and in a cheaper way so the price of transportation wont deter them away from going to school. Young people who received formal education should teach people around them so he can spread education to more people. I also think that the more developed countries should use some of their money to fund some organisations that help the less developed countries build schools andeducation so more people will have proper education because everyone has the right of education and education is considered a basic human right for a long time.Personal Response I think education is really important because education also plays an important role in reducing world hunger. Child malnutr ition is one of the highest death causing problem there is in underdeveloped countries. It is estimated that about 1 billion people do not have access to proper nutrition that is needed to have a healthy life. One of the most important factors of reducing world hunger is educating women, which iseven more effective than directly giving them food. In Bangladesh, if a mother is illiterate, there is a higher chance that her child will be malnourished.Education can help increase food production in countries by giving people the knowledge they need to produce more food and also to increase their knowledge about health. There are studies that show that education directly correlates with food security. In Bangladesh, as women with higher forms of education, there is a much lower chance that they have malnourished children.Research also shows that people with higher forms of educationcan produce more foods than ordinary farmers with no knowledge because they might adapt smart strategies tha t can help produce more food than farmers that use the kindred strategies over and over again. Only few years of primary education can already boost a farmers output by 9%. In saharan africa, investing in educating women can potentially boost the output of the food by about 25% which is a really higher number. assist/HIV is a really huge problem in still developing countries and one of the most important ways of preventing or help reduce the number of support/HIV is education.According to the global campaign for education, If all children received a complete primary education, the economic impact of HIV/AIDS could be greatly reduced and around 700,000 cases of HIV in young adults could be prevented each year, seven million in a decade That just shows that education is key to stopping and preventing AIDS/HIV from spreading even more. Lots of young men and women who dont have the required education do not even know about AIDS/HIV and is in risk of getting it very easily. References www. educationforallblog. org www. unicef. org www. eoc. org. hk www. ncee. org www. unesco. org www. un. org.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Knowledge and Understanding of “the Human Seasons†Essay
The poem The Human Seasons is a poem by conjuring trick Keats is a poem John Keats wrote to a friend in a letter. The Human Seasons is a fourteen line English sonnet with twelve lines in the kickoff followed by two final lines at the end. The poem has rhymes however the whole poem is neither uniform nor consistent throughout. The first four lines rhyme in an ABAB pattern. The second rhyme can be put in between line six and eight. The Third rhyme can be found between ball club and eleven and the final rhyme is in the last two lines, line thirteen and fourteen. All these rhymes are different, however they do share one occasion in common the rhyming pairs all have one line in between to separate them.Another pattern that can be found in the poem is an iambic pattern. In pattern flows with the human blood flow making it easy to read. These patterns construct the bases that show the amount of thought John Keats put into the poem to express himself. The speaker we assume is John Keats himself since this poem was used in a letter to a friend from John Keats. The intend audience is the recipient of the letter, but now the poem is shared to all. In the poem John Keats is comparing the two different natural process, the four seasons of a natural year and the stages of human life. The season become metaphors for the various feelings and thoughts humans experience in the various phases of ones life.The tone is serious as John Keats is expressing his thought on the topics of the natural human process. This serious tone can be felt from the diction since the John Keats choses to use formal voice communication to write this poem. The Human Season is an example of John Keats ability to put a lot of thought in a fourteen line poem. The patterns and thoughts show in the poem are densely compressed but not too much that makes it hard on the reader to understand the topics and the expression of the speaker. cardinal can really appreciate this with the careful analysis to s ee how much work John Keats puts into a short fourteen lines.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
The Expansion of the NFL Generations
The National Football League (NFL) has changed oer time during its macrocosm from 1920. The National Football Leagues experience is even more exciting at once then in past generations. The doers today are bigger, faster, and stronger then professional players. Although the like general rules still apply in todays feeble, but new ones are brought up every year to protect players from injuries. Ever since the league started in 1920, the football equipment for players has ameliorate even better over the years. Also todays football culture is even more exciting for players and fans to enjoy.For the players today, it is easier to advance themselves and their teams from the Internet and social media. Since the arrival of the NFL, it has improved over the years and the now fans confine made it a way in their daily life. The NFL experience improves every year and it is easier for players to promote themselves because of the Internet. Currently, every player joined the NFL because of t he Internet. Today, it is easier for players to promote themselves and communicate with coaches or teams because of the Internet.Coaches and team management are everlastingly on the look out for great players. After their talent search, the NFL teams finder online using college statistics for their prospect using the college athletics websites from the players school. The NFL coaches today can even watch college players highlight films on YouTube, which is a great way to promote players. The aged(a) generation coaches had to use word of mouth communications to scout players. Unlike past generations, the communication for players and coaches have involved extremely because of advance technology.The NFL generation today is better than past generations and is getting outstanding players to join the league because of the Internet. The NFL players today are pay more money because of their experience, talents, and abilities to play the game. The players who usually get paid the most a re the franchise players. The franchise players (best players on their team) are treated more valuable and the teams base their game strategies because of talents of those players. While other players are stop of a role in the game plan, the franchise players carry most the load to the game plan.The NFL players today can easily be replaced by other upcoming college standouts. Unlike past generations, the competition is even more difficult to play against today because the players want to stay in the league or non be traded to other teams. The NFL continues to improve year after year because of the great competitors that join the league and the current players that do not want to be replaced. The rules and regulations of the NFL games have changed significantly and the way the game is watched on telecasting. Most of the rules that changed were for health and injury risk issues because of the full middleman sport.For instance, the most recent rule that changed was the head-to-hea d contact fishing gear. The head-to-head contact tackle is the incorrect way to tackle, but sometimes other players just want to injury other players for their own reasons. This highlight tackle has been banned due to injuries like brain damage, neck injuries, and concussions. If players attempted to do this tackle they will be fined or suspend for an certain amount of games. well(p) like any other violation tackle, the head-to-head contact tackle is absorbed in the NFL very closely.While, football equipment has improved over the years for base hit issues. There are lighter safety pads that protect your bones with more comfort to your body when absorbed contact. The NFL is always improving the football equipment and exhausting to vitiate past life-threatening injuries such as concussions. Others new rules were also created to improve how the game is played and will protect the football players even better today. The games on television have better get a line and a greater expe rience to watch the game. Unlike in the past, there is a huge difference how the picture has improved even more.The NFL games today have more camera angles and closer experience to watch the game. Just imaging and compared how older generations watched the games on black and lily-white televisions? Also, the NFL games are now watched in high definition. There are also now NFL games that can be watched in three-Dimensional. Unlike basic cable games, the 3-D games change the television experience, they make you feel like you are playing or coaching in the game. The way the game is played and watched on television in todays generation, is extremely better than past generations.Also the American football culture is expanding and growing over the years of existence. During the fall season, fans know Sundays are for NFL football games and church. NFL fans exist through out America there can be New York fans that live in California or other areas. The fans are expanding universal and the football culture is now a way of peoples life. For example, NFL fans treat Super Bowl Sunday as a holiday than a regular funding football game. Everybody watches the Super Bowl for the game, halftime show, and commercials. NFL fans have parties and invite friends over to watch the big game at their house.Even commercials during the Super Bowl are always talked about because everybody watches the Super Bowl. Although, companies pay millions of dollars for thirty seconds for their commercials to be played during the Super Bowl because they can attract new customers. Even stores get involved to promote Super Bowl Sunday like having sales on food and televisions. However, the Thanksgiving Thursday Night Football Game is also part of the American football culture. While enjoying time with family on a real holiday, the NFL has a game on Thanksgiving Day.This game always promotes the Super Bowl game because they know fans and their families are ceremony the game. The football culture ha s grown bigger through every generation. Everybody knows when its time for Super Bowl Sunday. The NFL experience has improved over the years and players have been improving each year. My best-loved player of all time in the NFL is glow Lewis, he plays defensive linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens. Ray Lewis is a franchise player for the Baltimore Ravens and is entering his sixteenth year in the NFL because of his effort to be the best he can be.While, I play the same part as Ray Lewis and I try to put in the same effort he does to become a great player. Although I am trying to pursue an NFL career and become a legend just like Ray Lewis it takes hard work and dedication to become the best you can be. My favorite motivation quote from Ray Lewis is You might be bigger, faster, stronger, and better than me, but you are not going to outwork me, because I wont let you. Unlike other players, Ray Lewis is great role model to play the game and he continues to play the game with his heart instead of greed.The National Football League has changed significantly in every generation. The players are more skilled, paid more money, and rules have changed due to past injuries. The players today are bigger, faster, and stronger than past players because of the improvements in the games. Even the technology of watching the game on televisions has improved significantly for fans to enjoy. Today, the NFL culture has grown on every American life including mine. The National Football League will nutrition changing generation after generation, but the love of the game will continue to grow.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Migrant workers Essay
Migrant workers app bently come from poor countries and bring forth been backup in tough financial situation, thus they choose to work as maids outside their countries hoping they would meet a solution for their crisis. However, this situation is getting more serious and controversial than before, the rate of national workers committing suicide is increasing. what households seek in Lebanon is non to help but slaves to serve them, and these maids go through hard work and mistreatment. We hear a lot of maids who hedge and we read a lot in the press about the crimes committed by the maids, but we do not ask ourselves why all of this is calamity?The answer is linked on how the householder treats her maid, which in the matter of time the maid might commit a suicide and get her revenge. people argon treating maids as animals, not realizing that they also have feelings and lives to live. Maids also have their rights just like any different person violence or yelling at them is not the solution this may lead them to escape since they argon not machines that can get all your work done at the same time. tidy sum should wake up and stop treating them such(prenominal) a way they are still human that need to be taken care of instead of treating them bad. They are here to help the house holder their wasted rights should be defended as people should be punished for what they are doing.Forgin workers comes from a poor background and she does not know so much about the technology and how to use electronic appliances, therefore the householder should train and explains for her the instructions how to use these technological appliances instead of yelling and beating her. When the maid starts working the householder should teach her gently and calmly, she could be ignorant, does not know how to read and write, and not educated enough so she necessarily time to understand what she should do. Trading companies are the one who provide households with domestic workers in order to help them with their everyday life issues, such as alter and taking care of kids, that parents usually do not have time for it. Workers coming from poor countries do not mind working and taking such tasks in order to afford enough money for their families back in their home country. The problem starts to rise when owners begin to insult these workers and forbid them from rights, such as the rights of privacy or maintaining their good health or giving them a day off to rest.Thus, the maids start to disobey their owners and even sometimes create other(a) problems such as creating chaos and misbehaving. In this case owners become extremelyabusive and strict, to a point where the workers do not have any other choice than to commit suicide in case they forbid them to go outside the house. The first right that should be taken into consideration is to enable them to strain their parents, provide adequate housing, and provide the necessary requirements. This type of behavior c an even affect the children whom they might have some affection left for the worker. Parents are childrens model of behavior, especially when they are at a young age therefore they imitate whatever their parents do, and start on their own abuse the maids whether physically or intellectually, such as verbal abuse. This might also add to their burden of being abused, even by children. These are the main factors that urge on them to the edge of killing themselves.Few mothers took this step and others followed and with time, however, need was not the only factor that led to the increase of the number of domestic migrant workers. Apparently we find one or two maids in some homes, houses are cleaner, sinks are empty and laundry is ironed but children are heartless and Lebanese-less. And when love is not received, it cannot be shown. Patriotism taught usually by mothers is getting extinct with time as they no longer discuss patriotic topics with their children due to lack of time. In addi tion, domestic workers who suffer from migration and their long distance stay, feel more attached to their home country. Both facts are negatively reflected on children these factors also contribute in their everyday pressure are the oppression and abuse of their rights. Another shocking factor, when the boss of the house tries to have a sexual intercourse with the maid. Maids are not slaves, they keep working all day and night and finally when the employee of the house finds out what happen she fire her and put her in jail saying that she take something from her stuff.These maids are working to escape the extreme poverty in which they suffer in their own countries they essential have some have someone who fights for their rights and needs since maids are not getting their full rights. The best way to avoid the problems suffered by the female migrant workers is to educate them about their rights safeguard and the dignity of humanity. As a conclusion maids are being exposed to frus tration or deprived of achieving their goals or satisfies their needs. The poverty and the need of money has been subjected to injustice, this reflects the majority of committing suicide. Maids must have their rights and obligations.Lebanese societyshould learn how to treat these women and they must appreciate and respect what they are doing, thus they should put in mind that these maids come from poor crossroads and they do not know how to deal with new equipments this is the responsibility of the house holder. Eventually, these maids are human beings just like any other person they must get their full rights, needs, and they should be treated in a good and polite way. We should not forget that we all work to earn money and living and they also work for the same reasons, but the difference is in the level of education. They are removing the hard work and dirt so their work must be appreciated.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Purpose of various software utilities Essay
Virus comfortion virus protection protects a computing machine arranging from cattish viruses and Trojans and worms which you can be infected by by dint of the internet or email or downloading files or through a USB flash buzz off etc. virus protection usu altogethery consists of a firewall, virus scanner, virus remover and spyw are. With virus protection you can perform a scan on your computer to deem if you have been infected by any viruses or Trojans or worms.With just about virus protections softwares you can scan your computer then it provide ask you if you want the viruses removed, also if any programs have been infected the virus protection give ask you if you want the infected program score outd, most virus protection programs quarantine the infected programs in case they are not really viruses.The main purpose of anti-virus software is to protect your computer form getting viruses, it does this by scanning downloads and attachments for viruses, it does this in the background while the user is performing other tasks. If the user does come across a virus the program leave alone warn the user and give the user the option of deleting it before it infects the computer.Some virus protection programs protect the user against spyware, this is a malicious program that enters a computer through internet, the threat usually comes through pop-up ads or bad internet websites, if a threat does come through the virus protection go out warn the user and give the user an option to eliminate the threat before it harms the computer. Firewalls the purpose of a firewall is to block intruders by looking for suspicious course such as domain names or IP addresses, certain protocols like file transfer protocol, ports and routing through a proxy service.There are two types of firewalls, hardware firewalls and software firewalls. Software firewalls provide another coating of security, software firewalls prohibit malware on your computer from being sent to othe rs. Hardware firewalls allot any kind of traffic from travelling from a local network out to the internet as safe.An example of a threat entering your computer could be, you visit a website that contains a hidden malicious program thats knowing to secretly install itself on your machine and then send culture out via the internet, this maybe to steal personal information, this is one method of infection. It is very dangerous to operate the internet without a firewall because then you result not be notified if a malicious program is trying to enter your computer and if youdo not have a firewall it will not be able to protect you from malicious programs that will damage your computer.A hardware firewall is a physical device that connects to a computer and is configurable through connection to it or either through using the internet browser or through a command line interface. Clean up tools e.g. removal of cookies, internet history and defragmentation the cookies in your browser are meant to make pages load faster, but they eventually start to slow down the constitution, overall the cookie files will become very large and this will impact on the overall speed of the system, this is where you could implement the cleaning software, the cleaning software scans for and deletes old and unnecessary data then after doing the clean-up procedure pages will take longer to open but this is normal.Internet history is a record of an internet users visited websites, downloaded files, saved passwords, saved internet files and cookies. By removing all your internet history is makes your computer system faster because there is more space to store files, also by removing your internet history all saved passwords will get deleted and all files downloaded will also get deleted.You should remove your internet history every couple of weeks so your history doesnt get cluttered up, this is what makes your internet slow. Removal of internet history can be done very easily using th e internet options, you can go to the tools section of your web browser. Most internet browsers such as internet explorer and Mozilla Firefox allow you to select the categories to delete internet history, this way it is much easier if you sole(prenominal) want to delete one category instead of deleting all the categories, for example if you want to delete form data you simply click on erase form data to delete all the history in that category.When removing internet history it also gives you the option to delete cookies, deleting cookies often is a good affaire because you can get hackers that use trackers to monitor your browsing activity and they can steal personal or private information. Fragmentation can cause a computer to run slower and processing problems can emerge when opening files. A defragmentation program will take the corrupted and scattered data on the drive and physically rearrange it, decreasing loading times and placing fewer problems on the computers processor.D efragmentation reduces data access and allows storage to be used more efficiently, some operating systems automatically defragment storage periodically, but others requirethat the user occasionally use a special utility for this purpose. Drive formatting formatting a hard drive enables it to be able to read and write data by creating a partition on the drive, a hard disk drive can be formatted or reformatted depending on what is being done to the drive.When a new hard drive is formatted a bootable partition is created, the partition that is created is where that operating system is installed. Formatting a hard drive requires selecting a file system that will be used on the drive, the file system is what the operating system uses to organize and allocate information that is written to various sectors on the hard disk. Formatting a hard disk will overwrite the data on the drive. The formatting process only removes the operating systems ability to read the data on the drive, data need s to be rewritten to the drive and then reformatted again to batten down that the data is no longer accessible.Registry cleaner the purpose of a register cleaner is to remove redundant items from the registry. A registry cleaner is designed for the use of Microsoft windows operating system. Registry cleaners have an automated procedure where it looks for invalid entries, missing file references or broken links within the registry and resolving or removing them. There are many registry cleaner programs you can download of the internet, some for free and some you have to purchase, for e.g. CCleaner is a registry cleaner program which is free and it works on windows 8, 7, vista and XP.CCleaner can be used to uninstall programs. It also allows changes of start-up programs, so users can disable start-up programs and CCleaner lets the user delete system restore points. Benchmarking Benchmarking is basically running a computer program. Benchmark utilities are important in PC optimisati on and troubleshooting. Benchmarking assesses the relative performance of an object, by running standard tests and trials against it.Benchmarking assesses the performance characteristics of computer hardware. There are full system benchmarks as well as those that only test certain split of a system such as the memory, CPU function, hard drives and network connections. Benchmarks help find out if there is a problem and where the location is. Bibliography http// http//
Monday, May 20, 2019
My Father Goes to Court
Culture is the characteristics of a particular grouping of people, delineate by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Today, in the United States as in other countries populated generally by immigrants, the culture is influenced by the many groups of people that now make up the country. Knowledge is a familiarity with mortal or something, which can include accompaniments, information, descriptions, or aptitudes acquired through experience or education. It can continue to the theoretical or practical understanding of a zepject.It can be implicit (as with practical skill or expertise) or explicit (as with the theoretical understanding of a subject) it can be more or less formal or systematic. 1 In philosophy, the study of knowledge is called epistemology the philosopher Plato famously defined knowledge as justified received belief. However, no single agreed upon definition of knowledge exists, though there be numerous theories to explai n it. Belief a state or habit of mind in which hope or confidence is placed in some person or thing Social average Pattern of behavior in a particular group, community, orculture, authoritative as normal and to which an individual is accepted to conform. folkway, the learned behaviour, shared by a social group, that provides a tralatitious mode of conduct. Mores-The accepted traditional customs and usages of a particular social group. Law is a marches which does not have a universally accepted definition,2 but one definition is that law is a system of rules and guidelines which are oblige through social institutions to govern behavior.Sanction- A penalty, specified or in the form of moral pressure, that acts to escort compliance or conformity. Ethnocentrism is judging another culture solely by the values and standards of ones own culture. 1page needed The ethnocentric individual will judge other groups relative to his or her own particular ethnic group or culture, especially with concern to language, behavior, customs andreligion. cultural relativism is a principle that was established as taken for granted(predicate) in anthropological research by Franz Boas in the first few decades of the 20th century and later popularized by his students.Boas first articulated the idea in 1887 civilization is not something absolute, but is relative, and our ideas and conceptions are true only so far as our civilization goes. 1 However, Boas did not coin the term. The first use of the term recorded in the Dictionary was by philosopher and social theorist Alain Locke in 1924 to describe Robert Lowies extreme pagan relativism, found in the latters 1917 book Culture and Ethnology. 2 The term became common among anthropologists after Boas death in 1942, to post their synthesis of a number of ideas Boas had developed.Boas believed that the sweep of cultures, to be found in connection with any sub species, is so vast and pervasive that there cannot be a relationship between culture and race. 3 Cultural relativism involves specific epistemological and methodological claims. Whether or not these claims necessitate a specific ethical side is a matter of debate. This principle should not be confused with moral relativism. Xenocentrism is the preference for the products, styles, or ideas of someone elses culture rather than of ones own. 1 The concept is considered a subjective view of cultural relativism. 2 One example is the romanticization of the noble savage in the 18th century primitivism movement in European art, philosophy and ethnography. 3 A cultural universal (also called an anthropological universal or human universal), as discussed by Emile Durkheim, George Murdock, Claude Levi-Strauss, Donald Brownand others, is an element, pattern, trait, or institution that is common to all human cultures worldwide.Taken together, the whole body of cultural universals is known as the human condition. Evolutionary psychologists hold that behaviors or t raits that occur universally in all cultures are goodly candidates for evolutionary adaptations. 1 Some anthropological and sociological theorists that take a cultural relativist perspective may deny the existence of cultural universals the extent to which these universals are cultural in the narrow sense, or in fact biologically inherited behavior is an issue of nature versus nurture.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
My Philosophy of Life Essay
Nowadays, in the XXIst century battalion are living life of the constant pursuit for money, successful career, what is making impression that only those set are important. Than they have to stop for a while and contemplate about their life goals, their life philosophy. This see will present my philosophy of life. First of all, the most important issue for me is my family. According to my rules, they are unceasingly on the first place, and send word count on me, just the same like I can count on them. I was raised by my parents to be a good bit who tries to be perpetually kind and helpful for the other people and live in harmony with commandments of my religion.The next thing about my philosophy of life is a proper attitude what means that I have a lot of faith in myself and I am taking challenges with believing in final success. Optimism is genuinely important in mans life and we cannot forget about it, because it helps in bearing up with difficulties. Having friends is also important however, the point is to choose wisely and surround yourself with well-wishing and loyal people which wint stab you in the back when you will need help.My philosophy of life tells that I always have to be myself and listen to my heart as much as I listen to my estimation and to play along with the voice of my conscience. I believe, that man should develop himself, every time try to see to it something new and always use an opportunity to increase his knowledge in order to be conscious(p) and intelligent. Summing up, I am convinced that the best way to achieve happiness is to be loyal to your family and friends man who has optimistic view on future, as my philosophy of life says.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Chemotherapeutic Agents of Control
Chemotherapeutic Agents of Control Introduction Chemotherapeutic agents ar chemical substances used to wrap up various forms of infectious diseases. The chemotherapeutic agent works by stop the bacteria from reproducing. There are two different kinds of chemotherapeutic agents. The first kind is an antibiotic, which slow drop the growth of microorganisms. The second kind of chemotherapeutic agent is synthetic drugs. Synthetic drugs are artificially do in a laboratory. Chemotherapy began in the 1940s and is now a multi-billion dollar industry.Different antibiotics and synthetic drugs all fork up different modes of satisfys and batch collect several different possibilities of side effects. Antibiotics work by finding something in the pathogen that is different in the host cell and attacks it to stop the pathogen from reproducing and causing more than harm. The side effects can melt from loss of hearing all the demeanor to discoloration of the teeth. Some may take these dru gs and have no side effects at all except to obtain better health. While others may no receive any good from the medication and have horrible side effects.The mode of action also has a wide range of possibilities depending on which drug is taken. The mode of action can range from inhibition of the cell wall all the way to destruction of the cell membrane and much(prenominal) more. all(prenominal) and every chemotherapeutic agent varies with their healthful activity. This is needed because every disease is very different. Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to determine that different chemotherapeutic agents are needed to treat different kinds of diseases.Since there is a wide range of possibilities this experiment is needed to determine which medication is best for certain types of microbial metabolism. This way we can evaluate the antimicrobials reaction to different chemotherapeutic agents. What reaction will the antimicrobial have on the chemotherapeutic agents that wil l be used in this experiment? Hypothesis wholly chemotherapeutic agents will affect the antimicrobial, although one chemotherapeutic agent will be much more effective than the other chemotherapeutic agents.Expectations I expect one chemotherapeutic agent to be much more effective on this certain culture. This will be the best chemotherapeutic agent to treat this certain antimicrobial disease. Materials Petri dish Sterile cotton swabs Culture (Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens, Bacillus subtilis, Enterobacter cloacal, Staph epidermidis) Antibiotics (Streptomyocin, SSS, Erythromycin, Chloram Phemicol, Kamamycin, Novobiocin, Textra Cycline, Penicillin) cardsharper Bunsen burner Forceps Millimeter ruler
Friday, May 17, 2019
Kurtz’s Downfall in Heart of Darkness
Sophocles once said, M nonpareily Theres nothing in the world so demoralizing as m wizardy. Since the beginning of time, humans have associated money with tearing away heaps goodness or, for a more known example, the saying that money is the root of all evil. In Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness, Kurtz exemplifies this exact situation of becoming somewhat addicted to gaining riches and lets his darker side take control. This tragical obsession eventually leads to his characters downfall.Kurtz is a character who takes his success in his job and his tycoon everywhere the savages very seriously and accepts darkness into his life because of the hunger for money. Making money is like a religion to him. He uses this power in the business as an intimidation tool. Marlow recalls a conversation with a chap on the boat in which the man states, He declared he would shoot me unless I gave him the ivory and then cleared out of the country, because he could do so, and had a fancy for it, and th en on that point was nothing on earth to prevent him killing whom he jolly well pleased (Conrad, 315). The people underneath Kurtz are complaisant because he had been put up so high on a pedestal and was so incredibly intimidating. Through his job, Kurtz is put into a position of power and was able to favour the path he wanted to take. Obviously, he chooses to respond to that inner darkness deep inside of him.Kurtz is not afraid to hurt anyone who stands in his way. He abuses the savages with his lack of morality and takes away their native riches. His family life, with his intended, slopes downhill as he has another mistress amongst the tribe. She never knows this, but the idea and regret of it is one of the things that eventually drives Kurtz to be somewhat insane.Marlow is extremely perplexed by Kurtz and wishes to understand him, although he does not know why. He sees what Kurtz is doing is faulty and, in a sense, I think Marlow wants to save him from himself. Marlow recogniz es that Kurtzs biggest problem is what lies at heart him. However, towards the end of Kurtzs life, Marlow seems to have given up hope for him ever finding the goodness. Conrad writesBut his soul was mad. Being alone in the wilderness, it had looked within itself and, by heavens I tell you, it had gone mad I had- for my sins, I suppose- to go through the ordeal of looking into it myself. No eloquence could have been so withering to ones belief in mankind as his final burst of sincerity. He struggled with himself, too. I sawing machine it- I heard it. I saw the inconceivable mystery of a soul that knew no restraint, no faith, and no fear, yet struggling blindly with itself. (325)Marlow clearly recognizes the fact that the love of money has taken over Kurtz and his demons all come from within. Realizing this, he sees the need to do a little soul searching. He looks within himself to assure that he has not become a victim to the darkness as well.Through a story about a search for the riches of ivory from Africa, Conrad is able to teach the reader galore(postnominal) very important life lessons. In a way, he gives the reader an ultimatum. A person merchantman either choose a life like Kurtzs, a money hungry and selfish one taken over by the darkness of ones soul, or a life of igniter such as Marlows. Hopefully after reading of Kurtzs dying during which he spoke his brook words, the horror, the reader will see which lifestyle Conrad is encouraging.Kurtz dies in regret for all of the horrible things he had done. Marlow sees this and knows that he cannot submit to his darkness within for fear of having the same fate. Marlow was able to learn by example of how not to end up with a life that is hollow at the core. I find it very ironic that even though Kurtz was in search of something so beautiful and appealing, he ends up finding death and darkness instead.In conclusion, it is apparent what caused Kurtzs tragic downfall. His love for money, power, and success drives him to a point of insanity and, ironically, failure in life as a whole. He affects those around him, such as Marlow and the savages, by exemplifying his darker side. This submission to the darkness of his soul, caused by the love and hunger for money, demoralizes Kurtzs character until his life is no longer anything of importance.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Suicide And Suicidal Behaviours Health And Social Care Essay
AbstractionSuicide is a study work of mortality worldwide. It is a human calamity that accounts for an estimated one million deceases yearly. This translates to at least one decease ensuing from felo-de-se every 40 seconds. The magnitude of the job is farther compounded by the fact that the incidence of seek felo-de-se is near 25 times more than that of finished self-annihilation. Every act of self-destruction impacts on at least six former(a) persons. Suicide sum ups set about increased by slightly 60 % all over the go 45 grey ages, therefore representing a major public health load. These yards argon grossly underreported globally and many maturation differentiates, including Nigeria, do non bond meaningful natures of deceases and their causes. in that location is dearth of information as respects the incidence of self-annihilation and unsafe fashion in Nigeria, with the expulsion of a few recent surveies. A systematic online reassessment of published li terature on felo-de-se and unsafe behavior in Nigeria was conducted and relevant articles reviewed. This article chronicles the development of look into on self-destruction and dangerous behavior in Nigeria, from isolated studies in the 1960s to more recent, large-scale epidemiological studies in the last decennary. It farther high spots the demand for an efficient system of health records with efficient certification of deceases and their causes, and a alteration in the state s statute law with regard to suicide and dangerous behaviors.WritersDr. J. O. AbdulmalikConsultant Psychiatrist, segment of Psychiatry,University College hospital,Ibadan,Oyo State, Nigeria.Dr. O.O. Ayinde,Senior Registrar, segment of Psychiatry,University College Hospital,Ibadan.Alabi Omolabake OluwadamilolaConcluding Year Medical Student,College of Medicine,University of Ibadan,Ibadan,Oyo State, Nigeria.Alabi Adeleke Ifeoluwa,Concluding Year Medical Student,College of Medicine,University of Ibadan,Iba dan,Oyo State, Nigeria.All correspondence to jfutprints, labek125 yahoo.comIntroduction cordial, neurological and subject work upsets make a significant part to the planetary load of unhealthiness ( GBD ) , which is estimated with the disability-adjusted support old ages ( DALY ) metric, charge to each disease/disorder. The DALY is the amount of deuce composite steps the old ages lived with disablement ( YLD ) and the old ages of life lost ( YLL ) due to a specified disease within the entire population. Suicide accounted for 1.8 % of the entire disease load as at 1998, simply is projected to lift to 2.4 % by the twelvemonth 2020. 1 Mental and behavioral upsets are common, and will impact one in every four individuals at some clip during their lives. 2 The World Health Organization ( WHO ) defines suicide as the act of killing oneself, delibe aimly initiated and performed by the individual concerned in the full cognition or outlook of its fatal matter . 3 s peckle several(prenominal) definitions exist, suicide merely means the knowing act of stoping one s ain life.Suicide is the 3rd prima cause of decease among immature people, aged 15 to 44 old ages, and ranks second for striplings between ages 15 and 19 old ages old. 4 These studies hold up prompted the WHO to go sprucely involved in shed blooding to convey the public wellness load and impact of self-destruction to the attending of authoritiess, policymakers and the humankind through the bite and airing of statistics, and the development of preventative plans.It is estimated that globally, about one million deceases occur from self-destruction every twelvemonth which approximately translates to one self-destruction decease every 40 seconds. The incidence of attempt self-destruction is 25 times more common than completed self-destruction. It is besides the most of import cause of violent decease worldwide, accounting for 49 % of all instances. another(prenominal) major subscr ibers to violent deceases worldwide accommodate homicide ( 32 % ) with struggles and wars doing up the staying 19 % . It should be borne in head that the act of perpetrating self-destruction, is neither a disease nor a pathological status but mental upsets are often found to be associated with it, in particular depression. 5 Beyond numbering the Numberss of self-destruction and suicidal efforts nevertheless, is the frequently undiscovered psychological load from feelings of guilt, wo and torment, which is frequently experienced by the household members and close associates of persons who commit self-destruction. Every act of self-destruction, affects averagely six former(a) people, at the really minimal. 5 This impact becomes amplified, when a self-destruction occurs in a public state of affairs, such as in a school or work environment.Non-fatal suicidal ideas and behaviors commonly take successful suicide Acts of the Apostless and should be seen as of import calls for aid and intercession, when they occur. They may be classified into leash classsSuicidal ideation, which refers to ideas of prosecuting in deportment, aimed at stoping one s life.Suicidal program, which refers to the preparation of a specific system and readyings towards stoping his ain life.Suicidal effort, which refers to engagement in potentially self-injurious behavior with some grade of uttered shoot for to decease.EtiologyThe undermentioned factors perplex been found to be associated with self-destruction. 6 Sociable These include factors such as the absence seizure of meaningful household ties or societal interactions which could ensue in egocentric self-destruction. Alienation or a interruption in the relationship between an person and the society due to societal or scotch diverseness may ensue in alienated self-destruction while inordinate integrating and ducking into a given society may take to selfless self-destruction, supposedly for the greater good of that societ y.psychological This includes aggression and ill will turned inward against the ego, as stated by Sigmund Freud overpowering feelings of despair as suggested by Aaron Beck and cognitive bottleneck of picks as observed by Edward Scheidman among persons with self-destructive inclinations.Biological unsafe behaviors have been linked with lessened degrees of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the cardinal nervous system. Post mortem findings besides signalise low degrees of 5-hydroxytryptamine and some non-specific alterations in the noradrenergic system of self-destruction victims.Familial Suicidal behaviours may run in households. A positive household history of self-destruction increases the affect both for act and completed self-destruction.Medical Chronic and enfeebling physical unwellnesss may increase the hazard for self-destruction. Mental upsets besides die to this class and represent the most of import associated factors in self-destruction. Examples include depression ( associated with over 90 % of instances ) , alcoholic drink ill-usage, personality upsets, and schizophrenic disorder.Completed self-destruction is more common in males nevertheless suicide efforts and visualize self-harm ( DSH ) are commoner among females and include Acts of the Apostless of toxic condition, penetrative, and firing. Suicide is avoidely of all time the effect of a individual ground, but may instead result as a consequence of a binary factors moving in concert to convey about such an act. These hazard factors have been classified into adept, socio-cultural and situational factors, as depicted in Table 1. 1 Table 1 Hazard factors for suicidea?IndividualSocio-culturalSituationalMental upsetStigmatization of health-seeking behaviourFiscal troublesAlcohol or drug maltreatmentLack of entree to health fretfulness services, including mental wellnessSocial losingss and dislocation of important emotional relationshipsHopelessnessCultural and spiritual beliefs lauding self-destr uction as a baronial mercantile establishment in the face of personal troublesReady entree to lethal agencies earlier self-destruction effortExposure to suicidal behaviours, through the media and the influence of others who have died by self-destruction disagreeable life eventsIsolation and deficiency of societal supportAggressive inclinationsImpulsivityHistory of injury or maltreatmentAcute emotional hurtMajor physical or chronic unwellnesssFamily history of self-destructiona?Modified from the WHO publication, Public wellness action for the bar of self-destruction a model, WHO 2012 .GLOBAL SITUATION AND TRENDSSuicide rates have increased by 60 % worldwide, in the last 45 old ages, with an estimated planetary incidence rate of 16 per 100,000. 7 This tendency is happening despite the improvements in the acknowledgment and direction of depression and other mental upsets, and the increased handiness of newer medicines with better and more tolerable side effects.The incidence of s elf-destruction is normally reported as a rate per 100,000 on a state footing. States such as Sri Lanka, Lithuania, Russia and Belarus which record 30 or more deceases per 100,000 are classified as high rate states. States with Numberss runing from 10 to 29 per 100,000 such as Japan, Hungary, and China have in-between rates while those states with fewer than 10 suicide deceases per 100,000 ( e.g. Syria, Jamaica, Egypt ) are classified as low rate states. 7 However, these rates may really be misdirecting as they do non convey the true extent of the job. For illustration, China has a suicide rate of about 25/100,000, which places it in the in-between scope but it accounts for the largest figure of human deceases from self-destruction yearly, with 287,000 reported suicide deceases therefore accounting for about a 3rd of the planetary mortality from self-destruction in a twelvemonth. 8 Similarly, India s rate of 10/100,000 topographic points it marginally in front of states with lo w rates, but India is 2nd to China in the figure of suicide deceases recorded per twelvemonth, with reported figures of about 110,000 suicide deceases. 9 Khan, illustrated the deceptive nature of trusting wholly on these rates, without seting them in the larger context of the state s population. He utilized comparative analysis utilizing the available figures, and showed that four states with high self-destruction rates Lithuania, Russia, Estonia and Latvia have a combined entire figure of suicide deceases that is less than the entire figure of suicide deceases from India entirely, which is scantily above a low rate state. 10 Unfortunately, similar country-wide informations is non uniformly available across the Earth. Indeed, several states, including Nigeria, do non routinely cod decease records and have no describing systems to document the causes of decease. These non-reporting states exceed 50, and include states with populations totaling over 100 million people such as Indo nesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh. 11 There is a dearth of enquiry on self-destruction from developing states. Very small is known about self-destructions in many African states, including Nigeria. 12 Mental unwellness is seldom mentioned or is implicated in merely a littler figure of self-destructions. The bulk of available studies in developing states are based on hospital postmortem examination studies or constabularies informations, neither of which would normally document psychological factors involved in self-destructions. Suicide is no weeklong a condemnable offense in any developed state but continues to be criminalized in many developing states, including Nigeria.Religious and societal factors besides continue to act upon the diagnosing and registering of self-destructions. Families do non develop the true nature of the act, for fright of torment by constabulary and the attendant societal stigma that would lessen from such revelations. Alternatively they are more likel y to declare the decease an accident or in some instances, a homicide. 13 THE NIGERIAN CONTEXTThere is dearth of information about the epidemiology of self-destruction in Nigeria. Suicides are by and large reported to be rare in less developed states. This is partially ascribable to the routinely hapless records of decease and its causes. In a survey that evaluated medical examiners studies over a four-year block ( 1957-60 ) in the Western Region ( now broken down into several provinces ) of Nigeria, Asuni concluded that the self-destruction rate in Western Nigeria was really low. He reported higher rates of self-destruction in the countrified countries compared to urban parts. 14 Some of import hospital-based surveies have besides provided efficacious penetration into this job. A recapitulation of reported instances of assay self-destruction from the three largest infirmaries in Benin City ( Specialist, Uselu Psychiatric Hospital and the University Teaching Hospital ) indi cated that the incidence had non increased over the four-year period crossing 1978 to 1981, during which the norm petroleum suicide effort rate was 7 per 100,000. The commonest age group was among adolescents aged 15-19 old ages ( 39.4 % ) , while about order out of 10 triers ( 87 % ) were aged 30 old ages and below. The most of import predisposing factors reported were mental unwellness ( 32 % ) and parental struggle ( 24 % ) . There was no important gender difference. 15 In a six-month prospective survey of 39 instances of deliberate ego injury reported in the three major infirmaries in Ibadan, Nigeria Odejide et al. , found that about eight in 10 ( 76.9 % ) were under the age of 30 old ages and merely over half ( 51.3 % ) were pupils, while 25.6 % were manual workers. The commonest methods used were consumption of chemicals and psychotropic drugs. 16 Nwosu and Odesanmi, in a survey carried out in the Teaching Hospital, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, that was based on medico-legal necrops y studies, reported the self-destruction rate as 0.4 per 100,000 populations, with about four times as many males perpetrating self-destruction when compared to females ( ratio of 3.61 ) . The bulk of the self-destructions were committed by the consumption of Gammalin 20 and usage of the local Dane gun. 17 Large-scale epidemiological surveies have been late conducted among grownups. A nationally representative epidemiological survey, covering 21 out of the 36 provinces in Nigeria was conducted by Gureje et al. , among 6752 grownups, to measure for self-destruction colligate results, and their association with mental upsets and a history of childishness hardship. They reported prevalence of self-destructive ideation, program and efforts were 3.2 % , 1 % and 0.7 % severally. The presence of mental upsets, particularly temper jobs significantly correlated with suicide results, while a history of early childhood hardship was identified as a hazard factor for life-time self-destructi on effort. 18 Uwakwe and Gureje besides examined the relationship between comorbid mental and substance usage upsets with self-destructive behaviors in the Nigerian study of mental wellness and wellbeing. They found that individuals with lifetime self-destruction efforts were more likely than those without efforts to hold experienced lifetime DSM-IV upsets. Lifetime triers were besides more likely to hold comorbid conditions. Eleven per centum of individuals with a lifetime history of self-destructive effort had three or more co-occurring upsets, as compared with merely 0.4 % of individuals with no history of life-time efforts. Controling for the effects of comorbid conditions suggests that while temper upsets may be independently associated with self-destructive results, comorbidity partially explains the association of anxiousness upsets and about to the full histories for the association of substance usage upsets with self-destructive results. The writers hence concluded that c omorbidity is an of import factor in the association of mental and substance usage upsets with self-destructive behaviour in this environment. 19 Furthermore, Oladeji and Gureje, besides established a relationship between parental mental upsets and suicidal behavior in their progeny. The presence of panic upset and substance maltreatment in the parents were found to be associated with self-destructive ideation in the progeny, but merely parental panic upset was found to be related to suicidal efforts. The suggestion therefore, is that upsets of anxiousness and impulse control may play some function in the ascertained form of familial suicidal behaviors in their progeny. 20 Large graduated table surveies have besides been conducted among immature people in Nigeria. Omigbodun et al. , conducted a survey to set up the prevalence and associated psychosocial correlatives of self-destructive ideation and efforts among immature Nigerians, which revealed that, of the 1,429 young persons w ho were assessed, over 20 % reported self-destructive ideation and about 12 % reported that they had move suicide in the preceding twelvemonth. The survey reported the rates of both self-destructive ideation and efforts as care towards the upper bounds of acceptable rates for young persons. 21 The 2nd survey evaluated the presentation and psychosocial issues associated with preteen suicidal attempts utilizing the hanging method in Nigeria, and reported the being of the undermentioned mental wellness jobs depression, behavior jobs, oppositional defiant upset and impulse control jobs. Other factors found to be associated with these self-destructive behavior include nerve-racking life events such as household break, physical maltreatment, and strong-arming at school. 22 The form of attempted self-destruction in the Nigerian military context has besides been studied by Okulate. He exposit the features of patients who attempted self-destruction and examined the differences between the self-destruction triers and a group of non-suicidal, affectional upset patients at the Department of Psychiatry, Military Hospital, Yaba, Nigeria. The survey revealed that self-destructive effort patients constituted 0.37 % of all admittances during a five-year period, and 60.8 % of them were under the age of 30 old ages. The Numberss of male and female patients were about the same. Depression and acute emphasis reaction were the normally associated diagnosings. While military dependants often ingested substances in their self-destruction efforts, military forces used more violent methods such as hanging and self-stabbing, but none used pieces. Compared with non self-destructive patients, suicide triers were more likely to be single and to hold a household history of mental upset. 23 The highest hazards for passage from self-destructive ideation to planning, and from be aftering to attempted self-destruction normally occurs within the first twelvemonth of holding either the ide ation or program. Other hazard factors for a life-time self-destructive effort include dysfunctional household backgrounds such as drawn-out insularism from biological parents, high degrees of domestic struggles, childhood hardship, physical maltreatment and being nurtured by a bad female with a history of depression, anxiousness or self-destructive effort. 18 Refering the hazard and methods of suicide active in Nigeria, new forms appear to hold emerged. HIV/AIDS has emerged as an unembellished hazard of self-destruction. 24,25 Other emerging hazards include the cyberspace and societal media every bit good as terrorist act and self-destruction bombardment which though foreigner to Nigerian society, appears to hold come to remain. Burning with kerosene 26 , cutting one s pharynx 27 and bring downing perforating abdominal stab hurt on oneself 25 are besides new but upseting methods of trying and finishing self-destruction in Nigeria.Prevention STRATEGIESSuicide bar is ha ving increased attending in many developed states, but remains mostly ignored in developing states like Nigeria. There are no easy solutions to the job of self-destruction in developing states, given the serious deficiency of resources and low precedence given to mental wellness. There is besides the extra job of limited interrogation on self-destruction in developing states, doing it compulsive to trust on bar schemes that have been proven to work elsewhere but non in developing states. Furthermore, due to the reproachful attitude towards self-destruction and mental unwellness, every bit good as the punitory legal demands for self-destructive behavior, self-destruction continues to be under reported in developing states, doing it hard to carry on research or develop and prove bar schemes.The World Health Organization has identified suicide as an progressively of import country of public wellness and has issued guidelines to member provinces in order to develop and fulfil coordi nated and comprehensive national and international schemes. It has besides included self-destruction as one of the nine precedence conditions in the late launched mhGAP Intervention manual for scaling up services for mental and neurological conditions globally. The mhGAP manual is designed to function as a preparation manual for non-specialists in the designation and supplying of intercession for precedence mental wellness conditions, as a manner of cut downing the ample intervention spread in several parts of the universe. 28 There is grounds for the effectivity of two major schemes for forestalling self-destruction. 29 These include limitation of entree to lethal agencies and developing programmes for primary assist physicians to heighten early acknowledgment and intervention of depression with or without self-destructive ideation. Both attacks should be utile in our scene, but the latter attack to heighten the ability of general practicians, primary wellness management wor kers and all other cells of wellness professionals to acknowledge and offer intercessions for depressive upsets is of important importance.Suicidal behaviors are besides potently associated with the presence of mental upsets. In a underdeveloped state like Nigeria an of import measure towards suicide bar will be to cut down the stigma associated with mental wellness jobs.A reappraisal of the state s Mental Health Policy and Legislation, to comprehensively turn to the current challenges of mental upsets, and their complications, including self-destruction and self-destructive behavior is long delinquent. These attempts should besides take for the decriminalisation of self-destructive behaviors in our Torahs.These stairss will be meaningless, if our wellness records and describing systems are non reformed to include mortality rates and the certification of the causes of deceases. This should assist in find the self-destruction rates in the state, and supply a platform for utile plan ning and the execution of suicide bar schemes. Focused research in this country should be promoted, particularly with regard to placing hazard factors, stick out bying mechanisms, protective factors and possible intercessions to minimise the calamity of self-destruction and self-destructive behavior in this environmentDecisionIn this work, the writers have show that self-destruction and suicidal behavior are a public wellness issue, merely like in other states of the universe. Like in other parts of the development universe merely a down(p) volume of research has been conducted on the topic in Nigeria, reflecting the deficiency of involvement of clinicians, research workers, policy shapers and, possibly, research grant suppliers on the topic. For better self-destruction research which should ensue in better bar schemes, it is imperative that self-destruction be decriminalized. Cultural and spiritual factors forestalling people from describing and stigmatising self-destruction shou ld besides be communicate through public enlightenment runs. An betterment in the mortality records, that besides specifies the causes of decease should be ensured at all degrees of attention. It might besides be helpful if the WHO could leverage on member states to roll up and supply one-year self-destruction rates in their legal powers. Finally, self-destruction is a public wellness job that requires a multidisciplinary attempt at question, bar and direction. The earlier this is realized in the Nigerian context, the better for our emerging mental wellness attention..
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Domestic Violence and its consequences for Women and Children Essay
Domestic Violence and its consequences for Women and Children - Essay ExampleDomestic rage does not occur in spite of appearance a certain ethnicity, race, religion or economic status, it prevails everywhere. In just about cases the abuser is male as stated by the Home Affairs Select Committee (HASC), and usually the female or a child is the victim. A new definition of domestic ferocity for use by the police for statistical purposes states that it is any(prenominal) violence between a current or former partner in an conversant(p) relationship, wherever and whenever it occurs. Domestic violence is not an isolated, individual event but rather a exemplification of repeated behaviors that the abuser uses to gain power and control over the victim. Unlike stranger-to-stranger violence, in domestic violence situations the same perpetrator repeatedly assaults the same victim. The text defines the term domestic violence as any spousal or interfamilial conflicts of sufficient nature to justify law enforcement intervention spousal abuse is most frequently cited. May involve parent-child conflict, either physical or psychological. Domestic violence is found in all types of intimate relationships whether the individuals are of the same or opposite sex, are married or dating, or are in a current or past intimate relationship. There are cardinal essential elements in every domestic violence situation the victim and abuser have been comfortably involved at some point in time, and the abuser consciously chooses to use violence and other(a) abusive tactics to gain control over the victim. A new definition of domestic violence for use.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Land and property Develeopment Diary of the 'credit crunch' Essay
Land and property Develeopment Diary of the denotation travail - Essay ExampleThus the diminishing supply of groovy is further depleted as it becomes available for immediate g all overnment consumption.There can be a accredit crunch because of panic disintermediation. Panic disintermediation is the dumping (rapid sale) of securities, commodities, and separate assets in a scramble over possession of the limited supply of money (cash).Portfolio managers were telling investors, and each other, that macrocosm out on the abundant end of the yield curve was the best hedge against a downturn in the world economy. It took lone(prenominal) 48 hours in the real-world classroom for them to learn differently.There can be a credit crunch because of a run on the currency. This source is actually the same as that of the only difference being that there is panic liquidation of financial assets in one currency, in exchange for cash in another currency.This happened in October 1998 as the yen rose in value from suffer 131/dollar to Yen 111/dollar in less than two days (Oct. 7-8). The dollar had become less attractive relation to the yen the Fed cut the discount rate, hedge funds unwound short yen positions, and Nipponese banks and other financial institutions dumped dollar securities because they needed the capital at home (especially after the Nikkei 225 dipped below 13,000).espousal in yen at super low inte... Borrowing in yen at extremely low lodge in rates was considered a free lunch. Then one day the free lunch disappeared. Tiger Management, a hedge fund which had been borrowing in yen to buy dollar assets, suffered a loss of almost $2 billion on Oct. 7 due to the surge in the Japanese yen against the U.S. dollar. That was about 9 percent of the funds value. Credit crunches used to be banking phenomena almost exclusively. No more. During the mid-eighties and 1990s formerly illiquid assets became more marketable or tradable. They no long-run just sit on the a sset side of some banks balance sheet. Securitization is the process by which a collection of receivables is put together in a package, and then bonds are issued against the package. The package may be a collection (or portfolio) of credit card receivables, or automobile lease payments, or commercial mortgages, or some similar part of asset which provides backing. Payments made to the owner of the packaged assets are then passed along, in part, as interest and principal to the bondholders. The bonds (which may have various strange and wonderful names, such as CMOs--collateralized mortgage obligations) wiliness in a secondary market, so the whole process has turned fairly illiquid items (the original credit card payments, or whatever) into tradable securities. The term disintermediation is also used, meaning that banks (or other financial intermediaries) are no longer the direct lenders, but rather bond purchasers become the direct lenders. Repayment to the bond investors depends on the profound credit of those making payments into the asset pool (of commercial mortgages, or whatever), so that the interest payments on the bonds hypothecate a credit spread over some
Monday, May 13, 2019
Homeless Children Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Homeless Children - inquiry Paper ExampleThey be inadequately protected and are vulnerable to exploitation, victimization and their economic and well-bred rights are at a high risk of abuse. These children are continually neglected and abused oddly due to the existing international indifferences to this problem. Homelessness denies the children their rights, according to the Article 27 of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, which declares that every child has a right to mental, physical, moral, spiritual and social development (Kanth, et al., 1-3). Homelessness is common in urban areas, domestic violence existence one of the major causes. This forces women to move to the streets with their young children. The HIV and AIDS epidemic together with civil wars grow led to increased number of street children in Africa because many children bemuse been orphaned. Poverty is in like manner an different(prenominal) factor that has forced many families into streets, especially i n the developing countries. In addition to this, effects on economic, political and social crises of a country similarly contribute to increased street children, because these effects are more severe on children than on adults (Vostanis and Cumella, 18-19). According to USAID, homeless children can be divided into quadruple categories the first one being that of A Child of the thoroughfares. These are children who move from place to place and shake no homes or support from their families. The second category belongs to A Child on the Street. These children have homes and they regularly visit their families but spend most of their days in the streets due family issues like distress and physical abuse at home. Then there is the category of those who are Part of a Street Family. These children live with the rest of their family members in the Streets because of displacement from their home areas. This may be due to such factors as poverty, domestic violence, natural disasters or w ar. The fourth category belongs to children In institutionalized Care. These are children who were antecedently homeless, but have been placed under the care of certain institutions they are at risk of red ink back to the streets (Kanth, et al., 3). As Hart points out, homeless children usually have more needs and problems as compared to other housed children. Since they live in insecure places, problems related to development and physical health is common among them. This leads to developmental delay. They also experience emotional and behavioural difficulties like, eating problems, anxiety, reacting more intensely when upset, over-activity, depression, self-harm, sleep disturbance and aggression. Their academic operation is poor as a result of both the circumstances of their homelessness and poor cognitive development. Hart march on explains the health status of these children being at risk, hence suffering from health problems like increased rate of respiratory infections, in fectious diseases, chronic, anaemia, and sexually transmitted diseases including HIV, and stunted growth due to poor nutrition. They are also exposed to poor environmental factors, which contribute much to their poor health. Lead poisoning and asthma are some of the greater risks exposed to these children and with very severe symptoms as compared to their peers. Developmental delays are common in the pre-school children with about 75% of the children under the age of five years having this problem and mostly in the areas of address or impulsivity (Hart, 4-6). As a result of stressful events, mental disorders become
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